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Posts posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. 7 hours ago, Hagar said:

    The election won’t be overturned.  The Dems are much to devious for that.  Any proof of fraud has long since been placed in landfills and wiped off any systems.  The glaring mathematical facts convinced me the election was stolen.  The numbers, though mathematically possible, are so improbable that it’s illogical to think otherwise.  Just like Armstrong winning 7 straight Tour de France while being drug free.  Possible, but highly improbable.

    The ole “republican votes are real, Democrat votes are fake” argument never gets old? mega yawn 😴😴

  2. Alright guys this is the real deal this time. No more playing games or p footing around. Pillow expert says Trump will now be reinstated on/around Thanksgiving.




    Mr Lindell said earlier this year that Mr Trump would be reinstated by August. When that didn’t come to pass, Mr Lindell instead said it would occur in September or October, but on Tuesday the conspiracy theorist said it would happen in November.

    “This is the big announcement, everyone,” Mr Lindell told Mr Bannon. “I made a promise to this country that with all the evidence I have that we would get it to the Supreme Court and I predicted they would vote 9-0 to look at the evidence.”





    “This ridiculous prediction, like Mike Lindell’s prior ones regarding the same thing, seems calculated to achieve little more than to provide a vehicle for him to fundraise,” Jeff Dannenberg 

    This is the hidden content, please

    look at that.. one gigantic grift (scam) after another 🤣🤣

    This is the hidden content, please


    @baddog @LumRaiderFan @Reagan @5GallonBucket @BS Wildcats @smitty 

  3. 3 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    How, Stevenash has passed on. 

    The mod 

    Although at this point I’m sure they’re over this nonsense debate/argument. Can go ahead and lock topic if they want (I know I didn’t necessarily help stop the derailment)

  4. 1 hour ago, Derf Nosneb said:

    Not moving to Colorado buddy, moving to Michigan. 

    Actually most employers do not random test anymore, especially the education system. Hemp is now legal in Texas which has led to the CBD craze, but the current testing procedures cannot tell the difference between someone that smoked CDB less than .1 THC content and Cannabis with 15%-30% THC.

    Your comment "no one wants people who are actively high out here driving and delivering packages", is actually laughable. If you or anyone else knew how many people "medicate" and that what it is, medicating everyday you would be shocked. It would scare the heck out of most people if I took y'all down the rabbit hole of those who medicate on a daily basis and 99.9% of you would never know it. Chances are 50% of the work force is working with someone right now that medicated before work, during their breaks or lunch and when they get home. There is no difference between medicating with cannabis or prescription drugs that people use everyday that contain opioids or Hydrocodone.


    Alright man, at this point you’re just arguing just to argue. It doesn’t matter what I say, you’ll disagree.

    Argue with Amazon from here on out -


    The commerce giant also said that screening job applicants for cannabis makes it hard for the company, the nation's second-biggest private employer, to expand its workforce.

  5. 42 minutes ago, Derf Nosneb said:

    So you are telling us that your SSI and Medicare withholding is "30k-40k?

    Laughable very laughable, those two taxes together are a meager 7.65% of YOUR deductions, not yours and the matching 7.65% ADDED by your employer. 

    If you are in that tax bracket, you would not be worrying about SSI and medicare. You would be smart enough to have one or several retirement systems to give a higher return on investment.

    Our fact checkers have determined your comment false...

    Those are MY actual contributions year to date. What you want me to do, upload my paycheck on here for you to verify ? Then get called out for bragging, etc? Lose lose with you guys 


    And why do you care that I’m not thrilled that I’m paying thousands into social programs that are likely to be bust before I even see a dime of it? You’re starting to sound like a Democrat tbh 


    edit - me and another user (rip) had this silly debate years ago, at which point I verified my industry/career with bullets (pretty sure it was him or another trustworthy mod) I didn’t post it for the world to see, as some people take the stalking too far. You can ask him if I’m a big fat liar or not 😘

  6. 3 minutes ago, Derf Nosneb said:

    The mistake the government made in their war on drugs was declaring cannabis a schedule 1 drug putting it on the same level as heroin, xtc, LSD and others. 50 years later we know it is not a gateway drug and has many medical uses. Where states have legalized it in the form of medical or recreational use it has not totally shut down the illegal trade because the fallacy of the imposed tax being used for social projects.

    You also need to understand that the science behind growing the different strains of cannabis make it easy for the new novice smoker (those over 60), to find an Indica, sativa or hybrid that is cheaper than the OTC drugs prescribed by their doctor. Many times saving them hundreds of dollars a year.

    Depending on the side of Beaumont or Houston you live you can buy 1 ounce, 28.3 grams for $150.00 to $250.00. This is much less than dispensary price of $40-$90 per 3.5 grams or 1/8 oz which most of your semi-quasi "legal" state dispensaries charge. I use that term because when the state(s) legalize cannabis, it is still illegal on the federal level.

    In Washington state and British Columbia you are asked to provide an id to verify age much like alcohol. In Michigan they not only ask for id, they actually put your name in the dispensaries data base but it is not quite clear if the state has the right to that information. If a person does buy it legally in say Colorado, Michigan, Washington or any other legal state there is not a problem until you leave that state. In doing so you now break federal law and depending on the quantity being carried it becomes trafficking.

    The interesting part is individuals in Michigan can grow up to 12 plants per person for (personal consumption) and they are allowed to "gift" up to 1.5 ounces. The average plant yields around 17.5 ounces x $200 x12 = $42,000.00, this will unmistakably increase the "illegal" trade. Also Michigan law leaves it up to the "townships" to determine if they want that business in their community, which I believe fits our form of government the best. 

    Amazon does not sell alcohol or tobacco, so their push for legalization of cannabis appears to be a red herring to me. If your company cannot sell it and god help us if you can start getting alcohol, tobacco and cannabis on line, then why push for decriminalization of cannabis.

    Probably more info than y'all needed but it is Thursday...

    You seem like a smart guy Fred, maybe once day I will visit you in Colorado (if you’ll host me, of course 😜)


    i think amazons lobbying was more so to help address the “labor shortage”, as people are turning to their respective vices more now than ever to deal with this crazy world, and the current testing rules significantly limit the pool of talent for them to hire from 


    but obviously, and I think most people can agree, no one wants people who are actively high out here driving and delivering packages. On their own time, after work, most normal people don’t care 

  7. Just now, SmashMouth said:

    Is the name calling really necessary?

    In this case, yes, in my opinion


    They make comments about living at home and getting allowances, yet I’m funding their socialism security programs. Then they play the victim card claiming I’m bragging about my income, when I try my best to not even mention what I do for a living, or how much I make. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    At some point you millennial socialists will have to accept responsibility for your votes.

    You’re lucky millennials can’t opt out of social security, otherwise you poor life planning boomers would be SOL

  9. Just now, thetragichippy said:

    I know my thought process is probably flawed about drugs.....happened as soon as I had my Son......before my Son, I wouldn't have cared if all drugs were made legal.....

    Oh my comment was more towards the general gateway drug argument (something tells me bad dog is a believer), not claiming that you were trying to make that argument or anything 


  10. 15 hours ago, Englebert said:

    So is hating a politician "weird as hell"? You obviously don't get it do you.

    If we must accept the conclusion that loving a politician is "weird as hell", shouldn't the ones who abhor Trump also be labeled "weird as hell"? Which end do you fit in this spectrum? Are you "weird as hell"?

    So you admit you’re weird as hell for hating Biden and Hillary? Lol ok champ 🤙🏼🤙🏼

  11. Just now, LumRaiderFan said:

    lol, so everyone that receives SS (their money) wasn't smart enough to plan their retirement and that HAS to be their only source of retirement income? 🤦‍♂️

    Yet another of your ridiculous uneducated posts.


    I never said everyone. But good job on that reading comprehension champ 🤙🏼

  12. 5 minutes ago, thetragichippy said:

    While I'm still on the fence about legalizing it, although leaning more toward it now that my son is grown, alcohol is much more dangerous than weed. Plus since it is illegal, buying it puts you in contact with people that may be selling more than weed. Once legalized, I guess that last part won't be a problem.   

    The real gateway drug is MILK. First it was the milk, then the animal crackers, then Budweiser, marijuana, and now PCP ANGEL DUST. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  13. 30 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Social security is a pyramid scheme.  


    Everybody just clenches their teeth and hopes that they make it to retirement age so that they can yell "it's my money!" when, in fact, there's nowhere near enough put back.  If you hoped to retire, you'd need to put 10%+ into a retirement account that compounded with interest/growth to have any hopes of retiring.  Instead, you're putting up 12.4 of your income (up to $142,800- you have social security withholdings above that number the wage cap used to be lower).  When you go through the math, 12.4% of what you earned back in 1972 isn't going to make a dent in your cost of living in 2021 since that money wasn't invested.... there's been no compounding.  

    Factor in all of the sick, lame, and lazy who never contributed much but started getting crazy checks in their 20s and it's easy to see why the SS Fund is unsustainable.  It's going to crush under its own weight, but all that matters is getting to retirement age and yelling "it's my money, and I deserve more of it" which is a complete lie.  

    the worst part - my contributions now, are funding these boomers who weren’t smart enough to plan their retirement in the first place and constantly rail against “big govt” (unless it benefits them). I won’t see a dime of it. 

  14. 14 hours ago, SmashMouth said:

    He doesn’t understand how social security works. It doesn’t get directly taken out of his allowance. 

    Oh I understand it - a good portion of my 30-40k in annual withholding goes to fund social security for you boomers, while I won’t see a dime of it. Must be nice 

  15. 47 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    I agree with pretty much all of this. But what is really stranger than the people that worship Trump, is the people that despise Trump. According to the election results, the people that hate Trump far outnumber the people who love him. So why do the worshippers get all the negative publicity, but the haters get a pass? (Rhetorical question...we know why.)

    Because worshipping a politician, a literal public servant, is weird as hell brother. extra weird is riding around with another dudes name on a flag attached to your truck. 

    That’s my opinion anyways 

  16. 48 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    I favor on the legalization side. After watching and talking to my now deceased grandmother about her pain and the hoops to jump thru to get her some pain relief I’m for it.

    Man I see all the various pain pills the doctors have prescribed to some family members and it just makes me shake my head.


    I think with Amazon lobbying for it, the “movement” may have some real traction at the federal/national level, finally  

  17. 43 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Let each state decide.  The US should have no say in the matter, along with a million other things they stick their nose in.

    Shouldn’t it be de-facto ‘not illegal’ then? As in, there shouldn’t be a rule in the first place?


    Also, what if the state is clearly in the wrong? Like historically on prohibition, interracial marriage, gay marriage, and so on. 

    Just thinking out loud. 

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