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Everything posted by badndn

  1. You do have good parking, but really does that matter to the HC? He want's state of the art field, top of the line pressbox with video equipment, big fieldhouse with video rooms, large equipment room, nice big weight room and state of the art equipment. LTown needs to pony up for AC! Givem' sumpin' to work with!
  2. So at Craig's current rate (since at WB) he will be 187-55 after 22 years. Also he will be 33-22 in the playoffs. That would be 27 more playoff wins than Larry. Since every argument you make for your ridiculous claim that Haynes is a better coach than Stump gets shot down by facts, who's the idiot? You think I didn't know that HF and Newton were in the 3A district in 90 and 91. HF had Spencer George and Felman Malveaux in 90 and Lumberton (the largest 3A school in the state) who had double the enrollment of HF and Newton, had Ryan Verde and Tal Light. SFA had Randolph Barnes. But still Lumberton couldn't get one of those two spots and make the playoffs! I'm not a hater on Haynes, heck I never met the man. He is a good coach. But there are a lot of good coaches out there. But he is not a great coach. Not even close. And your claim he is better than Craig Stump is so ludicrous that it is laughable. Is Larry paying you to post or is this Kellen Haynes? 6-12 says it all! I'm done with you. Pretty sure from all of the other posters comments on this subject that they have you pegged like I do. Moron! Stick to baseball.
  3. Haynes has coached in some poor districts and feasted off of those teams, but when the playoffs began his teams struggled. In 21 seasons his teams are 6-12 in the playoffs and have never made it past the second round. Ever! None! Zilcho! Yeah great coach. Oh and he was 4-6 in Lumberton the first year in 4A, but when Lumberton dropped down to 3A the next two years they went 7-3 & 8-2, but still missed out on the playoffs. So don't misinterpret that 19-11 record at LTown. Stump is 6-4 in the playoffs in four seasons at WB. So in four years Craig's teams have as many playoff wins as Larry's did in 21 years. Who's the better coach. Top 5 Area Coach. You are clueless! 1. Hooks 2. Barbay 3. Neuman 4. Stump 5. Credeur 6. Alvarez 7. Stowers (movin up fast) 8. Burnett (Head to head with Haynes MB has the wins) 9. Haynes Numbers don't lie baseball25.
  4. The combined 118 ties the record for a title game. SS missed that last xtra point.
  5. Remember LCM in the mid 90's. They had a few good years, but where are they now. One very good season and one good season does not make the Lumberton job more attractive than the PNG job. Lumberton has poor facilities, poor pay, same athletes as PNG and apparently is not supportive of upgrading those poor facilities or salaries. Seriously, why do you think Credeur would be thinking about leaving to begin with? Lumberton better do what it takes to make him happy and keep him around.
  6. Apparently now they expect us to loose to Utah Valley State since last week they had us at 21-9 and 11-5.
  7. Yep. I still say in 2010 he would be great on Woodards defensive staff! I would love to see his attacking defense at LU.
  8. Haynes better than Stump?? What you smokin'? Is that you Larry? ;D Larry's gotta be, what 50 years old? In 26 years of coaching, how many state title appearences do Larry's teams have? What's Larry's playoff record? Larry is right were he needs to be 2A Hardin. Doubt he brings them a state title either.
  9. I'm pretty sure if he puts his name in the hat he would be the choice. Don't think we will need to petition anyone other than Craig himself. But if he ultimately isn't interested then oh well.
  10. 1. Coaches rarely say they are interested publicly. 2. BMT pays all three coaches the same. $73,000. If they want to give him a raise of $20K then it will cost them $60K. 3. The PNG job will pay $90,000 to $95,000 that has already been established. 4. He is not AD at West Brook.
  11. Danaher is too old and he is setup at Callalen, plus he is a south Texas guy. Not gonna happen. Better shot at Stump. Remind me again why Craig Stump wouldn't be interested. Pro's: 20K+ raise Athletic Director Better facilities Only show in town Better following Better school district for his kids Con's: Overall talent Staff not his Also: He can win a state title at PNG just as easy as he could at West Brook. The talent may be better, but so is all the competion at the 5A level. Win at PNG and he will get just as much media attention, if not more, as he would get at West Brook.
  12. You may be correct, but PNG has seperate AD's for Mens and Womens sports.
  13. I agree it makes the win against Tech less impressive, but don't forget (even though they don't count) LU put a pretty good whoopin' on UTEP in a pre season game situation scrimmage in SA.
  14. Yes, but consider these people may have ignored the results. LU losing at TXST? Very intriguing...I can see LU splitting with SHSU, if our team continues to grow in the right direction. I do not see a Marlin team getting swept by the Cards, but you guys are presently the class of the conference, so perhaps... You barely beat Jarvis Christian at home! I see LU and several others sweeping Sam this year. Sam may return the favor next year though as LU will be young, but full of underclassmen talent (Miles, Harper, Custer, Williams, and Nabors returning). As for Tx St. that run and gun style on a good night at home against our run and gun could lead to a close one and since they are home team I give them the early edge. Now that may drastically change as the season progresses.
  15. We keep beating the Big 12 schools that do play us at home and none of them will want to play us at home! I would think that we could get Baylor here and UH as well. I know LT is not very good right now, but I think that could be a nice draw because of the old rivalry. Same with ULL, which I suspect will be coming in here next year. I would like to see a return on all these Memphis games one of these days, though it will probably never hapen. TCU would be a fair draw as well and it seems like Billy could help make that happen. I thought we might get a 2 for 1 with OU at some point with Billy's connections, but it never happened. I'd like to see us drop down to 2 DII and DIII chumps and replace those with at the least local SWAC. Or better yet UA-LR for better competition.
  16. The ISU loss was actually on Sunday and we dropped in last weeks poll after loosing to UK and beating Ohio. I can't see LU going 11-5 in conference nor do I see SFA at 12-4. I think both teams will end up with better conference records. LU-13-3 Losses @SFA, @TS & @UTA SFA-14-2 Losses @UTA & maybe @SELA Just one mans opinion!
  17. Tatums problems were not his arm or his accuracy. His problems were the playcalling and being on his back all year because the defense pinned their ears back everytime he dropped back to pass. That tends to happen when you only throw on third and obvious! Did you even see him play? Glad Bevil will be in the fold. Just wonder how the switch from a run oriented option offense to the spread will suit him. The good news is he will have a year to learn it and adjust. Saw him play against Ozen last year and didn't have to see him play this year because he didn't improve. I worked with Tatums uncle, met his father(before he died), and know his grandmother. But he still isn't college material @QB. Maybe he can play safety or something.... Trust me he (Tatum) won't be playing Safety. SLOOOOW! They got him as a QB and a QB only. He may be a backup his entire career, but he not be changing positions. I think WOS ran the spread when he was there, but it was a run first spread offense. Shorta like what UT ran with VY.
  18. One of the Best coaches in Texas? : One of the best in the area, but Texas. No way. He has done good things in Lumberton in his short tenure, but you have to get your team into a couple of State Title games before you are a great coach in Texas. 2-2 in the playoffs is far from it! You Lumberton folks crack me up! ;D
  19. Tatums problems were not his arm or his accuracy. His problems were the playcalling and being on his back all year because the defense pinned their ears back everytime he dropped back to pass. That tends to happen when you only throw on third and obvious! Did you even see him play? Glad Bevil will be in the fold. Just wonder how the switch from a run oriented option offense to the spread will suit him. The good news is he will have a year to learn it and adjust.
  20. Tech short handed :. Wow...Check the stats. LU played 8 players. Harper, Nwevo, even Nabors. Sure would be nice to have them as well. If Nwevo is not well soon, why not redshirt him this year? then we go into 2009-2010 with Nabors, Nwevo and Custer at the 4-5 spots.
  21. Did you even go? I said if they announced 6700 for BYU, then this was 8000. This crowd was bigger than that crowd.
  22. There were more people tonight then last years BYU game and that crowd was announced 6700. Not sure who was counting tonight, but I think they were wrong. Looked like 7500+. Tech couldn't handle our speed tonight. KD, Skyler, Bubba, and even JB took it to them ever chance they got. We also stepped it up on defense and kept their guards from getting open threes. The best team won tonight.
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