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Setx fan

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Everything posted by Setx fan

  1. Not looking to prove anything but your right I do believe they’re different. Doesn’t mean I can’t be wrong. If I’m wrong I was hoping you could explain how I’m wrong. But you gave me affirmation that I’m probably right with how you handled my question. Everything made in opposition against a movement against oppression supports oppression in my opinion. All those other phrases you listed are examples
  2. I don’t think either phrase is really necessary at this point but to push the narrative that these 2 phrases are of the same nature is misleading in my opinion but I could be wrong. Around what time did each phrase become popular? What was the original intent for each phrase?
  3. The virus can’t spread if people aren’t moving. I agree we must get back to normal at some point but the best way to do that in my opinion is a very strict lockdown for 1 or 2 months. Sounds crazy but I think we need to go ahead and get it over with. After we get the numbers down really low just focus on making sure the people who have tested positive are not going out in public and letting everyone else live their normal lives. If that doesn’t work than screw it at that point because I don’t want to wear a mask in public for the rest of my life.
  4. You’d be surprised about these guys. The main ones who won’t bust a grape are the main ones who get themselves in these situations.
  5. Exactly. No way someone starts punching on me for no reason and I’m not fighting back with every ounce of strength in my veins. I’m dang sure not gne be sorry about nothing. That’s very weird to me
  6. Yea attacking an old person that way is pretty much attempted murder. But we still don’t know if it’s completely unprovoked. These videos are so short and half of them have no sound
  7. I never said any of them were except Aubury and that’s proven although Georgia has no hate crime law. Now there is systemic racism in place to where a lot of people can get away with crimes against blacks rather the actual crime is racially motivated or not.
  8. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t provoked at all because it wasn’t a racial slur but maybe it wasn’t. I’m just saying I have a hard time believing that because he’s so “sorry” in addition to the fact that I’ve just never seen anyone just walk in a store and randomly attack someone without being provoked. Rather he was provoked or not he should be punished if he wasn’t physically threatened. If it was truly completely unprovoked then a hate crime could be considered.
  9. Hate crime? I don’t believe you should be violent unless you are physically threatened and being that the attacker doesn’t look like he was being physically threatened I think he should be punished for this senseless violence. But I highly doubt this was a hate crime and I have a hard time believing this act was completely unprovoked. The victim is obviously very “sorry” about something. He probably did something or made some sly remark. He wasn’t just picked out because of his race
  10. Sadly in the end this may be proven legally although the dang video proves otherwise, smh. The system is broken
  11. Revelations 1:14-15 is the only physical description I’m aware of but your right. His flesh wasn’t important. It’s the spirit of The Most High that was within him that makes him the Son oh God.
  12. Agreed can’t be 100 percent sure because we weren’t there. Just based off your initial response to my statement I thought I should probably throw some pointers out there so you could understand how I come up with my ideal. I don’t mind being wrong sometimes but I don’t want people thinking I’m completely nutz either lol
  13. Northern Africa TODAY is people of Middle Eastern descent. It’s been a lot of shuffling around since the Bible days. Egypt for one was made up of dark skinned people. You have to look at history from different angles especially going that far back.
  14. Nowhere lol. I just pointed out that I was under the belief that Hebrews may have been black. It seem you thought I had lost my mind so I just gave you a few pointers so you could understand why I would think that way. That’s it lol
  15. That’s it. Just something to think about and pay a little closer attention to detail when you read your Bible
  16. So you do know of the Roman Jewish war that happened around 70 AD and how around a million Jews were said to have escaped to Africa which isn’t too far from Israel?
  17. Have you read the book entitled “The Great Roman Jewish War”?
  18. Judging by the way America is set up now as opposed to how it was originally I don’t think you can totally rely on that logic
  19. No seriously. I believe Moses was Hebrew and when I read exodus 4:6-7 I assume he’s black. Could be wrong though
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