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Posts posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. 52 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    You do bring that special entertainment value. You sound like Biden...talking down to people that are clearly superior to you. That does brings value to this board...although it is a purely comedic entertainment value. But value none the less. You keep those childish, "fits of anger" stereotypes coming, and we will keep laughing at our "special little buddy".

    … and you still wonder why your wife left you 🤦‍♂️ 

  2. 28 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Get back to solving the wealth transfer problem and quit wasting your valuable time with us.

    Thanks. I’ll do my part but no guarantees. I’m focused mostly on positioning myself to capitalize on the upcoming wealth transfer 


    Anyways - you kooks are good to go back to arguing about abortion, BLM, libs bad, and the stolen election.. you know, the same tired brain rot topics you’ve been talking about for literal years now

  3. 16 hours ago, Englebert said:

    You just can't help yourself. Your kindergarten classmates are laughing at you.

    Why bother? Because sometimes it's fun exposing someone's true colors. Arrogance coupled with ignorance is just a hilarious combination. Keep the childish quips coming. Also, add some more emojis to help clarify what you can't articulate through your own words...you know, create your own little picture book. That should raise your posts up to at least third grade level.

    Get back to the culture war topics like a sheep that you are , dengleberryt


    You clearly have nothing of value to add on these issues that require a higher level of thinking. All you do is circlejerk with these other old geezers just as main stream media wants you too 

  4. 34 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    How about that energy independence?

    Make your case for your guy.

    BTW, those numbers aren't reliable, never are under a democrat president, even you know that.

    It's skewed in favor of the democrat just like wartime deaths, covid deaths and yes, even unemployment numbers.

    Exhibit #5839292 - the poors and the dumbs fighting with each other.. claiming political parties like sports teams, while obviously missing the bigger picture 


    I knew this topic was too advanced for this crowd, not sure why I bothered lol

  5. 36 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    OK, so you don't like career politicians like Biden and you don't like successful business people like Trump.  So who would you consider acceptable?  

    Edited - for being mean. If you genuinely think trump is a great example of a successful businessman, then there’s really no point in further engaging with you.

    Mitt Romney and Glenn Youngkin are great examples. Check their Wikipedia page if you want to read about their credentials. I really hope Glenn runs in 2024, or 2028.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    We already voted for a successful business man, and his performance was outstanding. But you and the nutcase Liberals threw a childish temper tantrum. Logic tells us that you and Liberals can't handle success, and are hell bent on keeping career political imbeciles in power. And you have the nerve to poste this crap blaming us instead of the real culprit...you. I'm guessing this is just your furthering attempts at comedy. I can't see how anyone with at least  three functioning brain cells could actually consider this a serious post.

    Take this BS to the stolen election topic you dufus 

  7. 1 hour ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    So what are you doing to fix this while we are busy arguing other issues?  Surely you have the fix.

    Thanks for the smartA reply.

    A great start would be to stop voting for scam artist businessmen (Trump) and establishment politicians (Hillary/Biden) and instead vote for people who have proven themselves to be actually successful businessmen (Romney, Youngkin). 


    Another idea is to have the federal reserve completely independent from political influence, ie. Fake businessman Trump hammering Powell (and calling him names) to lower rates while the economy was already overheating. Even better, perhaps we go back to the gold standard, or implement another system where our patriotic leaders can’t just literally print money on a whim.


    Now get back to the 20-page stolen election topic where you belong 

  8. As you can see below, both Team R and Team D continually implement policies and push monetary policies that benefit the 1%, while keeping the plebs arguing about gay rights, womens rights, immigrants, BLM, boogeyman #9183.


    The first meaningful wealth transfer occurred  during the bush era housing bubble, then exploded with GFC bailouts (free money) and QE (easy money). During Obama years, rates were kept artificially low (easy money), further increasing the wealth gap. Trump era continues with more easy money interest rates (hurting seniors on fixed income), then of course wealth gap exploded yet again with trump bucks, PPP (literally free money), Covid bailouts. Next comes Biden with Biden bucks and more stimulus.

    Once again, housing affordability has reached all time lows and we’re due for another BAILOUT once poo hits the fan


    Anyways - most of you scholars have no idea what this even means so you can continue on with the culture war debates. Just sharing some datapoints in case a person or two wants to get their head out of their a… sand. Rich get richer, while convincing the hillbillies and social justice warriors that it’s the other persons fault that the middle class continues to shrink 


  9. 1 minute ago, baddog said:

    Sex education is ok for young adults, not freaking pre-K. Plus they push gender identity an BS like that. Limit access to birth control??   I’d rather see the pill handed out than syringes. 
    I think you just like to argue. You never have anything to back it up. Just call people names and put them in groups. 

    Who the hell supports sex Ed in pre-k lol.. not any normal person. Come on now..

  10. 7 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Can’t figure a way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy but can always get someone to bail  them out and foot the bill. Birth control after the fact. 

    .. coming from a guy who doesn’t want sex Ed taught in schools and wants to limit access to birth control and contraceptives. No solutions, all criticism. Textbook hypocrite   

  11. All these great morals go out the window when it comes to voting (twice), defending, and worshipping (gold statue, lol) a president who openly had multiple affairs, abortions, creeped on kids (including his own daughter) and was BFFs with a known establishment pedophile in Epstein


    Big freakin yikes. selectively pro-life, it seems 

  12. 4 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:


    The cycle will never end because we bail adults out of the responsibility.


    Your line of thinking is what keeps the poverty cycle going. You want unfit and/or poor mothers to keep children that they can’t care for, often raising the kids in less than suitable environments where physical, mental and sexual abuse is not uncommon. Kids raising kids. Then most of you want to cut all the social safety nets once they’re born. 

    Next argument is that parents should then give the kids up for adoption. You are assuming the parents are smart enough to realize the kid would maybe be better off going up for adoption. Most of these people are in these situations in the first place because they.. continue to make bad life decisions. 

    Most of the arguments here boil down to “get better parents”.. yeah great advice genius 



  13. 28 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Let the woman make her choice in this situation.  It’s not right in God’s eyes but I wouldn’t ask a woman to go through that against her will.

    .. got some news for you champ. That’s exactly what you support when it comes to abortion. 

    Besides, who are you to ask women what to do or what not to do? Bunch of weird old men in here debating what rights women should or shouldn’t have 🤢🤢

  14. 22 minutes ago, baddog said:

    When I think of all the babies that have been aborted, I am overwhelmed with the “what ifs”. It’s really mind boggling. 

    You’re full of it.


    Youd undoubtedly be shaming, demonizing and belittling the unfortunate kids being born into crappy families with no support  systems for being welfare drains.


    “Pro-life” crowd tries their absolute hardest to make sure we don’t teach sex Ed in schools, make it hard to get birth control and contraceptives, try to shut down planned parenthood, try to reduce food stamps, etc.. etc.. nothing “pro-life” about that.


    It’s pro-birth, and that’s it. After you’re born, you’re own your own according to the religious fanatics. 

  15. 2 hours ago, bullets13 said:

    It's been 50 years.  Our country is infinitely more liberal than it was 50 years ago, including moderate and republican voters.  This move is likely going to amount to political disaster for the right.  right when the republican party is poised to take back power in a big way you're galvanizing the left, and once again pushing those "stupid moderate" voters back to the left.  

    Your comrades here just don’t get it man.. they had 2022 and 2024 all but guaranteed but somehow out dumb themselves, again.  

    I voted Romney, skipped, 3rd party, then voted in the republican primary most recently. (All RINOs and libs I’m sure). The issues most important to me are 1) gun rights and 2) womens rights. #2 is clearly at siege, so will be voting accordingly until the crazies lay off the crack. #1 isn’t going anywhere, especially in Texas, despite what they screech nonstop about. 

    Of course, the natural rebuttal for the crazies is “what about the economy?!”. Yeah, team R Isn’t on the right side of history either. GFC bailouts, QE, hammering fed for easier monetary policy, Covid bailouts, trump bucks, etc..

    #FJB, but F the anti-women crazies even more.  

  16. Besides me? Never see posts on this topic here, which Impacts everyone and especially the elderly on fixed incomes.. but there’s a billion topics on the ‘stolen election’ (yawn) and the normal culture wars divide and conquer bull 💩 (working as intended for the 🐑 , I suppose).


    It’s gotten to the point where I’d gladly trade a state income tax for no prop tax. At least with state income tax I won’t owe anything once I retire, whereas I’m forced to pay an annual tax on my property until the day I die. 

    The worst part is probably half of my 15k in annual property taxes goes to these hillbilly school districts (thank you Robinhood) where the constituents scream socialism but gladly take my taxpayer dollars in addition to the trump bucks and Biden bucks stimulus programs.. 🤮 🤮 


    Texas has one of the highest property tax rates nationwide — only six states, Wisconsin, Vermont, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Illinois and New Jersey — have higher property tax rates, according to the 

    This is the hidden content, please


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