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Everything posted by badndn

  1. 96-64 record in 15 years. Made the playoffs in 6 out of 15 years with three teams going. 66-57 in the 12 years without D. Long. Made the playoffs 4 out of those 12 seasons. If your team went to the playoffs 4 times in 12 years you would have run the HC out of town on a rail! I hear rumors that he will be on staff at LU coaching the D Line after next year when his contract runs out, which is what he excelled at. That would be a great move for both parties.
  2. How could they pay him well enough as an assistant to leave Lumberton? This just sounds like AC is using LM to get more money out of LTown.
  3. I hear Muschamp was approached, thus the need for Mack Brown to name him his successor at UT! ;D
  4. I think each of those candidates brings something different to the table. Alvarez is firey with a good recent track record. Long will develop skill players at the lower levels. Crueder to me is a lot like MB (power offense and tuff defense), but he really pays attention to his feeder programs. Barbay is a Barbay! And appears to have Coldspring on the up turn. Sure would make his daddy proud for him to get the PNG job!
  5. There is no $$ at Kelly. Just because it is a private school doesn't mean they are loaded or that the coaches are paid well. Actually my understanding is the opposite. I hear that he is short staffed due to lack of money and I would bet he isn't making much more than 60K. The PNG job will pay 85K+. I think if offered he would jump on it. Just not sure he will be offered. If MB is not coming back and the search begins, I would look for these local candidates: Alvarez - HC @ K'Ville Long - HC @ Kelly (former OC @ PNG) Crueder - HC @ Lumberton (Former coach @ PNG) Barbay - HC @ Coldspring Outside of the GT ? Will be interesting to see what the HC community thinks of the PNG job. The facilities will be a big sell, but the PNG mistique may be diminished.
  6. I have expected Monty to get some looks from some of the smaller schools in the area for several years now and it hasn't happened or maybe it has and he just doesn't want to leave Nederland for a smaller school. I doubt PNG is going to give the reigns over to someone without HC experience and a proven track record as a HC as well. Still not sold on MB not being the HC next year at PNG. The meeting is to create the position of Athletic Complex Coordinator and fill the position at the same time. This could be a way to subsidise an OC that is currently a HC at a smaller school. Could be to pay an OC more in line with what he may be making as a HC somewhere else??
  7. No one from the GT considers Dayton Local. You guys have always been the enemy! ;D I suspect one of the MC schools might have a run in a few years from all I have seen and heard of the 9th & 10th graders this year. Lumberton could also with Crueder and that defense. Not sure about the offense, but defense wins more games in the playoffs. Central is not done yet! Their Defense is quick.
  8. I was sitting in the endzone at the dome right by that hit and it was so quick. The WOS defender was going in motion and broke it off in the backfield as they hiked the ball and hit the RB as he was being handed the ball. It was incredible. Game. Set. Match!
  9. Chris Reed from SFA was the most athletic big man I ever saw at the HS level. Wasted potential. 6'4" 280 lbs and could run in the 4.6 range in the 40. Had offers from every major program in the country, but had to go JC for grades. Went to Navarro JC in Corsicana and got into some trouble. I heard he went to an NFL camp, but ??. Anyone who saw him in HS can validate that he was incredible. Those linemen on that Hemphill team were beasts. I thought I was at a college game when I saw those guys! Unbelievable at a 2A school in the sticks!
  10. Chris Gohlke (PNG) plowed right through a Lamarque WR trying to go across the middle on one of the first plays from scrimage for Lamarque in the 1999 playoffs at the dome. Looked like the guy never saw it coming. Chris got a personal foul called for standing over him after the hit (Chris stayed on his feet), but that set the tone for the rest of the day. LM wideouts got nothing else over the middle all day as PNG stomped 'em. I also saw A. Griggie hit a number of weary defenders when running the ball for SFA back in the 80's.
  11. Without a doubt Dom Mercka is impressive. He is big 6'4 200 and has some break away speed for a QB. He has a pretty good arm, but he really is still developing mechanically and the arm strength and accuraccy will improve. He should be a big prospect in a couple of years and he and thay Junior WR they have could lead them to big things next year (i.e. Green and Dugat).
  12. BINGO! I seem to recall articles before the season where MB was quoted as saying how much talent was returning on the offensive side of the ball and now they had no talent? He lost some favor with me there. I hope he makes some changes with the OC and offensive philosophy and rights the ship. And again all you outsiders that think you know about PNG football and us being spoiled, you don't know! Matt has 3 winning seasons in the last 9 years since D.Long and company left. That's 3 seasons of winning more than 5 games in 9 years. And in 15 years they have had 6 playoff appearences under Matt. Not as great as it appears. Trust me folks if Nederland goes to the playoffs only once in the next 4 years they will be asking for Nuemans head! Same goes for Lumberton after a few more playoff runs with Crueder.
  13. They have scaffolding on the front of the pressbox going down into the stands. Can't host.
  14. I like that. Good off the bench as well. 6-7 Worrell 6-10 Custer 6-7 Brown ? 6-5 Harper 6-6 Hall 5-11 McThay 6-1 Williams 5-9 Dawkins 5-10 Miles
  15. If he is anything near the athlete that the last guy we got from Illinois was, I'm in! Teddy Davis!
  16. Since gaurd play is essential to compete in the NCAA and the SLC specifically, I see this group doing pretty well come conference time. I think the Kentucky, Louisville, Memphis core will be tough. Those guys have the gaurds to match us and the bulk down low to overpower us. I really like the foundation for the future. Miles, Harper and Williams will make up a very dinamic 1-2-3 in a couple of seasons. Add a shot blocking big man and a rebounding 4 and this group could be a serious NCAA threat in 2011 (by that I mean 1 or 2 rounds). This is the best I have felt about the future in some time since we have been so loaded with JC talent lately. I think Roc has gotten it right. He went JC to build early and set a tone with experience and is slowly mixing in more, better HS talent now with the program up. This will pay off with experience and continuity.
  17. I think LU could handle ULL in this one. Gaurd play and harrassing defense at the top of the key will prevail 82-70.
  18. Tech has struggled against the SLC in recent years. I could see a couple losses in their 4 game set with the SLC. Wonder how that will set with the Knight regime? ;D
  19. As I have said on this topic every time, if MB comes back and brings in an OC with some imagination and lets him do his thing, then I will be behind MB 100%, but if it stays the same another year?? I though it should have been done several years ago. Pretty sure Welch lost his job at Clear Lake or one of those Clear Lake area schools as OC before he came to PNG. Welch needs to be focusing his time on our O-Line exclusively. He was great with that group before he took on the OC job. And the O-line has suffered.
  20. So why not Long? He was at his best in the crunch. In the Semis he came to the huddle with a smile on his face and said "lets go to State" on that last drive and led that team down the field just as cool as a cucumber to the game winning TD. He had them 2 yards and 2 seconds short of beating WOS that year as well and against the allmighty Lamarque who was heavily favored he was something like 22-26 250+ and even rushed for 75 yards to blow them away. I'd say that qualifies as "Big Time". ok, i played against long, he was good, but dont forget he was throwing to two brothers that were pretty darn good themselves. alot of his completions came from deep balls go and get 'em balls. Actually the year they went to the Title game the Colburn twins were already graduated. That team had a whole new set of receivers (Baxter, Norton and Lumbley) and I saw every game he played and by no means was he a throw it deep and hope they get it QB. That team ate you up with the slants and crossing paterns.
  21. I think he will return for the final year of his contract, but I am hearing that their will be a new OC. For what it's worth.
  22. So why not Long? He was at his best in the crunch. In the Semis he came to the huddle with a smile on his face and said "lets go to State" on that last drive and led that team down the field just as cool as a cucumber to the game winning TD. He had them 2 yards and 2 seconds short of beating WOS that year as well and against the allmighty Lamarque who was heavily favored he was something like 22-26 250+ and even rushed for 75 yards to blow them away. I'd say that qualifies as "Big Time". I know I may look like a homer, but the guy was money in HS. Many people forgot that he rushed for nearly a 1000 yards his senior year also.
  23. Yes there is enough room to expand eventually. I'd say make it a bowl first, then maybe a second deck later if needed. Single deck bowl would get it to roughly 26K (6K on the Montagne side and 2K on the field house side if you keep the filed house visible). Also, that TSU plan would be a perfect venue for HS State Title Day! Central location and 40-45K seats.
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