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Setx fan

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Everything posted by Setx fan

  1. I don’t support either party but this is misleading. Democrats and republicans are just salesmen. They’ll represent anyone who will buy their representation. Campaign speeches are just sales pitches. They’re going to target the costumers who have been supporting as of late. The real labels are conservatives/liberals. In the 1800s the conservatives voted democratic because the democratic salesmen were pushing conservative policies. The liberals or people supported policies for slave abolishment and more government restrictions voted republican. Those “conservatives” were the southern confederate flag waving folk. The liberals were the union members from up North. You can pull up a map of it if you like.Near the mid 1940s Democrats began to push more “liberal” policies. Many southern conservatives noticed this and formed the “Dixiecrat” party. Most southern conservatives stayed loyal to the democrat party up until around 1964 when the civil rights act was signed by a democratic president.From that point up until now the republicans have been conservative and the democrats have been liberal. All the while pretty much working together to some extent
  2. Just because our ancestors fought for change so that we are able to live in better circumstances doesn’t mean they didn’t make some mistakes. In the case you bring up the little girl supposedly wanted to go to the white school because it was closer to home and more convenient. There were some blacks who just wanted to integrate because they felt the white schools were better. You have to keep in mind there was probably a spirit of inferiority in the black community because of slavery. In my opinion the spirit of inferiority has hindered our growth and progress as much as racism has. I don’t hate white people but I believe we are just as capable as they are if we get it together. We proved that with communities like Wilmington and Tulsa before those communities were destroyed.
  3. I’m a fan of PNG football and I think their school tradition is cool but it would be horrible for them to take on the attitude you exhibited with this post. You can’t use a group of people’s culture as you see fit then be completely indifferent when they have an opinion about it. That’s disrespectful. They should at least consider changing something or doing something to appease the people of whom’s culture they are using or else that may be why they feel they are bein mocked. The fact that you said they never requested or needed their consent in the first place comes off really disrespectful and if that’s the vibe they’ve gotten from the school I understand the actions they are taking now
  4. I don’t think the money’s going anywhere when the talents there. But yea, that’s probably their perception
  5. I would love to see more of the top recruits go to HBCUs.
  6. Everybody’s special in God’s eyes but that group from last year not whooping up on no EC. So what is it? Y’all got move ins?
  7. If you listen to hip hop at all you’d know he’s actually kind of brilliant in an artistic kind of way. But he’s also kind of throwed off and unstable. Don’t think he’s a good fit for office
  8. I’m sure he doesn’t mind getting confused for what he is.
  9. I believe you. Hope your not writing any legislatures.
  10. The video was in a private chat room or something of that sort. It got around to the Wong person. Why would they need to prove their innocence when they were never charged? They killed the guy, waited for the law and told their story. The law believed their story never really investigated or anything. Just let them go free and go back to living their lives. If they could’ve kept their mouths closed instead of bragging and showing the video to their friends the world would never know. As far as the N word I won’t go their with you. I don’t know why you would even bring up all the extra.
  11. You would’ve never saw the Aubury video had it not been leaked and the killers would have never been arrested had we not ALL seen his video. Smh I never had a doubt Justine’s killer would be convicted.
  12. Damned if I do. Damned if I don’t. Go look at some of you guys comments about the protesters
  13. Ok your correct, Mr Tough on Crime, sir
  14. Too much work. Didn’t think it was worth it at the time. I actually thought the whole situation was funny. A little shocking but mostly funny. I was a young adult and I knew that racism was real to some extent but that type of racism from the teenagers was funny to me and didn’t bother me much. But the way the police officer responded was shocking. I was just beginning to see how real systemic racism was at that point
  15. I never said drunk driving was cool. I never said the cops were legally wrong for attempting to arrest him. I definitely never said they were wrong for shooting him after he resisted, took a taser and tried to run. I said the situation could have probably been avoided with a little more understanding. You think the cops should just go strictly by the guidelines and “do their jobs”. Get the drunk sleeper from under the wheel and throw him in the jail. You also alluded that drunk drivers never get to go home. I shared a personal experience I know of that proves to me that’s not true
  16. I have personally witnessed a group of drunk white teenagers get to “drive home” after my white friend called the cops on them because he was upset about them yelling racial slurs through a megaphone at a Taco Bell drive through. He called the cops, we ordered food, posted in a parking lot near the Taco Bell and watched the officer pull them over, help them clear their vehicle of beer cans and then we watched the officer let them drive off. Real life
  17. They didn’t catch him in the act of driving. They caught him sleep in the parking lot. He offered to walk home. I think they could have made sure he walked home and held his key till the next day or even better offered him a ride home. But I understand there are not a lot of cops who want to go above and beyond to “protect and serve”. Most just want to “do their job” and “reach their quotas”. So I understand they probably legally had a right to arrest him and he made a costly mistake by resisting. They did what they had to do at that point. After trial they will probably be acquitted because they were “legally” in the right.
  18. That was one instance and the cop was handled correctly as he should be. Blacks are murdered by police all the time and it seems to be picking up as of late. The Floyd situation was just the last straw after several murders on video. Several where the killer wasn’t convicted properly
  19. 2. Graduate percentage has nothing to do with an actual graduates degree being looked upon as lesser
  20. 1. The 3 instances you mentioned have been handled correctly so far and will go to trial. Were the teenage protesters being violent or vandalizing? The video I saw they were actually i their car. I didn’t even know they were protesting. The 2 policeman who killed the guy fleeing from them legally had the right I believe. They weren’t really in danger at the point of the shooting but they couldn’t just let him get away. He put his own life in danger with his actions. Now did they really have to try and arrest a guy for being sleep in a parking lot under the influence? I don’t think so being that he offered to walk home. But in the end they decided to arrest, he resisted, he got shot. I think the charges will be dropped after trial. As far as the 4 policemen in Minnesota, trainees or not, they took the job. Don’t take much training to know not to sit there and watch a guy murder a guy in handcuffs. They’ve obviously been trained wrong. If that’s the case they can plead their case in court. I’m all for it. Bring light to the whole crooked system
  21. 1. Aubury’s case was clearly a murder. Nothing was stolen from that house. The 2 killers were not officers at the time of the killing. They had no real reason to try and arrest him because they had no proof of their suspicions. They chased him all around the neighborhood before the portion of the video that was leaked. He changed directions several times trying to escape them. If not before then I’m pretty sure by that time he has a right to “stand his ground”. That “attack” perceived by people like you who want to see it that way was last minute survival instincts after being chased around the block and not being able to escape. The guy who recorded later stated that the shooter uttered “f*****g n****r” after shooting the victim. That proves the killing was racially motivated although they don’t have a hate crime law in Georgia. But that’s not what makes it “systemic racism”. Systemic racism is the fact that they would have never even been arrested and tried if the video had not been leaked 2 months later. This is the one time this type of thing came to the light. It has happened on other occasions and was never uncovered, 2. You just stated all lies about HBCUs. They have the same standards of other schools. They hire teachers of all races. Students are well equipped for whatever field they want to go into. Their considered second class institutions because blacks are considered second class human beings. It’s always been that way in America. At one point we were considered 2/3 of a human. Not sure that way of thinking is completely gone
  22. This is a big load of crap btw. God bless you. Smh
  23. “Systemic racism” Mr Cardinal is when the killing of Aubury happened in Georgia and the killers weren’t even arrested although all the evidence was there. The killers were protected by the system. “Systemic racism” is what you mentioned on another thread about HBCU degrees being looked at as lesser. I feel like you are allready aware that this exist but you are trying to downplay it. But just in case you needed help figuring out what it is those are 2 of many examples. Nobody has time to sit around and make shit up. These are real life situations blacks have to deal with. Are we completely hopeless? No. Do we sometimes make it harder on ourselves with our own decisions? Yes. Does pouting and being angry help? Hell no. Does all these sentimental changes they have going on help our cause? No. But systemic racism very much exist and people like you are very much a part of it because you pretend it’s not there while defending it
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