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Everything posted by spoonbill

  1. [quote name="tvc184" post="731570" timestamp="1260995089"] [quote author=bronco1 link=topic=63838.msg731503#msg731503 date=1260988182] [quote author=Vpbaseball#9 link=topic=63838.msg731237#msg731237 date=1260956155] We did pretty good yesterday.... 2 widheon, 1 teal, 1 ringneck, 8 gadwall, and a snow... seen lots of birds..... Bout to head out again [/quote] Looks like it was a nice productive outing, congrats. [/quote] Back when I hunted in the 70's and early 80's, that would have been a pitiful haul. When it got down to three birds and we were lucky to even get shots at three birds, is when I quit. I guess the days of three guys going out and bringing back 30 birds is over. [/quote]yeah...it's over unless you want to pay a hefty fine. back in my day we shot 100 birds each!!! ::)
  2. yes...that is him...very sad story. my prayers go out to both families.
  3. the first video actually looked like dayton vs. vidor.
  4. [quote name="westend1" post="710435" timestamp="1258432871"] Don't get me wrong.  i have seen the rude type.  I got ticketed one time for not having a"throwable" life vest in the boat, even though we all had life vests.  I told this female officer(Sabine Pass) that if she could throw her throwable farther than i could throw my regular vest, then she should give me a ticket.  Needless to say, she declined the offer and started writing.             >:(  [/quote]was this a big girl and quite a few years back? there was a lady...and i say lady to be nice...that thought she was billy jean bad a$$ that was around here for a while. she gave me a ticket for the same thing. she had a dip of skoal in while she was writing me a ticket.
  5. [quote name="ranchhand 79" post="705908" timestamp="1258127381"] I do understand where you are coming from spoonbill. A lot of public and private lands will be hurt for possibly several of years until the herd as a whole matures. I hunted for years growing up on a lease where if you see horn, shoot. Not only that, the pressure was intense (too many hunters, overkills, poaching, etc.). If you killed something around 16", it was a "Monster". Well, when they finally let some walk, they kill 18-20" regularly now, by putting age on them. That is the point of this regulation. Additionally, Public or private, poaching will always be a problem. I have family that have done it in the past, and still for the life of me can't figure out why, I have a family of four, and we barely can eat 2-3 deer a year and we eat it a lot. BUUUUUTTTTTT, I guess I get my opinion on all this due to the fact, if I don't kill something for meat, I can always go to market basket. I take pride in watching a herd mature. I always say, I am a hunter, not a killer. But again, I can see many people's frustration on this, because for some, it could take years to get a mature group, and we all no, a lot of places in east texas seem to be missing genetics, or they haven't gotten old enough for us to see them. [/quote]i have 5 in my family and we try to take 2 a yr. there is no point in killing more than you can eat. 2 mature deer should give you a good amount of meat. since my wife already killed, we will probably do a lot of watching for the rest of the year. i would hate to kill another one too early or i might find myself with a chore list. i just feel for the people that have to rely on public lands. these new regs are killing the ones that follow the rules. btw market basket is WAY cheaper. :D
  6. [quote name="westend1" post="705855" timestamp="1258124313"] I don't see lease prices rising because of the new regs.  It's  supply and demand.  I don't expect to see a lot of new hunters just because there might be a few mature bucks in the herd.  More likely, some hunters will give it up because it's more difficult to shoot a buck. And, suppose you are right.  Leases have better deer so landowners can charge more.   That would work out great for me.  I would still pay less than I have to pay out west, and I would love to hunt closer if I could see decent deer.   JMO [/quote]the leases don't necessarily have to have better deer, but they will claim that and raise prices. i'm not sure why you even care about the regs if you are "hunting out west". you might as well just buy a mount from a taxidermist. there's not much difference. it would probably be cheaper. the only challenge is staying awake on the drive out. ;D
  7. [quote name="ranchhand 79" post="705615" timestamp="1258084559"] Back to the topic, I am all for the restrictions. We have had an "unwritten" rule for years of killing mature, trophy bucks. We have had a few "mistakes", but that is nothing but lost genetics. It does work against you on culls, but they are a lot of times few and far between, and personally on our lease there are several who couldn't tell the difference between culls and young deer. But overall it works, IMO. We hunt thick swamps and bottoms, and get very little time to "examine" our deer, but when a true trophy walks out, an experienced hunter knows (tine length, mass, body size, older characteristics, etc.). I do know a game warden, and they do understand mistakes on this rule, and their option on writing a ticket depends on maturity. Other than that, if one really wants meat, use your [b]doe tag [/b] or "unbranched" antler tag. Proper management involves taking these as well. [/quote]as i stated before, i don't personally have a problem w/ the regs because i don't hunt public lands. what about the people that do? a lot of times they don't have the option of using their doe tag for meat. public lands are notoriously the most poached lands, so the deer numbers (especially 13" spread) aren't as good as on a lease. the regulations hurt these people. all they can basically do is hope for a spike to come by or they go home w/ nada. they should leave it up to the lease managers to make restrictions. if you don't like the restrictions on a certain lease, don't get on it. the land owners love the new laws. lease prices are about to go thru the roof and there's nothing anyone can do about it. i'm just glad i hunt on private property.
  8. [quote name="tvc184" post="705180" timestamp="1258058158"] [quote author=spoonbill link=topic=54675.msg704949#msg704949 date=1258041799] he's talking about deer that have genetics that cause them to never grow a rack bigger than "basket racks". i've seen 4-5 yr old deer that have the real tight racks. they will never get bigger. their genetics have them predisposed to have this type of rack. for "real" game management these need to be culled along with the spikes. you don't want these deer spreading their inferior bloodlines through breeding. i think tpwd had good intentions, but as usual when the government tries to make a good decision, something gets lost along the way. [/quote] Whitetails have been here for thousands of years (at least) and with absolutely no restrictions yet we still have basket rack deer. Why is that? I figured we would have culled all of them out with the great management styles in east Texas. The notion that this program is going to somehow cause an inferior deer herd doesn't seem to hold any rationality to it. The inferior deer have been hunted and killed with no restrictions for hundreds of years but they are still here. The deal is that is some areas of the state, people kill everything that moves. If they managed their own areas, the state would not have stepped in. If the people will just kill does, kill does, kill does and let the herd grow up somewhat, nature will take care of itself. Once you get some truly dominant bucks, you won't have all these 4.5 year old basket racks breeding the does with their 7/1 ratio in some areas of east Texas. The inferior bloodlines are spread because there are so many does that 1.5 year old spikes and 4.5 year old baskets are breeding them. Kill the does like crazy, kill the spikes and let the herd grow up. Also, we are not talking about some 15 year plan to harvest deer. A fawn this year should be outside of his ears within three years from now. This season's yearlings will be there in two and so on. I've talked to people that hunted in some AR counties and their success was easily seen. I hunt on a little less than 1,000 acres outside of Chester. We started self managing the deer four years ago. We have killed more than 60 does in the first three years. For two years we did not take any bucks. Last year we took a couple and one measured at 138 inches which is by far the biggest we have ever taken. This year so far, we have taken a 141 and two other bucks probably in the 120-130 range. We have killed no basket rack deer and this year killed the only spike (twin 11" beams) in the last several years yet we are now taking more and bigger deer than we have ever seen. Since we are not killing basket rack deer, why are we seeing more and much larger bucks? Nature does a pretty good job of letting the strongest survive. We/people are the ones that thrown a wrench into that plan by killing every buck that walks and not thinning out the does with equal fervor. Aging would be a better way to manage than simply horn width but it is too arbitrary and would be abused more. Physical measurements are easier to understand, to see with your own eyes and to check.  I think that two or three years from now, most of the people that are complaining will not want to go back to letting everyone kill everything that moves. [/quote]so..what happens to those basket rack bucks? do they just go away? they stop breeding? any moron should be able to tell a 1 1/2 yr old 4 pt from a 4-5 yr old basket rack buck. this rule is to protect the deer from the people that shoot everything that walks by. well....guess what? those people weren't that ethical before. what makes you think they will be now? they're gonna do what they do no matter what. this is just another liberal rule/law put on people because they can't take care of themselves. let the government make decisions for us like healthcare. the only people that it affects are the poor people that hunt on free land because that's all they can afford. most people on leases have been using their own management practices for some time. we pay the money and want to see the payoff for it. i can't stand it when the government makes decisions for the people because they think the people are too dumb to make decisions for themselves. this topic splits directly based on paid leases vs. public land. people on leases like it because they were basically doing this anyway. people on public land were already limited by rules and now are limited even more. how can you kill does, does, does if you don't have a permit on public land? it doesn't affect me, but i know it does affect some friends on public land.
  9. [quote name="Bucof2010" post="704503" timestamp="1257984803"] [quote author=txstar link=topic=54675.msg704386#msg704386 date=1257972927] I won't bore ya'll with all my "deer management" mess, but I assure you that the rule will be NO Bueno.  Bottomline, until east Tx hunters can accurately age deer, it's not going to get better...plus, if you have to let those basket racks 'walk', you're gonna get a bunch more basket racks on the property...inferior mature deer need to be shot to eliminate their poor genetics from the herd, so I believe this 'rule' will be counter productive.  I wish everyone great hunting this season, and be careful entering and exiting stands. [/quote] Its working fine at the lakes...natural selection and besides a lot of the basket racks wouldn't be basket racks if people let them walk. [/quote]he's talking about deer that have genetics that cause them to never grow a rack bigger than "basket racks". i've seen 4-5 yr old deer that have the real tight racks. they will never get bigger. their genetics have them predisposed to have this type of rack. for "real" game management these need to be culled along with the spikes. you don't want these deer spreading their inferior bloodlines through breeding. i think tpwd had good intentions, but as usual when the government tries to make a good decision, something gets lost along the way.
  10. [quote name="happyhour4" post="703564" timestamp="1257880543"] i think this is just a money deal so the wardens can write tickets its dumb if you ask me [/quote]a friend of mine that hunts on a lease towards san augustine had a warden check his camp last weekend. he said that the wardens in his area agreed to be cautious writing tickets for the new restrictions, if the deer is real close. he said if he feels it it an obvious infraction, he would ticket them, but if it was real close, he wouldn't. he had a 6 point head in his truck that measured 6 1/2 inside spread. i'm assuming that it wasn't close enough. ;D my wife shot an 8 pt with 13 1/4 inside spread. it was well outside of the "alert" ears. it was a pretty thick rack...the outside was well over 16. when i walked up to it i had no doubt it was good, but when i measured it, it was close. this was the biggest deer she had ever shot. i sure would hate for an unethical hunter to shoot a deer and then, after measuring it, let it lie for fear of getting a violation. i'm still not sold on the new regs. on some public lands, shooting does isn't an option and people spend a lot of money on gas, gear, etc. to go home emptyhanded at the end of the season. these folks will be very tempted to take something smaller than the new regs.
  11. i'm hunting by rayburn and have seen plenty rubs but no scrapes. on the other hand, opening morning my wife shot an 8 point that was following a doe. we've usually seen some scrapes by this time, but not this year. i watched some does come thru, but nothing was following. hopefully things get going soon. i believe the deer around here go thru more than one period of the rut cycle. we need some sustained cool weather. it would be nice to get camo'd up and not have the skeeters gnawing on you or sweat to death.
  12. [quote name="Penny" post="696836" timestamp="1257353121"] [quote author=Domination Station link=topic=61610.msg696627#msg696627 date=1257342749] you don't bench a two year starter, but you keep your stud in the mix.  He was put in as an almost last resort and that seems odd given his success. [/quote] Buddy, can you read... Roughrider said he's been hurt when he could've had that opportunity. He was hurt as in, limping around with a bum knee, as in did not practice or play from the 2nd quarter of FW to the Central game.  He was hurt.  Let me say it again in case you missed it, he was HURT. [/quote]he would have never played qb this yr without the injury to bellow, but if not injured would have definitely been "in the mix".
  13. [quote name="vidor96pirates" post="694992" timestamp="1257201168"] Nothing new Peavy fractured his hand a couple of weeks ago. They have a few from JV playing now. [/quote]quite a few. there were many new faces playing last week at the jv game. they've been moving them up since before the png game.
  14. [quote name="RC09" post="694729" timestamp="1257191133"] How does Jeff Mathews keep his job if Vidor doesn't get into the playoffs? [/quote]1. the kids love him 2. most of the parents love him 3. vidor had been mediocre for years 4. he teaches the kids life skills and how to be a good christian 5. he is the ad and fb coach 6. he's underpaid..one of, if not the lowest pd coaches around 7. and finally, because they ARE going to make the playoffs
  15. [quote name="WelcomeToTheBoneyard" post="693674" timestamp="1257107979"] Can everyone move on to the Livingston game and quit whining over something that can't be changed?????????  Nederland won.  We were outplayed, just like the PNG game.  We came in half-focused and lost again!!! [/quote]i don't agree. i don't think vidor was outplayed. this game was nothing like the png game. i don't think we were half focused either. i think nederland played a good game. i think we should have ran to the outside more. i think the field conditions hurt our team more than nederland's. the receivers know where they are going and the defensive cover teams don't. our running game is greatly affected by not being able to make cuts. i know at least 4 or 5 times our back was running in space and fell trying to make a cut. the officials were horrible, but not just for vidor. they just stunk it up and made themselves look bad with their indecisiveness. it was a good game, but we came up short. on a better field, i believe vidor wins the game, but it is what it is. you have to overcome those problems on the road. i knew before the game that we would have to overcome some calls, etc. that's what happens when you go on the road in high school football against a good team on their last home game with their backs up against it. another thing that annoys me while i'm venting...do we ever blitz? dionte had time to make dinner back there at times. i know we were in a max cover defense all night, but can we send someone every once in a while? ok i'm done...on to next week.
  16. [quote name="Penny" post="689744" timestamp="1256850457"] [quote author=spoonbill link=topic=61263.msg689683#msg689683 date=1256846349] [quote author=Geaux25 link=topic=61263.msg689590#msg689590 date=1256842337] Not the announcer, but I have been to my share of Nederland games. To quote a popularized politician, sir... "YOU LIE." [/quote]i've personally been to games, jr high and high school, where both of these things have been done. it's not a big deal. it actually makes the kids mad and fires them up. the referees usually tell the coaches about the band thing and it mostly stops. you must have missed the games i was at or maybe don't know the players names. i can't believe that you haven't been to a nederland game where the band plays during the opposing offenses plays. this happens a lot.   [/quote] Have you been to a game when Vidor plays Ozen or Central??  Without a doubt two of the loudest bands who stay in the game at all times.  They are blowing you out the joint non-stop for 48 minutes... it's a part of the game and the atmosphere, you need to think of something else to gripe about. [/quote]yes..i've been to a lot of games. usually the band plays after good plays, during time outs, and other breaks...not when the opposing offense is starting a play...nevermind. like i said, the direspect motivates the kids to do even better. go pirates. run it up and down that mud pit.
  17. the freshman and jv games have been moved to the vidor jr high field. from what i can tell, the game hasn't been cancelled as of yet.
  18. [quote name="Geaux25" post="689590" timestamp="1256842337"] Not the announcer, but I have been to my share of Nederland games. To quote a popularized politician, sir... "YOU LIE." [/quote]i've personally been to games, jr high and high school, where both of these things have been done. it's not a big deal. it actually makes the kids mad and fires them up. the referees usually tell the coaches about the band thing and it mostly stops. you must have missed the games i was at or maybe don't know the players names. i can't believe that you haven't been to a nederland game where the band plays during the opposing offenses plays. this happens a lot. 
  19. [quote name="Geaux25" post="689505" timestamp="1256837254"] [quote author=spoonbill link=topic=61263.msg689312#msg689312 date=1256826588] [quote author=Geaux25 link=topic=61263.msg688996#msg688996 date=1256777889] [quote author=spoonbill link=topic=61263.msg688769#msg688769 date=1256757063] [quote author=TheRef link=topic=61263.msg688295#msg688295 date=1256698964] Good Luck to both teams in the mud pit, called several jr high games at nederland this year and my cleats kept sticking in the mud on the pivot! Nederlands field is in horrible shape and I see a low scoring game after it rains all night Thursday night and most of the day Friday! [/quote][b]i saw their field last night and it's already mushy and muddy. look for nederland's band to play some sort of fight song thru every vidor offensive play. i'm also sure they will mispronounce every vidor player's name when called.[/b][/quote] What? This has to be sarcastic... [/quote]not sarcastic...just true. [b]it even happens in the jr high games. don't worry, you'll probably hear this all night.[/b] "shayne tipman with another pirate first down". that is if you can hear it over your fight song. no class. [/quote] You cite a middle school football game for your example? Solid reference, bro. ::) [/quote]sorry, i forgot you graduated from nederland. the word "even" in this context means "in addition to" or "also". maybe you can understand that. if not, please refer to wikipedia. sorry, but for a minute i forgot who i was talking to. maybe they don't mispronounce the names on purpose. maybe you're the announcer and just can't read.
  20. [quote name="Geaux25" post="688996" timestamp="1256777889"] [quote author=spoonbill link=topic=61263.msg688769#msg688769 date=1256757063] [quote author=TheRef link=topic=61263.msg688295#msg688295 date=1256698964] Good Luck to both teams in the mud pit, called several jr high games at nederland this year and my cleats kept sticking in the mud on the pivot! Nederlands field is in horrible shape and I see a low scoring game after it rains all night Thursday night and most of the day Friday! [/quote][b]i saw their field last night and it's already mushy and muddy. look for nederland's band to play some sort of fight song thru every vidor offensive play. i'm also sure they will mispronounce every vidor player's name when called.[/b][/quote] What? This has to be sarcastic... [/quote]not sarcastic...just true. it even happens in the jr high games. don't worry, you'll probably hear this all night. "shayne tipman with another pirate first down". that is if you can hear it over your fight song. no class.
  21. where's the guy that was asking me if any piggies are in the majors? he never got back with me. one did pretty good last night. ;D ;D
  22. [quote name="TheRef" post="688295" timestamp="1256698964"] Good Luck to both teams in the mud pit, called several jr high games at nederland this year and my cleats kept sticking in the mud on the pivot! Nederlands field is in horrible shape and I see a low scoring game after it rains all night Thursday night and most of the day Friday! [/quote]i saw their field last night and it's already mushy and muddy. look for nederland's band to play some sort of fight song thru every vidor offensive play. i'm also sure they will mispronounce every vidor player's name when called.
  23. i guess i'm one of a few that think wade has things going better than they were in the past. we did sign most of our picks last year unlike in the few years before. purpura killed us in the few years he ran the team. they shoulda never let hunsicker go. i think we are headed in the right direction as good as is possible with drayton as the owner. he just can't understand that sometimes when you make bad decisions (purpura) and deplete your farm system to try and win at all costs for one year, that you may need to take some lumps until your farm system recovers. he keeps trying to reload with overpaid older players. i know roy has his ear and probably threatens to go somewhere else if he rebuilds, but it is what it is. i say try to get a couple of pitchers, go with what you got, and if it doesn't work out, trade him for younger kids. the astros will HAVE to replenish their farm system at some point to turn the corner.
  24. [quote name="mamajag" post="684001" timestamp="1256327230"] [quote author=mikejugs link=topic=61187.msg683727#msg683727 date=1256307378] CENTRAL JV 38 OZEN JV 16 [/quote] I thought it was 36-12 , did i missed something, because i left at the 3 minute mark! [/quote]looks like you missed 3 safeties. ;)
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