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Everything posted by spoonbill

  1. i think the no pass no play rule is great. it is a tool that can help a parent motivate their children even more to take care of their grades. like you mentioned, there is tutoring etc. available at the schools to help the kids that struggle. some of the coaches actually offer before school help for the kids because the afterschool practices occur at the same time as some tutorials. 95% of the kids in high school extra curricular activities aren't going to get a job or scholarship doing what they do in that activity. they are in school for one thing...to get an education. the extra curricular activity is just what it is named extra outside of the regular curriculum which is their studies. the only problem i have with the rule is that below 70 is now failing. besides that, i like it. as for your child with learning disability, they have classes that help with all kinds of learning disabilities now at all of the high schools. it is not like it was when we were kids. most jr highs have them also. you just need to check with his grade counselor.
  2. [quote name="team first" post="683052" timestamp="1256230024"] things are sure quite in pirate land, Where are the 12-15 pages we are use to seeing about how no one can stop the pirate offense [/quote]there aren't as many big mouths from lcm. :D :D
  3. [quote name="LAZEEK" post="683015" timestamp="1256227529"] Yeah you are likely right!!!! ::) ::) ::) [/quote]man...with the rolling eyes and everything...what a jerk...no need to pile it on...shut him down. ;D
  4. [quote name="BC10" post="682517" timestamp="1256163434"] Hester had tommy john ? [/quote]it was his shoulder, and from what i've "heard" , he just rehabbed it. he's been playing great at cornerback all year on the fb team.
  5. [quote name="bcjag09" post="682701" timestamp="1256178515"] [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=60926.msg682604#msg682604 date=1256170806] [quote author=indianforever link=topic=60926.msg682581#msg682581 date=1256169004] the jags will get a scare or possibly get beat by the panthers this friday ;) [/quote]Me thinks that you are trying to hid your fear of Lumberton by making foolish comments!   ;D ;D [/quote]SOULJA i can't put my finger on it, but i think PN-G would Love for us to lose this one. We've been battle tested. Ozen loses this game. Now, that's all the fuel they need. Anyone of these teams can win. It's always 50/50, but My huntch tells me Jags still undefeated in district play [b]when dust clears [/b] ;D [move]GO JAGS[/move] [/quote]from the sound outside right now, i don't think there will be any dust. this should be a good game. i know ozen will be pumped. they seem to be coming together and have the ability to beat anyone in the district. i say it comes down to the last team w/ the ball. 21-20 either way
  6. the game has been scheduled to be at png all year. they just changed the start times. when the varsity plays at home the 9th and jv usually play away and vice versa. the png website says the game is scheduled for 6:30 instead of 6:00 which was on the original schedule.
  7. i hear hester is bringin' it....stronger and faster than before his injury.
  8. guilty... I guess I come from the perspective of having been on the sidelines and in the dugout as well as in the stands. I've had parents yell at their 5 year old to "get your a** up" when the kid was playing earthmover with her glove. I've seen an uncle try to climb a backstop. I've seen parent come on to the field after a great block in flag, and get upset that the kid did his job, and want to fight...All of these idiots were exercising the "1st Amendment right" when they opened their mouths. But, can you imagine what it's like to be their kid? I've seen the faces of children burn with embarrassment because their mom or dad was a jacka**. You may want to get upset, but I can tell you, from experience, when you make it about you and your "rights" you've lost any regard you have for how kids will react. There are ways to handle poor coaching than on the field or in the stands... On the other side of the coin..."free babysitting" parents burn me up...these folks hardly ever go to their kids games. It's painful to see a kid look toward the sidelines with an expectant look, only to see no one there for them. I have seen more than a few kids with raw talent waste it away because they never got to shine in front of a parent or relative. They get their kids involved in extrachariccular (sp?) activities just so they can have more "presonal time". i like when they drop them off at practice and ask "what time is practice over?" i learned to just start telling them "i'm not sure...it depends on how it goes" of course, then they say, well i need to run some errands, here is my cell # if you need me. we had a kid w/ braces get hit in the mouth last bb season and the braces got caught way up in his cheek. daddy was gone on a beer run and didn't show up until 45 minutes after the fact. the kid had to wait cause we couldn't see what to do and didn't want to hurt him. the dad showed up drunk and the kid was near tears getting in the truck out of embarrassment. it really sucks when the kid is more mature than the parent.
  9. how does the injury report look for the pirates?
  10. enjoy your pity party. just don't expect anyone to feel sorry for you if you don't want to do anything about it. if you feel you're being treated differently, you should try to do something about it. there will always be someone coming behind you that find themselves in the same situation. like i said, i'm not affiliated w/ this group, but hearing one side of a story isn't fair to the other side. step up. btw...i was the big boy when i was a kid, and was embarrassed at times, but it never made me quit eating. ;D
  11. i am not, nor ever have been affiliated with this league. you state that you are not informed when meetings take place, then state that at the meetings you are scrutinized more etc. which one is it? are you at the meetings or not? where are you getting these critiques and complaints? what gives you the impression that you aren't welcome at meetings? it sounds like a bunch of excuses. if i had a problem i would be at every meeting whether i feel i am wanted or not. i'm pretty sure the board isn't going to make changes because some people are whining on a sports blog. be PROactive not REactive...just a suggestion.
  12. sounds like the typical youth sports league. nobody shows up at meetings. nobody shows up for maintenance etc. then after decisions are made, they come out of the woodwork griping about how they were screwed over by those decisions. then when they are told when the meetings are/were, they have a reason for not being there. usually it is "i'm at practice 2-3 hrs everyday" i don't have time. they'll tell you how they're "here for the kids". well, there is more to being "here for the kids" than practice and games. the coaches have other details they need to take care of like GOING TO MEETINGS that will affect their team. those aren't "fun" like practice and games, but are part of being a good coach. QUIT WHINING!! DO YOUR JOB!!
  13. Does this shock you? Things are going to be fine, trust me. After the past few years, nothing shocks me anymore. Speaking of a conflict of intrest, isn't being on the school board when your son is a principal a conflict of intrest? By not voting, you are supporting the principal (her son) and this makes it look like the school board did suspend him. I know that the school board gets a bad wrap. This is a position that they don't get paid for, but take alot of heat about their positions. Hiding behind the privilege of not voting is chicken poop. regardless of this situation, it seems stupid that someone would run for the school board when their direct family member was the principal at the high school. did she think that there would never be a situation where she would have to vote on something concerning the high school? if you're going to abstain from a vote due to a conflict of interest, why the heck would you run for the position? this sounds idiotic that a person couldn't see that there was a chance this type of situation might come up....or any different situation concerning the high school.
  14. I have to disagree. One Admin does over react. ;D ;D ;D hmmmm. i wonder who you could be talking about? come on...spit it out... what's the sCOOP?
  15. Not one time did i say i was goning to run the score up player66. I'm just telling u how i feel about this situation. And first of all my kid plays baseball and the #1 seed never plays the first game the always have the bye Mr. Know It All. Plus its a free County i say whatever i feel and if u don't like it then so be it. If u only knew what going on u would feel the same way. You're on the outside looking in! If u really wanna know whats the deal PM before u start running your mouth. i need to get in touch with your appraiser. i live in the same county, and i can assure you, it's not free for me. ;D lighten up and get a grip. trust me, they're not gonna let you strap 'em on and get in the game. give it up. your football career ended long ago. it's supposed to be about the kids. you're the adult. act like one.
  16. IF THAT'S WHAT U CALL IT! JUST LETTING EVERYBODY KNOW WE'RE COMING TOO PLAY BUDDY NO MATTER WHAT TIME IT IS. STUFF LIKE THIS PUTS MORE FIRE IN OUR TEAM AND COACHING STAFF. WOS JR. WHITE AGAINST THE STJFL! > > > > > > > I KNOW SOMEBODY HAS TO PLAY BUT NOT THE #1 SEED. LIKE I SAID WE'RE STILL COMING TO PLAY BUDDY....LIKE WE DID ALL SEASON LONG.... just start drinking earlier and pass out at 9 so u can get up and make the game. you're already ahead of the game. you've got plenty of whine. ;D I don't drink buddy. U just make sure u come to the game to see whats all this fuss about the WOS JR. WHITE is all about. ;D ;D ;D. See people like u add more flames to the fire. Everybody that doesn't have a dog in this fight keep making comments please. By time Saturday come its gone be like having Jet Fuel added to a fire. ;D ;D at least you figured out what the "caps lock" key is for. if you don't drink, you need to find some kind of meds to take. you're way too upset over when your team plays. btw ... aren't these little kids playing? it's ok to get excited, but to suggest that the schedule was rigged to "get at" you or your team is semi-delusional.
  18. Not trying to be sarcastic here, but I think that has something to do with "special needs" students. Liberty used to claim a lot more than they actually had so they could keep their enrollment numbers down. I am guessing you might get more money for a "special needs" student too. I may be WAY WRONG here, but that is what I was told. in that case, there are probably a lot of half students making up that number in l-town. they just happened to have an odd number of them. ;D
  19. probably some old geezers whose 401k took a dump in the last year.
  20. He was the QB and Freesafety also. I think he still has all his teeth but he got two nasty Helmet to Helmet hits on those extra points. Hes a tuff kid and never came out. But WHAT A GAME there were some bad calls, but they seemed to even out. on those two helmet to helmet hits, i don't know what the ref's were doing. scratchin their butt or something. glad he's ok... he must be tough.... great game...wish we had come out on top..let's make up for it tonight. ;D
  21. great game between vidor and png jvs. the refs were pretty bad, but they usually are at the freshman and jv games. a lot of calls missed and some odd ones called. i don't think it affected the outcome though. i noticed a couple kids missing...maybe they were moved up? hopefully not grades. it was a super entertaining game. the fg holder for vidor got speared pretty good a couple of times...hope he is ok. 6 o'clock at the jr high was interesting. they had these 2 games, 4 jr high volleyball games, after school programs letting out, and jr high fb practice going on all at the same time. i saw a cop giving out quite a few tickets. hopefully nobody on here got one.
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