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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. All of the reformsrs mentioned also Huss and Jerome, Charles Wesley,Sir Isaac Newton, all of them, they recognized the pope as the antichrist. You can study it for yourself.
  2. The key to the mix up is this, & I've mentioned this before: there are three forms or schools of prophecy, bible prophecy. Two of those three are totally bogus. The oldest, the most accurate form of prophecy interpretation is historicism. Jesus was a historicist. So were the apostles. All the great reformers were historicists including Martin Luther, John Calvin, Thomas Cranmer, and others including John Thomas, John Knox and others like Cotton Mather, John Wesley,,,you get the picture. The Catholic Church tried to counter with the preteriism and futurism during the counter reformation. They have been successful in hoodwinking 97% of the church, which is why most christians don't really know much about bible prophecy. If a person embraces and studies historiism it all falls into place past, present and the future.
  3. Quit tryna smear me by putting words in my mouth. I can speak for myself.
  4. New Living TranslationAll Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 2 Tim 3:16 The Old Testament is all the Bible Jesus had. Same for all the apostles.
  5. The devil counterfeits everything God sets up. The 7th day is the true sabbath. Sunday is the counterfeit. Sunday worship was started among the pagans because they wanted to worship a false god they could see, the sun. Among the pagans that worshipped the sun was pagan Rome. Roman emperor Constantine was the principal person who brought Sunday to the church. The church promoted Sunday for at least a thousand years before there was a protestant. IF u know something is bogus why hang on to it? God winks at the times of ignorance but He is calling his true followers out of Babylon.
  6. Ik Ik just believe trump and Fox News & everything will be alright.
  7. The Lord is the one who selected the 7th day as His special day. “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath,From doing your pleasure on My holy day,And call the Sabbath a delight, Isaiah 58..
  8. Go to church on Sunday, which is the wrong day, but that's besides the point for now. Then back right wing bigots that deny soap & blankets to children in a grossly over crowded concentration camp. Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.
  9. Besides, if you spend all your time ridiculing your political opponents that is a sure sign that somebody is going to hell.
  10. I am not going to waste time trying to convince you. Your mind is closed, like the jaws of a snapping turtle. Consider this: people carry their bibles around. They say the Almighty God is all powerful, all knowing, all wise, the creator of the universe and yet folks run around worrying about UFOs. Btw God is all that and more. In His word he puts the name antichrist. The word or name originated in the Bible. Don't you think an all knowing and beneficent God would reveal who this antichrist is? And he has. If I can figure it out certainly you or anyone else can. You don't want to know because it cramps your myopic world view.
  11. Good post...some try to make the very simple complicated. Romans 10:9 New King James Version (NKJV) 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Hagar nobody, except your own guilty conscious said anything about all the other denominations going to hell. I just said the pope is the antichrist. At one point in history there were two popes at the same time. They both called the other the antichrist. They both were right.
  12. King James BibleThe secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. Deut 29:29.
  13. Apostate christianity is the real problem. The enemy within is much more evil & pernicious than the enemy outside. Jesus Christ had big time enemies outside his circle of disciples, the jewish religionists, the pharisees, etc. But, it was someone in his inner circle, Judas Iscariot, who sold him out for 30 pieces of silver.
  14. The notion that Peter was the 1st Pope is nonsense. Peter’s given name was Simon Bar-Jonah, but Christ had given him the nickname Cephas—an Aramaic word meaning “A Stone” (John 1:42). Petros in Matthew 16:18 is the Greek form of the nickname. The meaning of both Cephas and Petros is the same: “a fragment, a stone” (Zondervan Expository Dictionary of Bible Words, pp. 537-538). The closest English words to petros would be pebble, stone or small rock. The second word Christ used was petra. This word also means rock, but it represents “a mass of rock” (ibid.). This word could be translated as boulder—an immovable mass. Had Christ intended to describe Peter, all He needed to say was: You are Peter and on you I will build My Church. But He didn’t say that. He distinguished the rock (petra) He was building the Church on from Peter (petros). The rock He was building His Church on was a rock big enough to serve as the chief cornerstone in the foundation; it was large, strong and immovable. This describes none other than Jesus Christ Himself!
  15. Ginn is a football player. That's his bread & butter. If he goes out & pulls a hammie $10k is a drop in the bucket compared to what he will lose.
  16. I got a God who takes care of me. Personally I'd rather die than as you for poop.
  17. Forget dat democratic field jibber jabber. The powers that be, (I've named them more than once) fixxin' to run that global warming and that Hegelian diabetic and dat 'common good' right down yo throat. When it happens don't say I didn't try to tell you about it.
  18. Many times I've tried to explain to people not from the area, or state, that Jasper is not that bad a town. If something like that could and did happen in Jasper, it could happen anywhere.
  19. It could be friends of the deputies son in La. They're into that kind of thing.
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