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Posts posted by NoNeckNic479

  1. 1 minute ago, piratevillain said:

    How much coaching is experience do you need to know the personnel for an XP attempt or for clock management?🤔 Backups and "no faith" in th personnel is a lame duck excuse, cause if injuries and personne we're a huge problem, we would've lost to Lumberton as well.

    The answer is a ton of coaching experience especially in a playoff game where you are decimated with injuries and missing your head coach.  That puts coaches in positions they are not use to being in.  Was the acting head coach use to being head coach or was there a scramble drill on the way to the game after the head coach was taken to an urgent care facility? The point of my rebuttal is that with amount of injuries on the offensive side of the ball the coach/s thought that throwing the ball gave us a better chance to win. With the season over, throw your name in the coaching hat.

  2. 2 minutes ago, piratevillain said:

    Pirates we're able to move the ball all second half via the ground game. Burning 3 TO's and the last on with 3 minutes in the game and throwing it 4 straight times deep in CH territory, cmon man.. we could use the injury crutch all we want but turds roll down hill.

    I ask the same to you...What experience do you have calling plays and or coaching at the varsity level and beyond?  So much comes into factor when you have backups in the game and running a 2 min offense.  Yes, Vidor moved the ball much better in the 2nd half but when it came down to crunch time...less than 2 min. and no timeouts the offensive coordinator and whoever was acting head coach made the decision to throw the ball.  Is that because of injuries, not having faith that the personnel in the game would know what to do in those situations, or could it have been that the coaches know the players better than you, me and anyone else???

  3. 10 hours ago, Mr. Thornton Melon said:

    The play calling  did suck. Just sayin'

    You could of and would of done a better job at play calling...right?!? Maybe missing 2 starting RB's and a 3rd starting RB that was hobbled all night had something to do with the play calling...nah?!? Adding to the RB situation, an offensive line went down in the 3rd qtr. Again, you could of and would of done a better job at playing calling. 

    What is your coaching, head coaching experience? What is your play calling experience?  

  4. Man-O-Man do I love all the coaches on the forum.

    Injuries (yes, I know part of the game) and losing their HC hours before kickoff was a losing combination for the Pirates Friday night.  Coach Mathews does not suit up and play BUT those young men respond to him like no other.  He's their biggest fan, motivator, and the man that leads them into battle....so losing a head coach like him is tough for a bunch of young men that look up to him and turn to him with things get tough.

    To them men, women, has-beens and never-was to question the playing calling and thinking of Vidors coaches...all I have to say to you is....what play calling, head coaching experience do you have?? And to please submit your resume for a Head Coaching position at any school.

    As much emphasis as people put on winning and losing...football is about more.  Its about discipline, building character, relationships that will last a lifetime, and maybe most importantly its about accountability.   

    To the players....Men hold your head up high, be proud, keep moving forward, and always stay in the fight.  This season is NOT a failure by any means. You should be proud of what you have accomplished! 


  5. 1 hour ago, Hagar said:

    Here’s my take.  If Vidor can get up early, I think it’ll lead to victory.  On the other hand, if CH gets up early, it’ll be very difficult for Vidor to come back.  The more mental/physical pressure we can put on their young QB, the better.  Under pressure, he’ll be their weak link.

    Btw, Mabank fan posted we didn’t have any speed, and their speed will get them in our backfield.  I told him our OL blocks better than Mabanks.  

    3, 4 yard plays in a row…1st down! Don’t need a ton of speed to make first downs lol 

  6. 1 hour ago, Hagar said:

    Had a Kilgore fan tell me most Vidor fans will be shocked when CH takes the field.  Said they have a bunch of big kids & they wear big pads.  Said they look like a Junior College team.  Made Kilgore look small.  The intimidation factor.  Evidently they had a QB of questionable talent and enthusiasm.  After the 3 District losses they brought up their current QB. Haven’t lost since.  Vidor needs to get on top of these folks in a hurry.  I suspect they may fold under pressure.  Problem is, getting them there.

    I've watched a couple games of CH (films) and they have a decent size O & D-line...again that is from watching film which can be deceiving.  Their backs and WR's are on the small size but they can go. From what I can tell they do have one WR that is tall.  Lots of screens and quick routes to get the ball in their playmakers hands.  RB's like to bounce everything to the outside.  Corners need to move up towards the line of scrimmage and wrap-up! 

  7. 2 hours ago, Hagar said:

    As Unwoke pointed out, almost all the injuries at RB.  Much of 2nd half against HH Vidor had two 3rd string RB’s.  They gave it their all, but still….  When you run the Slot T, you have to have good RB’s.  It’s comparable to a spread team having to use the 3rd string QB & Receiver.  But give the young men good, they still managed to come back against Ltown.  Whether they’ll be able to pull it off against CH is now the question.  Vidor’s biggest advantage could be that the CH D is undisciplined.  If so, the Pirates can take advantage of that.

    And speaking of depth, I heard CH rotates their DL. Must be nice to have that many quality DLs.  Also, Mabank (also in Dist 9) runs a similar offense to Vidors.  CH beat them 50-22, but I don’t think they actually run the Slot T.  MaxPreps has no video highlights on them, so it’s a mystery.  I think CH is going to be a very tough win.

    In the slot-t offense its  as much about blocking from the RB position as it is carrying the ball.  Knowing who to block, what hole to hit, etc. can be a lot to learn in short amount of time.  From the HH game to the lumberton game there was improvements and hopefully this week you will continue to see improvement.  The only downside is that some of the RB's used play defense (secondary) and that can and will take time away from practicing at one of the positions.

  8. Lindale QB is good, very good.  Big, athletic, and a strong arm.  Depending on what RB Lindale features...#16, 23, 24 (I think is his number)... all small-ish in stature but run hard and will make you miss in the open field.

    Defensively...they give up points but you better hold on to the ball tight. D-Line's pass rush is pretty good, edge rushers get off the ball fairly quick, decent push up the middle, and they like to blitz the LB's.

  9. Vidor needs to play a clean game (cut down on penalties, tackle better, etc.) and can't fall behind by multiple scores.  TCH lines up in shotgun, RB in the back-field and multiple WR's split out wide.  Counters, traps, jet sweeps and jump balls.  TCH has multiple guys that are capable of breaking a tackle and taking it in for 6.  Defensively TCH is big up front and can be worn down in the later quarters. 

  10. 1 minute ago, piratevillain said:

    PNG and Ned definitely bring the fans and the intensity and some time the hatred of being of long time foes. Hopefully we can schedule one of them for pre-district next season - but i doubt it, honestly.

    Won’t be long and Vidor will be back in 5A. I can see Vidor and Lumberton taking Crosby’s and Barber Hills spot when those 2 move up a classification. 

  11. 7 hours ago, piratevillain said:

    train horn any day, no matter what PNG is gonna play it a million times regardless.😂

    Much rather play PNG, NED over lcm and l-town. Mid-county brings the fans, passion to every game and vice versa. 

    Plenty of open seats on the lcm side when Vidor strolled into town. Saw quiet a few open seats on the visitor side last night. 

    No matter the situation…Mid-county is brining it!!

  12. Watched what I could, read what I could…couldn’t get/find a radio station…oh well.  

    From what I could tell, someone forgot to tell l-town it’s a 48 minute game. Vidor did what they had to do in the first half to keep it close and within striking distance. Even with all the penalties and not so great execution on offense…then BAM The Pirates struck! Defense picked up the pressure, offense ground-n-pounded to a win! INT to seal the deal! 

    It’s a great day to be a Pirate!!

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