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Posts posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. 4 hours ago, baddog said:

    Yeah, we have to give in to the rioters. For what it’s worth, I think they were guilty of murder and the photographer guilty of accessory. How’s that. It still doesn’t alter the fact that we now have trials and convictions by the media. The fact that blacks threaten to burn and loot, possibly kill if they don’t get their, way is atrocious. Why didn’t whites threaten to loot and burn before the O.J. verdict? Could it be we believe in the law and the courts? If blacks had their way, all black killed were innocent and if killed by white guys or the police, it’s time to riot and burn down cities. If they are killed by a black person, then that is totally acceptable. Please keep feeding me info to digest so I can understand that mentality. 

    These guys killed a black guy who they believed was stealing from a construction site. I think there is more to the story than came out in the trial, but it doesn’t excuse them from killing this man. Should I riot, loot, burn, and THREATEN innocent citizens if I thought otherwise?

    What on earth are you talking about dude, seek help 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Why, am I hitting too close to home? You can't defend yourself so you naturally, like a simpleton, resort to personal attacks...then whine and play victim. How's that obsession with Trump treating you...not very well I see.

    Serious answer - you sound like an unhinged lunatic right now. Not trying to troll or bait. Please seek help.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Just like a good little liberal sheeple. When you can't win an argument, go with disparaging personal insults and outright lies. You are funny in your simpleton ways. Wait, isn't that what you call fellow posters...peanut brains? And yet you are the one that exhibits that quality.

    Who is more obsessed, you with President Trump or me with your condescending posts (as you clearly whine about)? You seem to waste copious amounts of time scouring the world to find one scrap of garbage to post about Trump. On the other hand, you can post all you want in the Sports sections. I won't follow you over there. I'm not obsessed with you. (But be careful over there, if you come at them with the same condescension tangled with unintelligible garble, they will not hold back on their brutal honesty when evaluating your contributions. I'll dumb it down for you: they won't be as nice as me.)


    Please seek help. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Look at you, whining about someone replying to your own topic. Are you really proud of yourself for constantly deriding fellow posters, then cry like a little wannabe victim when you get your same crap thrown back in your face? You are a piece of work...aggressive victimhood.

    No wonder your wife left you lol 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    This tells us all we need to know about your TDS. We have a cognitive degenerate in the Whitehouse, border overrun by illegals, gas prices doubling, out-of-control inflation, Congress passing spending bills that will do nothing but lead us further into bankruptcy...and so much more lunacy. But the thing that gets your panties in a wad is something Donald Trump Jr said. Even Maxine Watters is thinking "Wow, his TDS is out of control". You really should seek help.

    Look.. again, this guy literally logs in just to derail my topics. 

    I even explicitly excluded you from the smart and normal people cohort, because I knew you’d do this. 


  6. GOP must think their voters are some of the dumbest people on earth.. these scumbags will grift at literally every opportunity, and the kooks fall for it hook, line and sinker every single time. 

    Normal people - what you think? @tvc184 @thetragichippy @bullets13 @CardinalBacker


    Kyle Rittenhouse attorney Mark Richards slammed GOP congressman who practically begged his client to come work for them, declaring that their internship offers are nothing more than a cash grab. “They're raising money on it and you have all these Republican congressmen saying come work for me,” Richards said to Insider following Rittenhouse’s acquittal Friday. “They want to trade on his celebrity and I think it's disgusting.” 



    Richards did not mince words for Donald Trump, Jr., either, after he tweeted—and deleted—that a gun rights organization would send Rittenhouse an AR-15. “He’s an idiot. I don't have to expand on that because it speaks for itself,” he said.







  7. 9 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

    From the evidence that I saw, Martin attacked Zimmerman. There was no evidence brought that Zimmerman attacked Martin. The 911 recording which I believe is still on YouTube, tells all you need to know without further evidence to the contrary. There was none. of course with speculation we could make up all kinds of scenarios but there was no evidence to back any up.

    A person does not have to think anything good about George Zimmerman to realize that the original district attorney in the case was correct, there was no evidence of murder beyond a reasonable doubt that overcame self-defense. It took the state and a special prosecutor to come in and announce an indictment without calling a grand jury. In fact Angela Corey made a public statement that she would not bring the case to a grand jury when the actual district attorney of that county had announced that he would bring the case to the graduate the next week. Corey had to quickly move to indict on her word only (allowed in FL) because she knew that the grand jury would likely return a No Bill.

    Is Zimmerman a good guy and a hero? Not in the least on either count. There is no evidence that Zimmerman harassed or even confronted Martin though.  You are allowed that speculation but that is all it is. 

    My understanding of the situation (based off media) is Trayvon was walking home and George was following him in a car/vehicle. Maybe I misremember or fell for the media bait. Anyways, the kid didn’t deserve to die and loser George has proven himself to be mentally unstable so I’d have to give the benefit of doubt to.. “not George”.

    of course this is all speculation on my part. Not like I was there, or have video. 

    anyways don’t mean to derail. Kyle did defend himself, but he shouldn’t have been put in that position in the first place. Wtf is his mom thinking, dropping her teenage son off in a riot zone with guns? Terrible life decisions all around. 

  8. 49 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    Too bad he didn’t get attacked by more. Could’ve rid the world of some more garbage. He had 20+ rounds left. 

    Not surprised to see you still defending loser George, and baddog (the Jan 6th traitor) “thanking” your post 

    SETX in a nutshell 

  9. Reminds me a bit of the Trayvon martin situation


    Poor kid is just minding his business until some raging lunatic shows up and starts harassing him, for obvious reasons.. scuffle starts, lunatic gets his face deservedly bashed in and then pulls the gun.

    Yeah it was self defense, but loser George shouldn’t have been in that position in the first place 

  10. 21 hours ago, bullets13 said:

    I'm going to disagree on how well he handled covid.  I know that I don't hold the same views on Covid as many conservatives, but IMO there were two viable options to address it: the first option was to do nothing.  Let it run it's course, encourage people to be smart, and treat cases as best you could.  The second was to lock the state down to some degree until the vaccine was widely available.  Protect the masses from themselves until the people who wanted the vaccine were able to receive it.  He somehow did both of these options in the least effective way possible: he shut down the state in various ways for about 9 months... reduced capacity in various public places, cancelling school, closing different businesses.  BUT, then he completely opened the state back up just 2 months before vaccines were widely available, which undoubtedly led to many deaths of people who had no choice but to return back to school/work/etc. just 6-8 weeks before they would become eligible to get a vaccine.  So the Texas economy took a pretty big hit because of his policy, but then he ended the policy just about 2 months before it could've made a difference.  I was dumbfounded when he did that. 

    Easy explanation - he has no idea what he’s doing and is just pandering for votes and public support. He and Ted Cruz have perfected this. And as long as Team D keeps nominating the Obama wannabee, they’ll keep getting away with it 


    Also forgot to add - these people rely on the short attention span of voters. Bring up another hot topic issue (abortion, this time) and the peons forget about everything else.. too busy fuming mad and foaming at the mouth 

  11. 21 hours ago, Hagar said:

    Lmbo, nothing to see here folks, some obscure posters has no problem with an old white dude ruining the greatest country in the history of the world.  But the posters justification, the old white dude doesn’t post mean tweets.  What a relief, even though Orange Man had a booming economy, and had record level of employment for minorities and all Americans.  But no mean tweets.  And pushed the private sector to come up with a Covid vaccine in unbelievable time.  But no mean tweets.  And got the North Koreans to stop firing missiles.  But no mean tweets.  Had stopped border crossings to a dribble.  But no mean tweets.  Lmbo!

    Dude everyone already knows Biden sucks , how many times do we have to explain this to you peanut brains?

  12. 16 hours ago, tvc184 said:

    Reading comprehension problems? I said both sides do it. Even then, that was not what my post was about. I clearly said (for a person that has the ability to grasp it ) that there are always people who will stay with a party no matter what happens. Biden is coming close to that, “I don’t care if my president is a child molester and sells  secrets to the Russians, I will not vote against him” level. Trump never came close. In fact in 2016 he got 63 million votes and in 2020 he got 81 million votes. 30% more people voted for him in his reelection bid. 

    So…… nobody else has a clue what you’re talking about when you say yeah but you voted for Trump. 

    Except for nasty tweets that apparently hurts the sensibilities of people on the left, Trump has done very little that I disagree with. Except for having crude tweets and having an R by his name, a lot of Democrats would have had no problem with her either. 

    When it comes to Biden, he has lost half of its own base. As far as Trump, the usually leaning blue state of Virginia just used him as their talking point causing the Republicans to win every state wide office and the first governorship for 12 years. 

    You were comparing apples to concrete. 

    lol delusional 


    Your own boy said he can kill someone in the street and his fanatics would still vote for him



  13. 7 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    I find it hilarious that you think you can analyze TVC's (or anyone's) rationale for voting for a particular candidate. Ask a person why he voted for Trump, and that person can list the reasons. Ask a person why he voted for Biden, and all he can muster is "I hate Trump". But keep trying, you might stumble upon a correct analysis one day.

    Right over your head old man, better luck next time 

  14. 50 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

    There are always people that will support “their” party like they are supporting their local football team. All sides have them but I believe the Democrats probably have a lot higher percentage. They are a lot better at toeing the party line and not arguing with each other, at least not in public.

    I think Biden is down to that hard-core, yellow dog democrat base. He could be caught in a murder while molesting a child and being seen fabricating evidence on camera and he will still get a certain percentage of votes. I believe he’s getting close to that percentage.

    I find this hilarious, considering you voted for trump, aka “your party” 

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