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Posts posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. 15 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

    I don’t exactly understand common core math but think we need to be taught the traditional way. Do I need to be able to explain common core before I can oppose it?


    What’s the traditional way of CRT? Pretending slavery, segregation, war on drugs (minorities) never happened?


    I just don’t get all the hooplah around CRT. I believe (opinion) that we need to teach American history, which includes but not limited to the things I mentioned above. Obviously, most normal people don’t believe all whiteys are bad or that all black people are bad. Seems to me the goalposts have moved further in each direction when truth is somewhere in the middle.

    Truth being, imo, black people are still feeling the effects and consequences of slavery, segregation, drug war, etc which all led to breakup of the family and loss of generational wealth building (takes money to make money). But at the same time, blaming these historical atrocities to justify current poor life decisions (such as crime) is dumb as hell. 

  2. 23 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

    A Republican has not won a state wide office in Virginia for 12 years. Why would this be an easy Republican win?

    You are correct that people that voted for Biden probably held their nose in voting because he offered nothing. It is a strange campaign when the candidate for the presidency is hitting in a closet. It seems like Biden‘s main campaign strategy was, don’t say anything.

    I doubt that Trump will win the Republican nomination in 2024. Whoever the nominee is, Trump seems to have invigorated the conservatives and they are not going to vote for the Democrat and it does not matter who the Republican or the Democrat is on the ballot.

    If the country continues on the same path as the first nine months of the Biden presidency, if Trump wins the nomination in 2024, he will win in a landslide in the general election.

    I personally thought it’d be an easy win for Youngkin given that most normal people are tired of both the typical liberal tax everything & make everything about race nonsense and the MAGA crowd pandering. But.. that’s my opinion. Perhaps a bit biased as I’ve met the guy and share common vested interests. 

    I’d say trump invigorated more liberal voters than conservative, considering the turnout and vote spread in the general 

    If trump and/or Biden run in 2024.. we really need to have a serious discussion on an upper age limits.. it’s getting ridiculous. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

    Youngkin doesn’t matter. He will not run in 2024 but that is not the issue here.

    What should have been an easy Democrat victory was a loss.

    Midterms are not usually kind to the party in power in the White House. In Obama‘s first midterm, he lost 63 seats in House. If only five seats flip in 2022, Pelosi will be sent out to pasture. Heck, we might even see Joe Biden get impeached if he is still in office by them.

    Anybody that thinks this is about Youngkin Is deflecting the issue.

    Biden carried Virginia by 10 percentage points. He has been in office approximately nine months and Virginia has now gone Republican in the governor, lieutenant governor and Attorney General.


    I disagree - I felt like this should have been an easy Republican win from the start


    Look at the general election. People didn’t vote for Biden because they think he’s great, they voted for him because he wasn’t Trump. That’s literally it. The down ballot votes generally favored republicans. 

    All Youngkin had to do was (I) not tie his campaign to trump , and (II) not be an inflammatory idiot pandering to the MAGA red hat crowd and this election was in the bag. That’s the ‘blueprint’ to beat democrats, not whatever nonsense gets posted on here daily 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    Romney is a RINO.  What evidence do you have that Youngkin will also be a RINO?

    1) How is Romney a RINO? Because he doesn’t talk like a moron and grift the rural hillbillies at every opportunity? He’s one of the most accomplished businessmen to ever run for office. 

    2) I didn’t say Youngkin will be a RINO.


    I said you guys will eventually turn on him and call him a RINO.

    I think he’s too smart, too educated, too… normal.. to ever be fully accepted by the relatively unsophisticated trumper crowd. Which is completely fine by me. 

  5. Y’all are celebrating now but I give it a couple years before repubs turn on Youngkin, like they did Romney, and start calling him a RINO 


    I Hope youngkin runs for president in 2024. Blows the other team (R) candidates out the water and it’s not really even close 

  6. 13 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    You couldn't be more wrong, my opinion of a matter has nothing to do with whether I am socially liberal or fiscally conservative.

    I don't agree with several issues you mentioned, but would never EVER want any kind of intrusion in anyone's life from gov.

    You seem to confuse opinions with forced policy, apples and oranges.

    I don't want the gov funding all these social programs and entitlements but at the same time, would never want the gov dictating how someone runs their personal life.

    I guess that makes me the true fiscally conservative and socially liberal (in terms of enforcement) citizen.


    Yet you guys are constantly trying to control peoples lives by limiting abortion rights, jailing people for marijuana etc


    Last decade it was gay marriage, a few decades before that it was interracial marriage, before that it was water fountains, etc 

  7. 16 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Explain how one can be both.  By fiscally conservative, are you saying these folks would oppose Medicare, Medicaid, social security and basically any entitlement from gov?

    How would that work?  I hear it all from the enlightened "moderates" but can't see it working.

    Explain how to be fiscally conservative and socially liberal?

    Easy. Be fiscally conservative, while not caring what people do in their personal lives, ie.. interracial marriage , gay rights, womens right, and so on 

    Looking forward to you asking me to defend your next and never-ending radical assumptions 😉

  8. 15 minutes ago, Chester86 said:

    If a single person mocked your family in a very public way and on multiple occasions and platforms would you not take some sense of redemption?  Do I think it’s in poor taste - yes.  Would I buy one - no.  Do I find humor in karma coming back and taking a big bite out of someone’s butt who deserves it - yes.  The actor who fancies himself smarter than most has made a living at making fun of others, degrading them and accused officers who had to make that fateful decision of being flippant with it….he is an arrogant narcissist.  It’s a t-shirt, nothing to see here.

    Y’all are suffering from ADS - Alec Derangement Syndrome


    Normal people dgaf about him, yet you guys know his entire career work. 

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