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Cu Chulainn

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Posts posted by Cu Chulainn

  1. 25 minutes ago, Sports86 said:

    So if you are not saying Kountze don't respect their opponents, than what are you saying. 

    We play the the game the right way, we want our boys to understand compassion and empathy for their opponents. So you couldn't score a 100 points on your opponents, that means you show compassion and empathy. Who are you to PAST JUDGEMENT on these coaches and players. All you had to say was great job Bobcats, all the rest of that crap was ridiculous. 


    We have had several games that we were scored near 50 at half, but let off the gas. It wasn't a shot, its just pointing out who our boys are and how their coaching staff leads them. Actions always speak louder than words, so we choose to represent ourselves that way. 

    I have read over and over again on these threads how it was "personal for Kountze this year and they were sending a message". I read how Kountze would have killed us the first game "but they just had an off night shooting". Nobody cares about all that bull. We just know what we got and believe in our boys, we know what they are made of!

    It's nothing personal, and if yall had 40 pieced us then I wouldn't have been able to say a word, but the fact is yall didn't, so these boys don't have to take a backseat to that crap anymore. They played yall down to the wire in two close games and ended up splitting 1/2 with yall. This is an actual sample and says what we were capable of in District  even if the scores didn't reflect it on the point differential.

    Our boys and Coaches deserve the same credit for winning tonight and playing the game the way they do, that yall would have gotten if yall had beaten us playing the game the way yall do! 

    Life is about choices, and our lives are a reflection of the choices we have previously made, nothing more, nothing less .............. 

  2. Guys, it wont let me "like" anymore posts tonight but I really appreciate the kind words about our son! He is special and I love the big games because it gives him the opportunity to put that on display! I have always told him, "cream rises to the top" and he always has, so it is what it is! Great talent on both sides of the ball and great coaching as well, but we knew what we had, and knew what our boys are capable of. They are brothers and we are all family! If you are going to go into battle, make it be with folks you love!

    To all the haters, humble pie is best served cold and that is exactly what happened tonight! We dont run it up on folks because that isnt who we are. We play the game the right way with respect for our opponents. Not saying Kountze doesnt respect their opponents, but we dont care what our average points per game is or even average margin of victory. We care about the win loss column, but want our boys to understand compassion and empathy for their opponents. Coach Whitmire and his staff are teaching more than basketball!

    Ghost put on an MVP performance in tonights game as well as Game 1, but what Im most proud of is how when is brother Mason Donald form Kountze went down he asked our trainer to go to his locker and get his pickle juice, he ran that over to Kountze's bench during the timeout! Proud of my dawg for loving his brother and knowing some things are bigger than basketball.

    So proud of all of these young men, Orangefield and Kountze! Seeding Game Im sure will be another barn fire! I'D LOVE TO PLAY THAT ONE IN WOS'S NEW ARENA AND SHOW SOME LOVE TO THEM!

  3. Guys, girls, we can't thank you enough for all of the positivity on this thread! I promise you I show him everything that is said, some for encouragement, and then some of the other threads to fuel his fire, lol!

    Just please know that over the years folks haven't always been too kind because its easier to spread negativity and dog someone else rather than actually go and outwork them. We have learned to really embrace those that show support, because those kinds of genuine folks are very rare in today's World!

    We sincerely thank you! May God bless you all!

  4. 15 hours ago, TxHoops said:

    I’ve only been following 25 years and change.  But assuming the good Lord keeps him healthy, I can’t imagine he won’t end up being the best to lace em up during my time here.  Remarkable he’s only a sophomore.  

    Thank you so very much! That really means a lot coming from you because you know the game, and I promise you I mean that! 

  5. 1 hour ago, TexasBoy89 said:

    I’ll bet he sets an all time scoring record there for Orangefield. The kid can flat out ball!

    We really appreciate you saying that sir. He has worked real hard and is on pace so that is a real possibility. Honestly, he tells me, "Daddy, I want to put banners on the wall and win! The points are just a bonus." I'm super proud that his goal is to win and just let the personal accolades come naturally. When you hit goals while doing things the right way, they seem to mean that much more. 

    Thank you all again for the kind words!

  6. 58 minutes ago, Coach 01 said:

    From an offensive stand point, neither team shot it well in first matchup. I would guess Kountze shot 20% from the field, maybe less. 

    Yes sir, as a team we didnt shoot it well either. Both teams were playing very good defense and closing out quickly limiting the number of open looks. I believe Game #2 comes down to who can take care of the ball and whose supporting cast can settle in under the bright lights to help put points on the board, just like Game #1 did.

    In Game #1 Scales (7/12 - 21pts) and Wrinkle (7/13- 15pts) had 36  of the 46 points Orangefield scored, while Kountze's Role Players scored 22 of their 55.  Couple that with Orangefield turning the ball over 27 times as well as only shooting 8 free throws in the game, and it was a recipe for our disaster. We'll adjust at home and be ready this Friday.

    Kountze no doubt is deeper than we are, but our ceiling is just as high and our rims seem to like us at home way more than they do our opponents, lol.

    I'm hoping we win Friday, split with yall, and then play the "Seeding Tie-Breaker" in WOS's new awesome arena! Just wishful thinking I guess, but that story would definitely live up to the hype!


  7. 3 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    Is this for the season?

    This is his Varsity Total. He had 401 as a freshman and the rest this year as a sophomore. He averaged a little less than 8 shot attempts per game last year, but now the ball is in his hands so he has been able to add to that count at a pretty good clip. 

  8. 8 hours ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    Just found out.

    It's regional swim meet that a few of EC's players (a starter and two key reserves) qualified for. School thought the meet would be before school and not after. I completely understand why EC would like the game moved to Saturday.

    I also understand why Orangefield would like to keep the game Friday.

    For personal reasons I hope the game is moved to Saturday so I can attend after going to United/West Brook game that day. I was told the game would remain a night game if moved to Saturday.

    OF @ EC Game is rescheduled for Saturday at 7:30 

  9. 17 minutes ago, buccaneers4lyfe said:

    Since when did we get a swim team? Its crazy we are thinking about moving basketball games because of a swim meet. 

    Man, I wondered that too, especially during the 2nd half of District Games. It is a Regional Swim Meet though, so I understand it being a different type of situation.

  10. 40 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    BTW, EC approached OF about moving this game two weeks ago. So this was not a last minute thing.

    Yes, its been ongoing and understandable for both sides on our end as well. We really thought we'd have heard a decision before now, but I guess situations like this have more red tape than what it may seem.

  11. 27 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    Why would this game be played Saturday?

    Apparently EC has a swim meet on Friday and it went to a Superintendent Vote as to which day we will have to play. We all want the game on Friday night like it was originally scheduled. Our other kids have LD's games on Saturday and some of our players work the games as refs or keeping the books.

  12. 11 hours ago, 72 Pinto said:

    I thought it was the role players/bench underperforming that cost yall the game?  Or is it the refs' fault now?  Maybe if the Bobcat guards would attack the paint instead of jacking excessive amounts of long jumpers and slinging the ball to the other team, they would get to the free throw line more.  In sports, there are no excuses.  Only results.

    Didnt say it was only the refs, but getting 16 less free throw attempts (OF-8 / Kountze -24) than the opposing team in a 9 point contest is glaringly obvious. There are multiple factors that attributed to the outcome of the game. Our big 2 did their job including getting into the paint and making plays (Stats show that). They did need more help from their supporting cast, but that is why it is a game and it gets played. All of the kids get another shot at it on Feb 9th, should be another good one.

  13. 4 hours ago, BBfan061 said:

    Lol that’s true money well spent 😂😂

    Pretty hard to believe that would be the free throw count as aggressively as yall play in the press the whole game. Not a good look especially in a 9 point game. The no calls were as bogus as it seems, the free throw count just proves that.

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