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Setx fan

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Everything posted by Setx fan

  1. I just went and checked. Didn’t see him on the running back list. Seen him on the inside linebacker list though
  2. Members of the organization? No. They’re obviously members of the organization.
  3. Jacorey Hyder from Woodville is being recruited heavily as a linebacker right?
  4. I know... It’s misleading just like a lot of other statistics. Lol. Numbers don’t lie but they can be manipulated to look a certain way if your not paying attention lol
  5. I mean his face did look familiar when I looked him up but I had completely forgot about him. I was a kid during 9/11
  6. I have never payed that close attention to NYC because I live in Texas. Never even knew who Giuliani was but I’m not surprised you guys do since he’s republican.Lol Since this was brought up I did do research and I wanted to let you guys have it because I realize how much it means to you guys. But since you brought it back up here it is. The crime rate did decline during Giuliani’s time in office. Just like it did in the USA as a whole. The 80s and early 90s crime rate was sky high mostly because of the Crack Era.Giuliani took office in 94. The murder rate got as low as 530 in 98 I believe. It was back in the 600s (which is still low in a city large as NYC) by the time he left office in 2001. DeBlasio or whatever his name is supposedly has screwed things up but the crime rate has basically remained low while he’s been in office. I think the murder rate was at like 335 in 2016 while DeBlasio was in office. Just recently during a time of unease there were a few shootings and now he’s screwing things up. Lol
  7. There’s no doubt in my mind your conservative.Lol And NYC has never lacked crime regardless of who’s in charge. You can believe that if that makes you feel better though lol
  8. I knew someone would have a story like this. So did I my guy. Clean record. “More likely”. Just pay attention. Congratulations though
  9. I said crime rates are mostly a result of population and a lack of space. Don’t worry I didn’t bash your Republicans. SMH
  10. Not one republican has proved your theory. I don’t see many Republican mayors over these large cities in the first place. Is it because they can’t win an election in those cities or they’d just rather not deal with it? Either way it works out for them because people like you will believe that somehow it’s republican policies keeping the crime rate low in a rural area and not the fact that it’s just less crowded and people have their personal space. A kid growing up on a farm with acres of land between them and their neighbor is less likely to get in trouble than a kid living in an apartment complex.
  11. I said at least a year. May have been 2 at the most. Oscar Grant was killed 2009. Trayvon 2012. Hashtags are on Facebook as well a Twitter.
  12. Help yourself understand. I’ve allready addressed this. Do some research
  13. I seriously don’t blame whites for our problems on the day to day. I believe we have the tools to do for self if we let go of bad habits and pick up good ones. But I am aware that a lot of these bad habits were created through oppression. I am aware that systemic racism still exist. No it’s not as strong as it was long ago but it can go back that way if you get too relaxed. You teach people how to treat you by what you allow and we can’t allow the system go back to its old ways. As a matter of fact we must push it further away from its old ways. And yes we must also be self accountable
  14. I’ve already stated that inferiority and fatherlessness contribute to our condition as well as racism. But then those things were partially created by racism themselves. I’m not big on excuses either but I’m real big on understanding. Some people aren’t
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