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Setx fan

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Everything posted by Setx fan

  1. Jussie Smollet is a confused homosexual wanting attention. God bless his soul
  2. It can verry easily seem that way if that’s what you want to believe or you just dont want to do any thinking. Common sense will tell you bigger cities will have more crime. Demoncrats and republiklans currently have nothing to do with that. People who live in more congested areas are more likely to vote democrat. Hell even in Texas which is largely republican the biggest cities are ran by democrats. That just shows voting habits. The crime rate has everything to do with population and nothing to do with politics. Hell small as Beaumont is it had one of the top 25 largest crime rates in America a couple years back and it has a Republican Mayor.
  3. Just do a little research on history and do some thinking while researching and you might have a better understanding
  4. Larger cities have more people. More people, more crime. Especially when they’re boxed into a small space
  5. Ok systemic racism doesn’t exist. There was never slavery. There is no such thing as Jim Crow Laws. Blacks didn’t pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and build their own communities only to have them destroyed by whites. MLK and other Civil Rights leaders weren’t killed shortly after the bill was passed. Drugs just magically appeared in black neighborhoods to destroy the black community. War on crime and mass incarceration never happened. Blacks aren’t required to European standards to have certain options. The current condition of blacks is all our doing. Whites never had a headstart in society. We all started the race at the same starting point. Black boy gets killed it’s his fault. He didn’t need no skittles that bad. We gotta hold ourselves accountable for all the wrong done against us. Thanks for that revelation Realville.
  6. Welfare is one of the causes. Mass incarceration is another. There are many more. The government works as a whole. The left wing/right wing fly together
  7. Zimmerman instigated that whole incident. Trayvon was minding his business and Zimmerman confronted him. Trayvon stood his ground and was killed because a wussy who wanted to play tough guy started a confrontation and found out he picked the wrong 14 year old.
  8. It’s the same system that created that environment. The same system that surely doesn’t let those crimes go unpunished when they know who the perpetrators are. The system that created fatherlessness and poverty within the black community which creates lack of guidance and more bad decisions which all just creates a cycle. That’s something the system created but not something the system can fix though. Even with the best intentions the system wouldn’t be able to fix it unless we realize it and begin to fix it ourselves. But that is not something to use to deflect from police brutality and a lack of justice for black victims
  9. Regardless. The movement is very much needed. It didn’t just appear for no reason. Fatherlessness is real problem but fatherlessness is not what got Zimmerman off after murdering Trayvon. That’s the system. The system must be held accountable for things like that. If things like that happen more idiots get comfortable with killing black people. “Aye if Zimmerman got away with it maybe I can”. You can’t allow people to get that comfortable
  10. It’d be pretty difficult for them to find the date of the first hashtag. The movement wasn’t organized at all. It started as a trending topic on social media. Then the organization was founded on the date shown by the people listed.
  11. Just now reading the whole thing Realville. Fatherlessness is a HUGE problem. But that’s thick topic. You’d have to go back to get to the roots of that.
  12. BLM started way before then my guy. Barack and Trump are both puppets. Trump was told by his advisors to do something to quiet things down. That was not his doing. Pressure bust pipes. There was a lot of marching and chanting going on during Barack’s time. Wasn’t nothing compared to the recent protesting/rioting/looting going on all across the nation or the world for that matter.
  13. You can paint it how you want. STATISTICS show BLM applied enough pressure for Trump to pass a bill. That bill made policemen so upset they quit their jobs. Statistics show if you want change you have to apply pressure. The fact that not everyone not going to agree with the methods used to apply pressure is a given. But if the oppressor is completely comfortable with the methods there is really no pressure being applied
  14. There will always be simple minded people. Doesn’t make it ok for you to be that way lol.
  15. I know it and they know it themselves. Lol And that Candice girl who used the NAACP to settle a racial discrimination law suit for her and now she swears it doesn’t exist lol.
  16. The initial intent doesn’t change because it’s been undermined. You take the good with the bad. People felt the same way about the civil rights movement. Everything didn’t go as planned. You have to take the good with the bad. People will find a way to demonize a movement they don’t support
  17. Fox don’t bother me at all. I just look at things from all angles to get a complete understanding. I will never rely on one source unless that source is God. Men are faulty
  18. I know a lot of people mistake the BLM organization for the BLM movement. Then again maybe it’s not a mistake. I know the BLM movement started at least a year before the organization. I know there are several other idiots and organizations that have attached themselves. I know people were bashing the movement long before the organization came into play. I’m also aware of cointelpro.
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