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Cu Chulainn

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Posts posted by Cu Chulainn

  1. On 12/31/2023 at 6:17 PM, setxathlete14 said:

    @Cu Chulainnprobably knows who's it is to lose

    I see your taking unprovoked shots again, and @BBfan061 your keyboard warrior friend likes that sort of thing.

    I'll address this topic though by taking the opportunity to brag on our Administration who put out a survey to all of Orangefield  requesting the community's thoughts on selection criteria for every potential candidate. The survey was well thought out and showed that they are truly seeking to find the best fit. As a community and parents of young athletes we appreciate that very much!

    The feel from at least the folks that speak to me on a regular basis, is that no one cares if they are originally from Orangefield or are in Orangefield currently. Most folks with real athletes don't give a dern about the "Good Ol'boy Syndrome" where folks would get placed in a position because of who they know, rather than their own coaching pedigree. We don't want everyone down at the field house with their mud pumps going trying to politic Little Will into a starting skill position. What we want is someone that comes in and makes winning the expectation rather than the goal. With that being said, if that describes a certain and or multiple candidates who happen to originally be from Orangefield, then so be it, bring'em home. Just my thoughts, but we don't need anyone who is committed to just one style of play. A real coach adjusts their game plan to the personnel that he has. IMO, we have struggled with blocking for some of our extremely talented running backs (currently Mason Manning, great young man who is being heavily scouted) through the years, and that has to be addressed in the weight room right now. We also need to be able to throw it and catch it some, so we can take a few shots down field to keep the defense from only keying in to stopping the run. If not, they blitz every down. 

    To address your original comment, I do have friends who are most definitely in the know on the selection process and they tell me the same names you are all hearing as well as some that are out of the area. I have even heard that at least one prominent name put in to scare other applicants off with the intent of slimming down the group for his friend that he wants to land the job. At the end of the day, I believe we have the best Superintendent in Shaun McAlpin and School board Members in the area! I am very confident they will find the right candidate for the job. 

    We should see soon. If I'm not mistaken, the job opening closed on the 31st. 

  2. 1 hour ago, BBfan061 said:

    The bobcats have a good team… Probably haven’t moved up a ton because of strength of schedule maybe? Nonetheless good team

    Thank you for saying that, and I agree. I really wish we could have made Duncanville, but it would have been too tough to pull off this past Summer. We beat a good PNG team the other night by 10 and have Fairview out of Louisiana this coming Thursday. They were a real tough matchup last year, so hopefully they will check our oil a little and give us some good exposure. We also have a Crockett/Grapeland Tournament coming at the end of this month that may help. I honestly don't see any drastic ranking swings coming until us, Kountze, & EC start mixing it up. Should be a real fun season with real good battles. To be the best, you have the beat the best, and I'm sure our guys are up for the challenge.

  3. 23 hours ago, 72 Pinto said:

    Did they hire you to be the film guy?  I almost came and talked to you at the Orangefield tournament, but I was intimidated by your cinematography setup.  And I didn't want you to yell at me.  If the Orangefield role players were half as intense as you, the cats would be a top 10 team in the state.

    I'm not paid to be the video guy, no. I film for various reasons, but mostly to help my son and his teammates. I sure wish you would come up to me anywhere you see me, even though everyone on here knew you never would. I'd love to show you my camera setup. Its called Iographer and helps you protect your Ipad and easily edit videos on Imovie. there wont be any yelling involved. I'm a real man and I handle myself accordingly. I definitely don't take cowardly shots at folks under made up usernames. Id rather address issues man to man like we are supposed to. Our role players are doing just fine and are all coming into their own. Its a team game and Coach Whitmire has the whole team going in the right direction and understanding their roles. As far as the ranking goes, we were #15 in the State last week and that was before our most recent two wins against Buna and PNG. Hopefully we gain a little more tomorrow when TABC releases their new numbers. If not, our boys are 15-1 with two back to back tournament wins! Id think the top 10 is inevitable for this season! 

    We do appreciate you following us and having so much concern for us! It always nice to have new fans whether we know them or not.

  4. WOS has a real good group of players that never quit! Their press is lethal and they hustle at all times. They have taken some tough losses but they can get in and surprise anybody at any time. Their team is a high revving motor that can turn the game into a race if teams arent careful. To me, all they lack is some consistency shooting the ball from outside to help them spread the floor, and they'd be a REAL problem for everyone.

    Great group of young men too! Our boys cheered them on against Jasper in our Tournament, so they all stayed for Championship and even joined our student section keeping our Orangefield crowd hype. Great group of young men that we are for sure all fans of! Hats off to all of them for showing us all how sports should be!


  5. 3 hours ago, Cu Chulainn said:

    The boys started off slow but then loosened up in the first half and at one point got up by 20. They went into the locker room for halftime and came back looking sluggish and not real enthused, just my opinion on that part though. 2nd half looked pretty sloppy and as if they believed they already had the game won. Not making excuses, just never really felt like we couldn't just hit the switch and take back over if we needed to (no disrespect to Buna, I have just seen our firepower and know what we are capable of). Game got a little chippy with a lot of questionable and confusing calls in the second half. It was just a recipe that screwed up the original game plan.

    On the ride home, I was told everyone was still banged up and sore from the two previous tournaments and tough games in them. The players all thought they'd try to coast and just maintain their lead in the 2nd half, which didnt go as planned. It was like we were missing a gear in the 2nd half.

    Hats off to Buna for making a game of it and competing. Most of that group are good kids and we wish them the best!

    Looking forward to their 13 day holiday healing period after they play PNG Friday. They will be able rest a little and get their legs back before the Crockett/Grapeland Tournament on 12/28 - 12/30. 

    Correction to my earlier post: I was informed that we did pick up another game at Mcneese next Thursday the 21st at 10:30am against Fairview. No worries on our end though, a week should be plenty for the boys to be rested up and the game will help keep the rust off before the tournament.

  6. 52 minutes ago, Bobcat1 said:

    Anyone have a break down of how we lost a 15 point lead late in the 2nd Q? 

    The boys started off slow but then loosened up in the first half and at one point got up by 20. They went into the locker room for halftime and came back looking sluggish and not real enthused, just my opinion on that part though. 2nd half looked pretty sloppy and as if they believed they already had the game won. Not making excuses, just never really felt like we couldn't just hit the switch and take back over if we needed to (no disrespect to Buna, I have just seen our firepower and know what we are capable of). Game got a little chippy with a lot of questionable and confusing calls in the second half. It was just a recipe that screwed up the original game plan.

    On the ride home, I was told everyone was still banged up and sore from the two previous tournaments and tough games in them. The players all thought they'd try to coast and just maintain their lead in the 2nd half, which didnt go as planned. It was like we were missing a gear in the 2nd half.

    Hats off to Buna for making a game of it and competing. Most of that group are good kids and we wish them the best!

    Looking forward to their 13 day holiday healing period after they play PNG Friday. They will be able rest a little and get their legs back before the Crockett/Grapeland Tournament on 12/28 - 12/30. 

  7. 25 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

    My post wasn't meant as a sleight on any of the current players.  I've been very impressed with what I've seen so far.  But I do think Whitmire coaching is a very big advantage for them (and sounds like you agree). I've just seen him win a ton of games over the years when he had the worst of it, talent-wise.  Including a few against the Bobcats, unfortunately.  

    I didn't take it that way at all, but I do appreciate you saying so. I just try to clear things up when I see them before folks on these blogs run with it. Yes, I agree Coach Whitmire is great and understands how to Coach to his players strengths. It has been a for sure a blessing  to go from a great guy like McDonald to another great one in Whitmire. Whitmire is continuing the focus on helping to make great young men out of them as well as great athletes. Super good dude with a great family!

  8. 2 hours ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    I just wanted clarity. That's all. Didn't know which it was.

    Just was told different by folks in the know at LC-M.

    I know we messaged separately and I told you my side, but I am pretty sure the math can be done on why some folks in the know at LC-M's story may vary slightly. Corey Guilbeaux (Kelly's Assistant Coach Now) had been their JH Coach the previous year on a part time stipend, so it wasnt an unheard of thing to do over there. I was most of the incoming 7th Grade JH Team's AAU Coach as well as Jonah Fuller on their incoming 8th grade Group, so it was an opportunity to see them through JH Basketball, so it made sense. Was told it was a done deal and I even said Id just donate the stipend back to the school. Covid, blah blah blah and whatever, it didnt happen. No problem, Ghost was already there, had made friends and we really like Coach Hunter Gonzales and still do. 

    No big deal, but I promise that is how it all happened. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Unbelievableee said:

    This is absolute garbage of the two coaches in the district (not you). How soft are we these days? Take the only kid in question out the equation and Kountze is still 15 points better than their district. Cry baby head coaches kill me with that. 

    I think we all open district tonight, the caliber of every team should start showing through real soon. I dont think they would have ever talked with me about it, if they themselves were going to say something. It isnt anonymous and folks wouldn't wan their name attached. 

    We were told that Hitchcock had 4 ineligible players when they beat us in the third round and went on to win State by 30 last year, even had videos and documentation sent by folks outside of the District, but no one ever ran with that.

    I'd bet Kountze wont have any trouble.

  10. 35 minutes ago, KHSAlum400 said:

    You sound scared, "coach." It's very "Orangefield" of you to beat your chest celebrating wins over a bunch of freshman and sophomores in Kountze over the past two years. You're talking as if Kountze is a program that's historically bad and all of a sudden has success. It's no secret this group was going to have success later in their high school career. You're now seeing that, and I know it hurts, but just be happy with your 2nd or 3rd place finish for a few seasons. From what I know, we're about to go on another run again and get back to the Kountze of old. 

    History and tradition are ingrained in the Kountze basketball program. Something you know nothing about in Orangefield.

    Didn't yall have the MVP of the District and Newcomer Of The Year when we came into yalls house and beat the breaks off of yall last year? Ragusa had 41 & Ghost had 16 as a freshmen on 7 shots.

    Kountze has always been known for basketball and that is awesome, but just so you know none of me or my sons Orangefield Teams have ever lost to Kountze, EVER!  I am super proud of yalls basketball history, but we have kids that have been working hard since they were small as well. I cannot speak for what Orangefield was known for in the past, I can only say that our kids have the right to make history too! They went to the 3rd Round last year and we want to continue the success. We are a real good team as are yall, and we both have more talent coming. Im sure our entire district will be tough, it is what 409 basketball is. 

    Ghost has been a home grown killer since he was young, his record should speak for itself. He has never lost to yall and is even 3/1 lifetime vs. Silsbee which 3/4 those were epic battles! Nothing but respect for Silsbee, Kountze, EC, Buna, etc.... for that matter. Putting quality teams on the floor year after year speaks to the culture of what you have built. 

    Basketball is a team game and has to be played together, so it won't come down to 1 or 2 star players for anybody. It will come down to how they all pull together and support each other on any team! Maybe we do finish 2nd or 3rd in district every year, but maybe we wont! Thats what makes it a sport and fun to watch! I can guarantee our boys will always give all they got! This group is real special and we'll be proud of them no matter what!

  11. 23 minutes ago, KHSAlum400 said:

    From what I've gathered, you're the only one thinking too much about this. You got happy by beating a bunch of 9th and 10th graders. This same group (including the now-freshmen) was dominant at the middle school level. The bigger question should've been: how can a group of 9th and 10th graders be on the cusp of making the playoffs last year? Or how can that same group knock off a top-10-ranked team (EC) at home?

    There is nothing to think about. Let me know if you need me to proofread that letter for you.

    I would never turn in my former players. My own son was a freshmen on Varsity last year and his best friend is a sophomore on Varsity this year. Sells, Smart, Donald, and Coffey (3 sophomores and a freshmen) all played for me. They are great kids and I wish the best for them. I understand that these younger classes coming up are loaded with talent. I'm proud of that for the 409. 

    It wont be me, but if all is legit than there wouldn't be anything to worry about even if someone else did decide to move forward.

  12. 9 hours ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    You offered or you were offered?

    I was offered (would have never moved my son mid year 6th grade if that hadn't have been the plan all along), even interviewed with Coach Crouch at the time. I ran a very winning/UA sponsored organization for 5 years. Texas A.T.T.A.C.K. Squad Basketball - A.T.T.A.C.K. - Athletic Training That Amplifies Christ's Kingdom, in case you didnt know. I am a real coach who develops players and helps them realize their potential. I am sorry that it makes folks mad that I trained my own son and have been able to put real goods teams on the floor over the years, but it is what it is. I am not a keyboard warrior or made up sports pro who takes shots at folks online under made up names. Not my style, and I try to spread positivity, not hate! A lot of the players these blogs talk about, came through our program and were like family, but no one wants to speak of that. Since you set directly across from me at this last tournament most games, why dont you look at all the hugs and handshakes I get from the players from opposing teams? That's called respect and I didnt get that from taking shots at folks on a sports blog. I got that from loving kids and trying to be who they needed me to be over the years. Some of yall should try it some time, its a real rewarding experience to see that kids know you care about them. Deep down, all my former players know where they got their start and what Coach really cares about them and their futures. In the end, it was real tough to keep our team together and have enough players to go live at practice from such a small area and for everyone to commit to such busy and extensive travel schedule. There are definitely levels to this, and flights, hotels, and travel isn't doable for everyone, which is totally understandable. Consequently, we ended up having to pursue other opportunities with bigger city teams

    @AggiesAreWe you seem to like taking shots at me and my family even though I always take the high road. I'm not sure why, because I have never done anything to you or your family but its getting old. I welcome you to contact me or speak to me in person, instead of taking shots at me on a sports blog. I am not a liar and never have been. I hate liars and fake people, which is something I pray to the Good Lord to help me with daily.  

  13. 7 minutes ago, BBfan061 said:

    So what your saying is that it’s possible for someone to move to another school other than athletic reasons ?

    For sure, and as long as it is done before HS, then UIL doesnt have a rule against it. If it is done during HS then there is a hold on Varsity eligibility if it was done for athletic purposes. It is pretty complicated but tough athletic decisions have to be made before HS begins for eligibility not to come into question.

    I actually think the kid from Warren is 100% within the guidelines of UIL and we wish nothing but the best for him. 

  14. 31 minutes ago, UNT-AggieMan said:

    Didn't the Scales kid go to LCM in Jr. High and the move to Orangefield? Hmmm 

    Scales lived and went to Orangefield since he was born. Transferred to LCM for JH because it was open enrollment in a bigger school classification and I was offered to coach his team through JH on a stipend. Had a home there so it wasn't a big deal. Covid happened and teachers weren't leaving their respective roles for other opportunities because schools were shut down, so the opening to coach his school team didnt become a reality, which was fine and understandable due to Covid. He had been moved there md year in 6th grade, made friends, and the team had played for me all Summer so it was a good fit. However, when it came down to it in the 8th grade, he wanted to be home in Orangefield with the kids he had grown up with his whole life and play with them. As parents we wanted that too, and supported his decision.



  15. 5 minutes ago, BBfan061 said:

    Probably doesn’t count if it’s before high school 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Yes, had a house in LCM (same house I grew up in) which is open enrollment, but sold it last year. Have had our family homes in  Orangefield (Granger Ln, Bobcat Trails, now Langham) for the last 26 years. When it came down to it, Ghost wanted to be home with the kids he had grown up with and we wanted him home as well, so we decided to not to build a new family home in LCM afterall. 

  16. 7 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    I'll say this, I am impressed with this Orangefield team. They are much better than I thought they would be this year. But in regards to the LaMarque game, the decision making on the offensive end by LM had just as much to do with OF's comeback as to the Bobcats part. LM had 3 "unforced" turnovers in that last 1:30.

    Credit to OF for knocking down a couple of clutch three's and switching defense. That I can agree played a big part.

    Also, I was at the score table next to LM bench. I could hear the instructions coming from their bench and what was said in the timeouts. Let's just say the coaching wasn't the issue with their collapse.

    Congrats to Orangefield on another tourney title. Very well earned.

    I will be making a point to attend the games with Kountze. Should be some good ones.

    We appreciate the kind words about our team this year. In regards to the Lamarque Game, the pressure of the game and big moments exposes weaknesses and forces mistakes. That same pressure, also creates opportunity for those that are ready for it. Great win and we are super proud of our boys! Thank you for reporting the scores.

    I agree, Kountze games should be good if their "move - ins" stay eligible. I have personally been contacted by two coaches in our district asking me to type a letter and file a formal complaint, since the letter cannot be anonymous and I assume they don't want their names attached, but I wont be attaching my name to anything like that either since; Sells, Donald, Smart & Coffey are all my former Texas A.T.T.A.C.K. Squad players. With that being said, I don't have to agree with decisions that are made for me to always care about my players and want what is best for them.  There is just a lot of talk going on about a team that didn't even make the playoffs last year and their newfound success.  I am not sure one of the on the cusp playoff teams would be willing to miss the playoffs due to a situation like this.

    I have faith in our young men and coaches. The wins will be that much more knowing we are doing it the right way!

  17. 18 hours ago, TxHoops said:

    I’ve said for years Whitmire was one of the most underrated coaches in SETX and won a LOT of games with less.  Bobcats lose one of their most loaded senior classes I can remember and stand at 13-1 going into district.  

    Whitmire is a great coach and we are very glad to have him and his family who by the way are all at every game. Maybe he has done more with less in the past, but he has real talent here in Orangefield right now and there is more on the way coming from the JH groups. Our big 4 (Scales, Wrinkle, Smith, & Thomas) are shooting the ball 38.8% on the season as a team from three and are over. 50% from two, which is a testament to their level of talent as players. Scales is being face-guarded and the others are making the opposition pay for their gamble by knocking down open looks and capitalizing on their own mismatches. That should always be the plan, but can only be done when you have the talent to do so.

    Bobcat basketball has for sure been battle tested in these last two tournaments this weekend and last, and Whitmire's knowledge for the game and motivational skills have no doubt been on display! Even though they are back to back Tournament Champions and (Big Sandy, & Bill Tennison), and have beaten several good teams, their most impressive victory probably comes in their overcoming a 10 point deficit with about 1:20 left on the clock in the fourth vs. Lamarque in the Semi this past weekend. That takes both excellent coaching strategy and talented execution.

    I hope to see you at some games this year. I'm biased, but they are a real fun group to watch and I know you don't mind stating the truth in what you see.

  18. On 12/9/2023 at 11:02 AM, Tyerman said:

    Thank you very much to the Orangefield coaches, staff and community for a great tournament. Onalaska got exactly what we needed out of it by playing real competition in one of the best areas in the state for basketball. Great preparation for district play next week for our program. 

    Coach, you are a class act and have a real good group of young men! They believe in you because you believe in them and it shows. Your program is definitely on the rise! Good luck to you guys this season! 

  19. On 12/2/2023 at 10:13 AM, 72 Pinto said:

    Sorry.  That was poor form of me.  I was told the star player was ejected and one of the prominent fans went on an obscenity laced tirade.  I wasn't there so maybe the story is exaggerated.  I'm planning on making all Orangefield home games in district.  They are apparently pretty good and it seems there is always extracurricular entertainment.


    9 hours ago, 72 Pinto said:

    My understanding is that the kid was ejected for getting his second technical foul in the game.  Do you have video that exonerated the first one, too?  I can't wait for the Orangefield tournament.  And I can't believe I'd ever say that!  I will be there eating lots of popcorn. 

    Your story seems to be changing a bit, which I would expect nothing different, since you were the one on here trying to gas light the situation in the first place. I have video of everything and always will. Furthermore, I will always stand on who my son is and how he was raised to handle himself. Some folks seem to think they get a free pass to say anything they want and hate a kid for working hard to be really good at something he loves. Every gym we go into there is always some little no count prick wanting to start mess with him. Now we even have opposing parents who think its ok to run their mouths to a fifteen year old kid. Everybody wants to provoke good people until they react, then blow up their reaction without addressing their own disrespect that started it all to begin with. It's typical in the World we live in today. That is ok though, I will always stand between good kids (my kids, your kids, their kids) and the fire. Its what God commands me to do!    

    Since you will be at our games this week, please come up and meet me, I'll show you any video you want to see. We play at 10:30am vs. Jasper as well as 7:15 vs. Legacy, both games will be in Orangefield's New High-School Gym.

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