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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. Speaking of legalese.... I read some of the news stories that the teenagers were "charged" with sexual assault. I am thinking at this point they are charged with nothing. They have been arrested for sexual assault on a probable cause affidavit and a judge gave them bail. As far as I know, the District Attorney has not accepted charges on anyone involved in this case. Being a felony, if they are eventually charged then they have to be indicted by a grand jury. We are speaking some time in the future assuming that it is ever even brought to a grand jury. These accusations may very well be dropped without ever going to a grand jury. My opinion is that they have been charged with nothing at this point and have only been accused by a police officer that completed a probable cause affidavit. Just food for thought when people start saying what should or should not be done in the case.
  2. You get released on bail. The normal way to post bail is to get a bondsman to post a bond guaranteeing the money in your name. That is because most people can't post the entire sum of the bail on the criminal charge. You pay the bondsman a percentage (I think the going rate is 10-15%) and he posts a bond in your name. If you don't show for court, the bondsman has to come up with the cash. An example would be a person being given a bail of $10,000. Most people don't have that kind of cash on hand but many can come up with $1,000 or 10%. They give that amount to the bondsman and he gets you out of jail but guaranteeing the sheriff that he is good for the money if you skip out. The bondsman makes his profit by keeping your $1,000. In reality, bail and bond are used as the same term by the media and the public.
  3. And I believe that LCM should be 0-5 overall.
  4. No. That would be a rational decision to the problem.
  5. If you don't pay the fee, you lose the phone. A school district can ban all cell phones, pagers, etc. by students at any school event or school property. They can also dispose of the devices or charge up to a $15 fee to get it back. You might not pay to get it back but how many cell phones do you feel like purchasing?
  6. Yeah, that's true. It is also true that when you are ahead 38-7 at the half, it is hard to keep the intensity. Does Central plan on spotting Nederland 31 points at the half again? ;D
  7. I think it depends on what agreement the AD comes into the job with. The admin can set whatever parameters they wish. I am sure that most AD's have some leeway and some have all that they wish. It just depends on where they are offered a job and whose job the district wants to protect.
  8. You Lumberton haters this................you Lumberton haters that. You dirty Lumberton haters you........... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  9. www.toupsgraphics.com I am a math teacher, I proofread this over and over before I post, but I know there are still grammar errors found. Just trying to make Friday Night Lights a little more entertaining. Maybe it went over my head but I didn't think etbu was questioning the grammar and only wanted to know who does the writing as in, whose predictions are they.
  10. It has already been discussed on here. It won't be back until next year. You can view the previous thread on it. [Hidden Content]
  11. Not going to happen!!!!!!! central over nederland should be a good one It may or may not be a good one but it will not be an upset no matter which team wins.
  12. You're not wanting to start a rumor.... so you decided to do so to see if it was a rumor. Uh huh.
  13. I think Livingston might be a lot like Dayton. Lumberton got lucky and snuck up on Dayton the first game of the year when Dayton was obviously a better team. Dayton then went on to win the rest of district games, most of them easily. Livingston, after being tripped up by Lumberton, has then taken care of business. Not only "being there" at the end and looking for a playoff spot, they may be in it for the district title. Time will tell but since the loss to Lumberton, they look like they certainly have the potential as much as any other team.
  14. You bet they will. Hopefully they go undefeated the rest of the way and then deep into the playoffs.... starting Week 8 at Ozen.
  15. HAHAHAHA!!! Some of your rationales are killing me. You would think the Gestapo came in and interrogated students with a whip. This is probably how it went down. School Official: "Put your shirts on or leave." Students: "Okay." Students a bit later: "Oh well, the game is almost over, let's take our shirts off anyway." School Official" "Since you did what we told you not to, you need to leave. By the way, since you are students, you can't come to the homecoming dance this week." Posters have then made this out to be the need for checks and balances, restraining orders, opening kids up to obey all orders like robots and thereby potentially being victims of child molesters, Bright Line rules, these are "good kids", discrimination, people can't be asked to leave if they didn't break the law, this isn't drugs, this isn't a perfect world, etc. All this from school administrators telling kids to leave if they don't keep their shirts on. Whew!!!!
  16. A fast cat known for speed or a slow dog known for powerful jaws and once they latch on, they won't let go?
  17. From no shirts to child molesters, getting abducted and teachers sleeping with students? If nothing else, some of you can sure go off an a tangent or have a vivid imagination. Some will also go to any end to make an argument, no matter how far fetched. Some people also have a problem with others in charge or authoritarian figures. I guess that makes the world an interesting place. As far as the shirt thing, I think there will be some discussion this week, the kids will be allowed to go to whatever homecoming events are planned and there will probably be some "written rules" (for those that think verbal isn't good enough) on conduct at sporting events. It may very well be that no shirts will be allowed but with rules like not having baggy pants with underwear showing (saggin'?), what message or design can be painted, noise made/devices, verbal issues like profanity, conduct unbecoming, etc. Then everyone will live happily ever after.
  18. Central always scares me more than any other team. I think it has to do with seeming them trash a couple of Nederland teams that were actually pretty good teams. Then again, I thought that last year and saw Nederland explode for 38 first half points in Beaumont.
  19. It will go to the team that wants it the most. It should be an entertaining game since both teams have the potential to make the playoffs and yet are almost facing elimination. This might be a barn burner.
  20. Livingston got slapped around by Lumberton but then they got beat by Vidor who got beat by Central who got beat by Lumberton. If Lumberton beat Central and Central beat Vidor, shouldn't Lumberton have beaten Vidor? I think it is according to which night they play and how sharp the team is on that night. I've seen Nederland go a couple of games deep into the playoffs after getting humiliated by Central. You just can't tell by any given game. Comparing scores does not exist once the teams take the field. Since Nederland handled Ozen fairly easily and Ozen beat Vidor, then Vidor might as well not show up to play the Bulldogs.... right? That is why you can't compare scores or make sense out of one game to the next.
  21. That also reminds me of Dave Campbell's Texas Football or the National Hurricane Center. Half way through the season, you can change your predictions. Maybe we can have half time predictions for games. ;D
  22. Yeah. I predict a win unless we lose, then I predict a loss.
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