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Cu Chulainn

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Posts posted by Cu Chulainn

  1. 13 minutes ago, KHSAlum400 said:

    Blaming the refs? What happened to that supporting cast going off for 35 points game 3 like you thought?

    This game was over with after Kountze’s 18-2 and 35-12 run. Orangefield doesn’t have to horses to counter that.

    Kudos to the defensive job Kountze has done on Scales after his monster 1st half in Game 2. They’ve held him to 12 total points over the last 6 quarters…. Maybe that’s where the focus should be instead of blaming the officials because things didn’t go your way.

    If you are going to address me, then tag me. 

    Refs - I simply made an obvious assessment of the fact that my son never even got to foul line all night even though he was fouled repeatedly, hand checked, blocked, and pushed all why we are in the bonus. Sells made it to the line more than our entire team's free throw count which totaled to be 7 in Game 3.

    Kountzes Runs - We were up double digits to zero in the first quarter at start of the game, which could have helped us through the Kountze runs. With that being said, Your math in bold above shows a score of 53 -14. We got our other 39 points during the same game.

    Orangefield's Supporting Cast - They put up 27 of the 35 I said we needed and were led by Thomas with 14. They were 8 shy and we lost by 9. I said all along that Kountze would come out; face-guard and double Ghost like they did during the 2nd half of Game 2 and now all the way through Game 3. It is good defensive strategy on Coach Jouberts part and I dont blame him at all. It's what Id have done if I was playing us as well. Who wouldn't? Ghost torched yall in Games 1 & 2 with fg's and assists not ft's. He had 21 & 26 with only 7 total free throw attempts for both games. Taking him out of the game and disrupting our offense is smart defensive strategy, but it also means that you should have to live with picking up more fouls which is what happened during Game 2. We just didnt get those calls in Game 3, so it is what it is. It's a sport and always a gamble.

    Orangefield's Horses As You Put It - I've said all season that our ceiling was every bit as high as Kountze, but we are nowhere near as deep. That shouldn't be news to anyone. Yall have bench players that would start at other schools in our district! No shots taken here, that is a great luxury to have. We have to run our horses in the ground against a team like yall. 

    Scales Having 12 Points In The Last 6 Quarters - I've already said it was good defensive strategy to take my son out of the game, and that I would've done the same, so yes hats off to Kountze for having a plan and executing. We absolutely should be doing more to free him up with downscreens, motion, etc when teams choose to play him that way because he is such a big part to the flow of our offense. At the same time, Coach Whitmire addresses those types of things with the boys, but heat of the moment decisions and basketball IQ isn't the same in all players at the Varsity Level. I'm sure we will have to implement some things to help free him up and I couldn't be more happy with our entire Coaching Staff and what they do with our boys. 

    Did You Know? - Last year Ghost had 21 & 25 through Games 1 & 2 of the Playoffs as a 120lb. freshman. Hitchcock  was sitting in the stands during Game 2 and literally face-guarded him from the opening tip during Game 3 and only allowed him 5 touches throughout the game. He was scoreless with no attempts from the foul line and even though we were up by 1 going into the 4th, we lost by 10. FACTS - COACHES CHOOSE TO TAKE HIM OUT OF THE GAME AND SEE IF THE OTHERS CAN BEAT THEM. ITS STRATEGY, AND ALLOWS OTHERS TO THINK THEY ARE OPEN OR ARE ONLY SEEING MINIMAL COVERAGE. IF THOSE PLAYERS CAPATALIZE ON THAT KIND OF COVERAGE, THEN IT FREES GHOST BACK UP. IF NOT OR AT LEAST NOT TO THE LEVEL NEEDED TO ACCOUNT FOR HIS POINT PRODUCTION, THEN WE LOSE!!! Not Rocket Science here bro!

    We will do better and this team is a true team of brothers, that apologize to each other for mistakes made and look out for each other. They have a real joy playing together and it has been an honor to watch them all year! They can pull together and do big things like they did in Game 2 and we believe in them, which is all I have ever said from the beginning.



  2. 4 hours ago, Coach 01 said:

    Game 1 bad refs, Game 2 good refs, Game 3 bad refs. Got it.

    This game was won at the 5:00 minute mark through the end of the 1st half when Kountze went on a 35-12 run. Plain and simple. Blaming the refs is nothing new, and explains a lot about the way some kids behave on the court. 

    My kid doesn't carry himself poorly on the floor or anywhere else. We worry about what kind of human beings we are before we worry about what kind of athlete he is. Everyone can say whatever but whats done is done and we are on to the playoffs, just like they are. Hope to see them again in a few weeks, until then we will honestly be pulling for them! 

  3. 6 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    I'm only speaking about the numbers. My opinion about game officiating doesn't matter.

    The foul rule change has something to do with the fact that OF didn't go to the line as much. Now a team's foul count gets wiped clean after the first and third quarters where it used to just continue to add up. So basically the first half of the 2nd and 4th quarters are free to foul without sending a player to the line. Unless it's a shooting foul. 

    The rule change helps a more aggressive team.

    I would agree that the officiating allowed for a more aggressive style of play last night. For both sides.

    Did the officials miss some calls? You bet. It happens every game I go too. 

    But I don't think you can lay this game completely at the officials feet.

    How many free throws did Sells shoot?

    How many free throws did Scales shoot?

  4. 2 hours ago, CowboyJeffR said:

    That was the game in a nutshell IMO. Kountze was allowed to be so much more physical on Orangefield’s ball handlers, and especially so with Ghost, reaching and hand checking all the way down the court, getting into his body, and grabbing and holding him on every inbounds play. Whereas Sells lived at the line down the stretch. Several weak calls in the second half and OF wasn’t getting that same whistle.


  5. In a 9 point game, 8 free throws is huge especially when your teams best free throw shooter gets probably 15 of those, while the other teams best free throw shooter gets zero attempts from the line. 

    This crap isn't hard to figure out and we shouldn't make it that way!

    Funny how folks get amnesia and only tell parts of what they saw last night.

  6. 5 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    Shooting 8 more FT's is not the game in a nutshell.

    Remember, 6 of those FT's were in the last 40 seconds of the game when Orangefield fouled 3 times to stop the clock.

    Again, Kountze had 14 team fouls, Orangefield had 13 with 4 of those in last minute of the game.

    You were there, why do you tell it like you didnt see the truth? How many of those free throws were Sells? How many were Scales?

  7. 1 hour ago, mfd814 said:

    Kountze felt that way in game 2 when Sells fouled out. 


    Kountze            10

    Orangefield       17


    Kountze             14

    Orangefield       13

    Fouls were about even.  And refs were not bad but did miss calls on both sides.  It came down to holding Scales to 7 points.  

    It came down to fouling the heck out of Scales the entire game and he never getting even one attempt from the foul line. There were several calls that they made on the floor only because he finished what would have been an " And 1 Basket" or he passed it off which would have been an open layup. They made sure to take the points away! Those refs knew exactly what they were doing and it was obvious. Everyone can sit on here and act like they didnt see it because there are so many on here in love with Kountze basketball being good again regardless of how they got there, but anybody who really knows the game knows the truth.

    Adults who cheat kids, are pieces of crap and are ruining the game!

    Everyone is going to say, "The foul count was nearly even" - Think about it, Kountze presses and plays physical the entire game, the foul count shouldn't even be close and there will never be any logical reason that Kountze would have more free throw attempts than Orangefield!

    Oh well, this is the path the good Lord wanted for us, so we will gladly take it! They did everything I said they would do, we just couldn't collect the fouls on them since the refs didnt call a fair game!

    On to Woodville Tuesday night



  8. 16 hours ago, KHSAlum400 said:

    It will be a great Game 3 and a good playoff-like atmosphere for both teams! Here a few things I don't think will happen:

    -Scales didn't score any FGs in that 2nd half in Game 2. I don't see that happening again

    -Sells fouling out. Don't see that happening in Game 3

    -Scales going perfect from the field in the 1st half in Game 2. I'm not a betting guy but I don't see that happening in Game 3

    This game comes down to which team has the better supporting cast outside of Scales/Wrinkle & Sells/Donald. The bright lights are on! It's time to play!

    Scales had a layup in second half of Game 2 and three free throws to finish with 26 on 9/13fg's. Kountze's whole defensive scheme was to stop him in the 2nd half and it baited others into taking quick shots before the ball got back to him. Its a good defensive strategy and something our team has to better understand, and work to get him the ball. He has had quite a few big first halves this season, and then you see them not give him the ball near as much in the 2nd half, It's honestly a basketball IQ Thing for our group that has improved since last season, but could still be better than it is. Our ball movement in the first half seems to always look better than it does in 2nd halves.

    I don't see Sells fouling out again either, but I do think that gives the assignment to Donald, and if we can get the spacing right, Donald will be in foul trouble guarding Ghost tonight.

    I'd never expect him to be perfect from the floor in any half of play, but I couldn't be more proud of how he embraced the hype and performed in both Games 1 & 2. Since he was young, it was always about taking the best smart shot there was for our team and embracing the moment. What I mean is, he could be 0/9 or whatever in a half but if they were the right, smart shots, then I'd want him to keep pulling the trigger. I know he has put the work in and he is always one shot away from catching fire.

    Couldn't agree with your last statement anymore! Orangefiled's supporting cast has been outperformed in the first two games, which in my opinion means they are due! Tonight's matchup is about so much more than Scales/Wrinkle & Sells/ Donald, tonight is about two State Ranked Top 10 TEAMS GOING HEAD TO HEAD FOR THE TRILOGY! Should be another great game and a lot of fun!

    One final thought, Game 1 we turned the ball over 28 times, but only 14 in game two. More possessions usually means more points and to me that is the glaringly obvious difference.

  9. 2 minutes ago, KHSAlum400 said:

    35+ points from a supporting cast (in addition to the scoring of your two best players)? If I had to guess, I would say the "supporting cast" hasn't done that all year. Orangefield averages 60 ppg. I was with you until you went there AND predicted a 9-point win. 

    Pump the brakes a little. Scales played a helluva game in Q1 of Game 2. You saw what happened in the 2nd half. Orangefield will need that strong supporting cast you speak of to win the game for them this go around. 

    I agree they probably haven't scored that before, but I figured that when I typed it. I beleive in them though. They are great kids and I believe they are settling in to the bright lights and the pressure that comes with it. They don't call'em the Cardiac Cats for nothing, lol! 9 point win has just been on my mind all week for whatever reason(maybe because we lost by that in the first one), so that wasn't a shot at all. I still think it will be close and whoever is trailing will be fouling to stop the clock which should increase the lead a little.

    I appreciate what you say about my son, he did have 21 in the first half the other night, and we didnt move the ball around as well in the 2nd half which is why I think Kountze will to neutralize him early. We have seen that strategy all season, so it gives opportunities to the others. If and when they make the most of it, it will free Ghost back up. Smith & Thomas have both had BIG nights just not always on the same night. We will need them both and all of our team to play their very best for us to win tomorrow! I agree with you. 

  10. 1 minute ago, BBfan061 said:

    Fair assessment. I think Kountze pulls out the W in a close one. Either way I’m pulling for both teams come playoff time until they hopefully meet again.


    Oh and if someone wanted to place a bet and wants to give  me Kountze +9 please reach out through private message 

    I'm not a gambling man outside of football squares or something like that. Besides both of these groups of young men are too special to let something as evil as money get involved. Just want a fair game and watch all of this talent on both sides be who God chose them to be!

    I'll for sure be pulling for both of them through the playoffs until we meet again as well and I appreciate you saying that! All in good fun, and 409 shines no matter what!

  11. I predict Kountze commits more into stopping Ghost (faceguard & double) like they did in the second half of the last game, but this time it will be from the opening tip. Wrinkle will be who he is and power through with near triple double numbers, while Ghost distracts the defense and collects fouls on them. Shooters like Smith and Thomas will make Kountze pay for leaving them open early which will force the 1 on 1 matchup with Ghost again, and he will capitalize when that happens. Donald will be in foul trouble this time because Sells will be trying to keep from fouling out like he did in Game 1. Our bigs (Rucker & Rawls) will total double digit block numbers together, because Kountze's scoring opportunities won't come from transition and will be in the halfcourt set.

    Kountze wont be able to press and if they do it wont be for long because Orangefield has already proven they can break it. In Game 2 when we took care of the ball, they got out of their press. When they get out of their press, we control the game and they will once again have to play out of their element. No secret here, this game like many, comes down to who wins the; turnover battle, rebounds, & free throws.

    Finally, this will be the trilogy everyone wants and it will be fire! Scales/Wrinkle & Sells/ Donalds numbers will be very respectable but close to even. Both are great teams with great players that have a ton of heart, but Orangefield's supporting cast comes up big in this one! 35+ points will be scored outside of whatever Scales & Wrinkle give us.

    Orangefield Fighting Bobcats win by 9 or more and go into the playoffs as the #1 Seed! 

    (Biggest concern will be for both teams  to be able to have fresh legs again when Playoffs start Monday night.)

  12. 1 minute ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    Final playoff spots have to be played. In regards to seeding games (#1, 2, 3) there are multiple options.

    First and most used option is play the game. Winner gets the higher seed.

    Coaches can agree to simply flip a coin. This can be done two different ways. The winner of the flip gets the higher seed (1 over 2 etc.). Or the winner of the flip can choose the seed it prefers out of the two being flipped for.

    The other option is one of the teams can concede the seed to the other. This has happened a few times when a coach thinks taking the lower seed is a better route for his team in the playoffs. 

    Now there are some districts (not all) that require two teams tied for #1 seed to play the game. Other options are not available. I do not know if 22-3A is one of those districts.


    I see Kountze and Orangefield playing but can see both agreeing to a coin flip.

    One things for sure. If one coach wants to play and the other does not, then the coach that doesn't want to play has to concede the seed.

    Thank you for the detailed explanation. A lot of strategy in this one for sure.

  13. 2 minutes ago, TexasBoy89 said:

    I believe they have an option to do a play in game, a coin flip, or one team could concede to the other for seeding. In this scenario I really don’t see either team conceding because this seeding game is so important. 

    I agree, I wouldn't see either conceding considering the playoff matchups. Another game would be an awesome trilogy, but I had a few folks bring up the risk of injury with these two teams going into another dog fight. Now, I could see how neither would want to risk injury knowing we have to go through some really great teams anyway during the playoffs. I guess a lot of thought will go into this one for sure.

  14. 2 hours ago, JimThorpe said:

    Likely there will be the biggest crowd of the season for either of these teams.  This is not only a good local rivalry game and a generally good game and the seeding has some meaning, but it's also probably the only game in town on Friday.  The girls round 2 will be on Thursday.  Could have a lot of interest beyond just the two schools. 

    As far as the brackets go looking ahead neither will face an opponent ranked higher than they until they meet Hitchcock.  Thing is the runner-up gets Hitchcock in the third round and the winner gets them in the Region final.  I think it would be better to get more wins under your belt before facing the No. 1 ranked team.  Either way barring upset Hitchcock waits at the end of the 3A Region 3 rainbow.

    Thats interesting and good info, thank you. Would you or @AggiesAreWe know why some folks would be talking about a coin flip? I'm hearing that is a possibility when the game is only for seeding and not to actually secure a playoff spot. Anything you guys know about that? Also will the game be for sure Friday if we play it? How do they decide location?

  15. Just now, AggiesAreWe said:

    Are you suggesting that me putting lines on games is "bulletin board" material?

    I have been doing this for years and never had any complaints. Heck, people are always asking me to post them.

    Nobody here should take my lines personally.

    BTW, me having Kountze as 8 point favorites shouldn't rile anyone.

    I would have tagged you if I was talking about you or said it to you last night in person. You taking Kountze at -8 isn't offensive in anyway. I like the lines you put out and they are usually pretty close.

    I thought I was pretty clear about haters and negativity being who I was speaking to.

  16. 2 minutes ago, setxathlete14 said:

    I understand. But I still think the opinions of us or our comments on a public sports forum mean notta. And probably shouldn't even be put to light in any high school locker room. Block the noise.

    I'm with you man, and can't say I disagree. I think it was more of "Protect Your house" type of motivation.  Every group of players are different, and at least in this case it did hype them up.

  17. 2 hours ago, mfd814 said:

    Humble pie works both ways.   You know the players at several schools. Kountze has some very humble players and coaches.  The coaches also coach more than basketball.  If you know Joubert he is a very self less man, humble and highly regarded.   He coaches the game win or lose and move to the next one.  The last few years when Kountze was getting bullied on the court no one was crying about people running up the score on them.   They took those whoppings and kept playing  Kountze isn’t worried about how many points are scored or who is the leading scorer .  Orangefield played great last night and much better than the game at Kountze.  The first quarter was awesome.   But Kountze rallied and fell short by 5.  Who knows if the PG hadn’t of fouled out with about 3mins left and Kountze made free throws , what would have happened.   Ghost and Wrinkle played amazing.   
        The old heads from Kountze get on here and talk smack.  And people do get in their feelings.  Don’t put that on the coaches or kids.   You can ask Whitmire about Joubert and how he runs the team.   

    For the record, I think Joubert is an awesome Coach just like I do Whitmire, which I have said in previous posts. I also think the Kountze Players are great (4 of them used to play for me and I will always love those guys) and they are a class act! They are real athletes that compete as hard as they can and leave it all on the floor. So there is nothing but respect there from me. The game last night was the most exciting high school game I have ever seen and its because of the players and coaches. However, like you said folks do get on here and talk smack. I try to take the high road in most cases, but I am always going to defend the kids, regardless of who it upsets.

    In hindsight, I shouldn't have even brought up the margin of victory mess, but sometimes you get tired of the kids not getting credit when they are due. Neither one of us are going to shoot the ball particularly well against each other, because both teams are dialed in playing their best defense possible due to the magnitude of the game.

    We were all gifted with watching two great games by two great teams being coached by two of the best in Texas. Im going to just leave it at that, and look forward to both of their playoff runs! Like I said before, SETX shined last night

  18. 2 hours ago, setxathlete14 said:

    The fact high school kids are using forum posts (from most who's opinions are irrelevant anyway we're mostly a bunch of dads, moms and grandparents babbling) as motivation baffles me. "Hey look at the people on this forum"

    like any of us are professional analysts.

    I  and some of the coaches i know would be teaching them to block out the noise not amplify it. But hey. Whatever works.

    The negative comments were printed and hung by adults, not the kids. However, these players are Varsity young men, so negativity and being told they couldn't do something did fuel their fire. So, yes whatever it takes is right.

  19. 21 minutes ago, Bobcat1 said:

    I haven’t read where any posts were directed negatively towards the kids or coaches. AAW or myself would have deleted those post(s) immediately. 

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Ch Chu was making references to the fans on this board who were predicting a Kountze win and some predicting a large margin.  

    Since I haven’t lived in the area in over ten years, this was the first time I’ve been in the OF gym to watch the boys play in probably a good 10+ years. The game was awesome! Both teams played really well and with great sportsmanship. I hope I can be at next one between the two.  


    Correct, I was 100% addressing negative comments about how bad Orangefield would get beaten on this post. The boys used it as motivation and played a great game against a great opponent. Brought up margin of victory because it is what some folks used to figure their own lines on the game. Just meant our boys have more fire power than what is shown on the scoreboard in some cases.

  20. 2 hours ago, Sports86 said:

    Just to be clear, I'm not "y'all" as in being a Kountze fan. I'm from Orangefield, had 3 kids graduate from Orangefield, all 3 played sports at Orangefield. You spoke on the behalf of yourself, the coaches, the boys and the community of Orangefield, not sure why you felt the need to do so. As I stated, all that needed to be said was great job Bobcats, the rest of your comments is not  Orangefield. Your son is a great player, let him be great on his on accord.

    James 4:10 "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up."

    Matthew 5:38 "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and a tooth for tooth. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn them the other cheek also."


    6 hours ago, Cu Chulainn said:

    We play the the game the right way, we want our boys to understand compassion and empathy for their opponents. So you couldn't score a 100 points on your opponents, that means you show compassion and empathy. Who are you to PAST JUDGEMENT on these coaches and players. All you had to say was great job Bobcats, all the rest of that crap was ridiculous. 

    Yes ma'am, it was your previous comment above in bold that led me to believe you were from Kountze. Im sorry I have upset you, but this is a sports blog where a lot of things get said, where we all have to "turn the other cheek". The negative comments on this very blog were printed and hung (not by me and I had no knowledge until my son sent me a pic of it) on our players lockers as motivation! They were one of the biggest reasons they were so dialed in last night, so we thank the haters for that!

    In my initial statement, notice I said, "To all the haters" and that showed who I was addressing, which wasn't you. It was simply to say that a challenge was issued, our boys accepted and delivered. 

    I do apologize for upsetting you ma'am, but please know I felt I was being as respectful as possible when talking about how proud we are of our team.

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