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Everything posted by badndn

  1. What type of game does he have? How does he handle the ball? Is he really a Gaurd or more of a 3? I thought he was more like 6'3" at Kountze, but maybe I was thinking of someone else. Congrats to him! If he shot 37+% from 3 land last year I am sure he will progess even more this year and beyond into a 40+% guy and with a 6'6" frame he should be able to get his shots.
  2. Or 5 man...Basketball? Did they slip that one in on accident? ;D
  3. Shanderick Charles Lincoln High. Never saw JC play in HS, but SC was electric. Robert Straight -Cuero, was a monster in the late '80's.
  4. LTown has the money to pay him they better pony up and keep him around. ;D
  5. First of all thats the last 11 years you have up there and those include two years with D. Long. As I stated above since Dustin graduated PNG has made the playoffs 3 times (52-40 record). Yes the playoff years tend to bunch up together which brings up another issue that many of us have pointed out, MB and crew don't adjust to the talent. Every four or five years PNG has the talent to run smashmouth football. But in a season like this one when we where better suited to mix it up and didn't have the defense to beat teams 7-0, they don't make the adjustment. Can't fit a square peg in a round hole. Nederland wins year in and year out with the same talent. They adjust to what they have. They had Hood their with Yoder and they threw all over the place, then Mosley and a good run blocking OLine came on and they went more power run. Then when Mosley left they went to a spread because they didn't have the ground game. Then this year with Grogan, they stayed with the spread, but a running more to utilize his talents. Again I want to re-emphasize that my personal preference is that MB stay and hire an established OC and let him do his thing so that Matt can focus on Defense (which he is great at), but I just don't understand why this has not happened yet (by yet I mean in the past few years) and that makes me think it won't.
  6. One of the funnier things I ever heard was from Billy Tubbs while at Oklahoma. After several perceived bad calls the fans began to throw stuff on the court. The officials in an attempt to restore order asked Tubbs to address his home crowd on the PA about it. Of course he didn't really agree, but took the mic anyway and said: "No matter how bad the officiating is, please don't throw things on the court." The place went nuts, he gave the mic back and got "T"ed up (I am sure with that infamous look of You asked for it)! ;D
  7. Curtis will go down as one of the all time great coaches in the history of Texas High School Football and one of the all time great leaders of young men. I now a lot of people from Newton and quite a few that played for him and they all say what a great man he was and that he meant a lot to them in their development as quality Men. They all say he would not let them settle. That says alot. And I think it shows in the success of his program and the successes of his son's.
  8. See, herein lies the problem. Those that don't follow the program don't really know what his overall record is. They just assume that it is great since it's PNG and they hear about them each season, but take a look at teh real numbers. Overall 94-65 (0.591) with 6 playoff appearences. Not bad, not great either. The 0.591 winning percentage ranks him 11th on the all time PNG list for coaches. Theres been 18 HC's at PNG. But what has happened lately. Without the D. Long three years the record is: 64-58 (0.525) In the past 9 years since the state title game run: 52-40 (0.565) But that includes just three (3) winning seasons and three (3) playoff appearences (1 in the last four years). The numbers speak for themselves. Not as GREAT as everyone thinks are they! To put that into perspective, Neuman over that same period is: 119-52 (0.696) with 12 playoff appearences. Matt is a great person and good coach, but if he can't see that he needs help on the offensive side of the ball then maybe he should be replaced. I would love to see him stay and focus on defense and hire an established, imaginative OC. Just don't have any reason to believe it will happen.
  9. If your point is that two former Lumberton Raiders are coaching against each other in BI-DISTRICT of all things, I am not being a hater, I am telling you guys from Lumberton that had not been to the playoffs for the first 40 something years and not really paid much attention to it, that it happens alot. It actually happens beyond bi-district also. You asked "How many other area schools has this happened to before?". Many! You are correct, the guys I mentioned from TJ are not facing off against one another this weekend, because they have other obligations, like coaching on Saturday after 4 State Titles and one Mythical National Title in five years at the highest level of HS footbal competition or leading their 5A power into the playoffs.
  10. I got the point and countered with it happens alot. Your not special! :
  11. Alot. PNG has an alum as NFL head coach and one as one of the more prominant OC's in College Football. TJ has had a slew of HS coaches come out of their program over the years. Most recently Dodge (Southlake), Stump (West Brook), Stump (BC), Nueman (Nederland). Not to mention Jimmy and the hair! ;D
  12. Agreed!!!!! Both teams are equally responsible for what happened. Game over and time to move on. Good luck to Central in the playoffs. Ditto! Both teams should be ashamed of their actions and lets move on. Congrats to the Jags and good Luck next week and beyond.
  13. Actually Kelly is not as good a thing as one might think. They don't pay much at all and he is hampered by the lack of assistant coaches he can hire since they are paid poorly compared to the poorly paid public schools! I think Long will take the first decent public school HC job that comes along, but he ain't goin' back to be anyones OC.
  14. Sometimes Pride keeps people from seeing the truth! Seeing life through Purple tinted glasses is not always a good thing. Sometimes you gotta take of the shades to realize that the sky is cloudy!
  15. Hadn't played them much lately, WOS. Even in our State Runner Up season they beat us.
  16. I say PNG whips the he!! out of Central tonight. We are just way to big for them. They really shouldn't even be on the same field with our Varsity boys. Not sure how this is being allowed to hap..... My mistake! I thought it was Nederland's Central Middle School. Sorry! Central 28 PNG 17 PNG goes down swinging...Sorry again that was PAM last night that went down swinging! ;D
  17. How many PNG games have you been to this year obcowboy? I love when fans from other teams try and diminish what we see every week for the last 4 years. : Again PNG decided to line up 4 wideouts and put the QB in the gun last year and ran some plays and called it the spread. It wasn't even close to the spread. They did no real research. The bulk of the throws were to the RB (by design). And about "you gotta go with what you know", you also gotta adjust to what you got! This year they had an accurate QB with a big arm, two good wideouts and a young porous defense. They couldn't play MB ball and run smash mouth offense and in your face defense and win 10-7 like they could last year. The offense needed to be more diverse. They needed to score more and try to win ball games 35-28. Instead they went run, run, pass, punt until they were down by 21 and then opened it up each week. By then the defense could just pin their ears back and tee off on the QB because they had a big lead. PNG has not thrown a pass on the first play of the game all year. Imagine what the oppossing defense (who are allways 10 men in the box) would do if PNG ran play action to DeRon on the first play? They would be stunned!
  18. You sure. It was the Sophomore running back. Thought his name was Roberts. That was in 1998. 1999 was our State Title game run.
  19. Lamarque basically ran their HC out of town last year after one season (one 10+ win season). You reap what you sow. Run a good HC out of town enough and eventually the top prospects for the job decline and you get a guy from Dallas with a mediocre record at best!
  20. 2 Things: 1. Even a Cowgirl sees the problem on offense! This is the problem, Stewart changed, Burnett is not changing. 2. Long Brothers? Do you mean the Colburn twins? They were the WR combo Dustin Long's Sophomore and Junior seasons. The year they went to state Long had a whole new batch of WR's (Baxter, Norton, Lumbley and one other I can't remember). The Colburn twins last game was at Lamar against you guys and it was a great game. Real barn burner. You guys ran on us with Roberts and Dakari Pearson and we threw to the big twins all night long. In the end Dakari was just too much! What a fun game to watch.
  21. Well he helped lead PNG to the second round last year and a lose to eventual state champ Lamar Consolidated. Don't judge the kid on the stats or lack there of at PNG. If you have seen PNG you would understand why the numbers aren't astounding. But also if you ask anyone who has seen him when they get away from the power game, they will tell you he can sling it and is accurate. He has completed more than 50% for most of the season. The 2/17 against Ozen really hurt. Besides he is not the only QB that will sign with LU. I would suspect Woodard would also bring in a JC transfer and try to sign another QB or two next year 2010.
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