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Posts posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. A fool and his money are soon parted.. 



    Donald Trump Jr. is selling T-shirts on his web site that mock the fatal shooting on Alec Baldwin’s movie set.

    The T-shirts 

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     include the tagline “guns don’t kill people, Alec Baldwin kills people.”

    The shirts retail for $27.99 and appeared online after Baldwin accidentally fired a prop gun on a movie set that killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and injured director Joel Souza, 

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  2. Brown person? Yup off to SETXsports political discussion we go.. 


    Modawi, who also worked as a valet, was reportedly doing doughnuts in a parking lot on the evening of Oct. 1 in a client’s car. A police officer attempted to conduct a traffic stop, but Modawi took off. 

  3. On 10/24/2021 at 9:01 AM, baddog said:

    Vivid imagination. Also, difficult to accidentally shoot someone unless the gun is pointed at them. I won’t lie, I can’t stand Baldwin and it’s not for his Trump impersonations, so I am biased against him.

    …. Sooooo, what’s this gotta do with politics again lol 

  4. 22 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    It's just as unintelligent now as it was the first time. Where do you come up with these stereotypes? Do they just pop up in your head or do you parrot others? Since you couldn't understand my post, let me dumb it down for you:

    What leads you to believe I'm poor? What leads you to believe I am defending rich people. What leads you to believe I am old. Name some indication I have given that leads you to these conclusions. Don't bother...everyone already knows the answers. Your only "skill" (ha ha) in debating/discussing topics is to throw out baseless stereotypes and personal insults. That must be why you hate Trump. Jealousy. He is so much better at it than you.

    Exhibit #9174727

  5. 4 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Can you rephrase your contention in a understandable manner? Why do you keep embarrassing yourself like this?

    And for bonus points, tell us how you come to your conclusions. I'm already starting to chuckle at the thought of your retort. Oh wait, you will just tuck tail and run, only to reappear on another topic ushering more simplton insults. At least you are funny.

    Since you asked.. I’ll DUMB it down for you. 


    You are way too POOR to be out here defending millionaire and billionaire politicians. They literally do not care about you. You look silly and brainwashed.

    Better? If not, oh well. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    After your many, many delusional posts everyone knows not to take advice from you. You can keep trying to tell us, but we will continue to dismiss your illogical "advice"...but will continue to laugh at your biased gestures. It's not real hard to understand.

    Keep that "compassion" coming. It is hilarious.

    looking forward to 3 more years of your non stop crying 🥱 🥱 

  7. 2 hours ago, Chester86 said:

    It must be nice to sit up high, look down your nose at others as you sip tea with your pinkie out.  Having everything figured out you are able to watch the peasants.  Well…….I’ll continue working hard and doing what I can to make life better for my family.  The ability to calmly discuss and if need be, agree to disagree seems to be fading into oblivion.  

    Hey.. I’ve been trying to tell you suckers for years but your heads are in the sand. the more I lurk on this board, the less ‘compassionate’ I become. 

  8. 2 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Doing what you do best, trolling and name calling.  I guess when you know a post has validity, that’s all you can come up with.  At least you and CardinalBacker are giving the liberals here a voice.

    Doing what you do best - call anyone who isn’t indoctrinated in the trumper cult a liberal 

  9. 1 hour ago, Big girl said:

    He acted a fool long before he was impeached. Why?

    Big ole insecure snowflake. his precious fee fees (feelings) were hurt because a tv station called him bad names! 

    imagine that! 🤔🤔

  10. 33 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Nobody calls people that try to criticize Trump a POS...we just laugh at them, then feel sorry for them due to their TDS affliction. It's pretty obvious to ...ooops, nevermind.

    Nice to see your Trump-hating buddy has joined your whine party. Makes this forum all the more entertaining, or sad. Keep the wallow fest going. It's fun to watch and laugh. Maybe Maxine Watters will join in.

    Dude are you on the RNC payroll? 

  11. 11 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I remember when "Mad Dog" Mattis was the best thing since pockets on a shirt.... and then he turned out to be the biggest POS ever (just like everybody else who dared to criticize Trump).  

    These kooks worship the literal draft dodger, while trashing war vets like mattis and McCain, and have the nerve to call themselves patriots…


    just straight up delusional 



  12. 4 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Right... Trump is right and everybody else is wrong.  

    Nominate Trump (or somebody like him) and you'll have another Democrat President in 2024. 

    He's literally the worst president we've ever had and y'all are all still here singing his praises.

    1.  Race relations worsened under his watch

    2.  He destroyed the strongest economy in our lifetime

    3.  Deficits/Debt exploded on his watch because of tax cuts without corresponding cuts in spending

    4.  We lost both houses of Congress under his leadership

    5.  He had to take a pregnancy test after what senile Joe Biden did to him in the election

    6.  He started an insurrection in a failed attempt to retain his power.


    He was trash, and anybody that's still singing his praises is trash, too. 

    “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try,” - Gen Mattis


  13. 19 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Maybe the Dems should have given him the chance to show humility, instead of impeaching him knowing they were doing so with criteria that was proven false.  He had every right to go after the Dems and media as he did.  There’s not another man that would have stuck it out for four years like Trump did.  Personally, I feel biden is paving the way for his return.  He is single handedly setting the Dim party back years!


    You hillbillies wouldn’t shut up about Obama being a Kenya born Muslim for 8 years, but ok 

  14. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I didn't see the part where they were bashing in windows, crushing police officers in doors, and bonking people with fire extinguishers.

    If you're still defending anybody's actions on 1/6, you're a part of the problem and also the reason that trump got his cheeks clapped by a senile old man. 

    Now imagine had these patriotic freedom fighters (lol) had a different skin color.. I wonder how they would’ve been treated or if the po pos would’ve opened the doors for them 

  15. On 10/13/2021 at 11:53 AM, Judex said:

    So , it sounds like you guys think that any view that does not comport with your views is ipso facto "divisive." It also sounds like you guys think that the majority or popular view is the one that should prevail. Simultaneously, you appear to support the side that lost the majority or popular vote by a pretty significant margin. Weird echo chamber here. One would think there should be lots of cognitive dissonance, but I guess that requires cognition . . . 

    Echo chamber.. is one way to put it 

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