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Setx fan

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Everything posted by Setx fan

  1. There are less biased news stations than Fox. Not that most news stations aren’t but I can tell when someone only pays attention to one sided news. It’s annoying
  2. It’s allready been discussed. They’re both wrong. Nobody ever said that’s what happened. Next topic. The Fox News website down or something?
  3. I think you have a lot of time on your hands my guy. You’ve allready posted the same thing word for word. This is pointless. Go back to Fox News and find a fresh topic
  4. I know one thing for sure. The image being projected is not close according revelations 1:14-15. And I also know 1 of the 10 commandment is no graven images.
  5. I care nothing about either of these political parties my guy. So once you start that left/right talk you lost me. You want to speak using your own brain and not what’s been taught to you by the left/right wing then I’m listening
  6. My point is that we have always had Marxist/socialist so stop trying to use those words to deamonize movements.
  7. It’s an example of balance we live in that a completely capitalist nation wouldn’t have. Parents would have to fund their own children’s schooling and the school institutions would be able to charge whatever they want with no government regulations. Companies also wouldn’t have a mini wage to pay employees. Might be headed back for slavery but aye maybe that’s ok with you
  8. So you think children not being able to have government funded schooling K-12 would be a good idea?
  9. Communist government is a failure. A completely capitalistic nation is a failure. There has to be balance. NEWS FLASH: America is not a capitalist nation. We have a mixed economy. Meaning there are capitalist ideals as well as socialist ideals. One existing without being checked by the other to some extent would be a total disaster
  10. Regarding Capitalism/socialism and Cuba and all that in case your unable to scroll: C and S can both be bad if there not checked. There are failed capitalists nations also. Hell the majority of them are depending on what you call a failure/success. Regarding humanity/ looting and rioting: I do not condone those things at all but I value HUMANITY over PROPERTY. If you don’t feel the same that may be hard for you to grasp.
  11. Just look above this post to see how I feel about capitalism/socialism. That’s what checks and balances are for
  12. So you’ve basically been brainwashed to believe socialism is a really bad thing but capitalism isn’t. Both can be really bad if not checked at some point
  13. Bad actors have no place in a police force that is supposed to uphold the law. There are not many other professions as important as policing. Can’t afford those bad apples. I admire Tebow as much as I admire Kaepernick, I can’t respect your perspective if you value patriotism over humanity
  14. What is Goya and what’s wrong with Chic fillet? Lol You can speak out against looting and rioting as long as your being fair in your assessments. If your gonna speak out against those things but be silenced about police brutality and racial injustice then I’ll form my opinion about you and I just might voice my opinion about you
  15. You watch too much Fox News. Yes a lot of organizations have attached themselves to the movement with their own agendas but that doesn’t change the overall concept of the movement. Exactly what is a Marxist?
  16. You don’t have to prove anything or tear down anything. Just don’t attempt to tear down the movement and don’t support movements created in opposition of the movement.
  17. Ultimately only you and God know. But far as how I form my opinion I allready explained that.
  18. Every MOVEMENT AGAINST THE MOVEMENT. I said nothing about disagreeing with acts within the movement. I said something about supporting MOVEMENTS OPPOSED TO THE MOVEMENT
  19. Offensiveness it’s not judged by skintone at all. It’s judged by intentions. There’s an old cliche saying “words don’t have meaning, people do.” That’s all I’m saying. We all know that around the time of the civil rights movement it became less acceptable for white supremist to openly express how they feel about “coloreds”. Those people began to practice speaking with undertones. Saying how they feel without actually saying it. That’s where a lot of these opposing phrases come from
  20. Because you don’t agree with some of the actions taking place within the movement doesn’t make you racist at all. Hell there’s a lot of things within the movement I don’t agree with lol
  21. If you make it to seem simple as just words (nouns and pronouns) then they’re very much the same. But we both know it’s much deeper than that. You not wanting to think about or discuss the origin and intention of these phrases comes across to me as if your trying to hide from the truth. I have no problem with you being proud of your whiteness but its more to it than that and you know it
  22. Not looking to prove anything but your right I do believe they’re different. Doesn’t mean I can’t be wrong. If I’m wrong I was hoping you could explain how I’m wrong. But you gave me affirmation that I’m probably right with how you handled my question. Everything made in opposition against a movement against oppression supports oppression in my opinion. All those other phrases you listed are examples
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