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Everything posted by badndn

  1. I call BS on the total count tonight. Last year when BYU came in they said there was 6700. Tonight there were way more than the BYU game. I would have guessed close to 8000. They announced 6180. No way!
  2. I know what was missing in the 1st HAFE....The "L". Broncs will put it on 'em in the second HALF! ;D
  3. Without the Masters I think this is a dead issue, but: 1. PNG has not been running Longs offense the past several years. He was more aggressive and less predictable, but he was also handcuffed by MB. Fact 2. People want to point out that while at Kelly they didn't have great success, but most people forget or don't know several things about Kelly: a. They have roughly 450 students. That would make them a very small, border line 3A. b. They tend to play 4A and much larger 3A pre-district. c. They pay very little. Most people equate Kelly as this rich school, but it is not. The kids may be rich kids, but the staff is payed less than public school. Therefore small staff. d. Despite not winning the TAPPS title in 2007 they had a very good year 10-1 and beat some good teams handely in the process. And were fun to watch offensively with a QB that Long helped develop. In the end he probably wont be the hire, but I would not be unhappy if they decided he was the man for the job (sans the Masters). And most of the guys that I talked to that played for him say the same. Also the folks I have talked to from Kelly really like him because he has interest in the whole athletic department unlike Stump (great coach) before him.
  4. I say under, but just barely...6400 I hope I'm wrong. Tech without Bob Knight on the bench is not a big draw. BYU was a bigger draw because of the local Mormans, which suprised me in the numbers. Half the crowd that night was there to cheer for BYU. If 6500+ show tonight they will be predominantly LU supporters!
  5. Our guards should do a good job containing theirs and we should be able to get off some good shots outside (unlike at UK) because their guards are not real big. Our biggest hurdle will be whether or not we can guard their big guy out to the three point line. They have a center that will step out routinely and knock down a handful of trey's.
  6. Hope your right coach. You are kidding right! No way that happens. Florida just beat the #1 team in the country. Human polls will probably have them #1 and computer polls will have them #2. Texas may actually be ranked #4 in the BCS after today with Bama at #3. But no way UT gets in now! Go Jags!
  7. I see a big win for LU. No let down or looking ahead. 86-60.
  8. Is this game going to be on any of the online networks?
  9. Why would he leave Gilmer? They could win the next three state titles from what I am told with all of the talent they have returning and his son will be on those teams. Why would he want to start over while his son is in HS? I wish he would, but not going to happen.
  10. Flanigan has one of the top young QB's in the state in Merka (Soph. this year). I don't think he will be going anywhere for a few years. I agree Alvarez would be way higher on my list over Haynes. He appears to be a great motivator. Also heard a few weeks back that Alvarez was contacted by PNG officials??
  11. If Haynes was so great then why is he now at 2A Hardin after being at Clearlake, Crosby and Lumberton? Besides the ony coach to ever win a Lumberton is Credeur! Don't want him. We can do better! He wouldn't even be top 5 locally!
  12. I hope a certain PNG group heads up to Lufkin to catch this one. First hand look at coach Traylor...How old is he? Go Stangs.
  13. I hope he is kidding? I am thinking someone outside like Jeff Traylor at Gilmer (3A). Wide open offense and has created one of the great programs in the state over the past 8 years.
  14. I don't think you understand..Not that I want Long over all others, just of the local legitimate coaching candidates, I like what Long brings to the table most. But I thnk there will be a nice list outside of the GT forming and will be very interested to see who is on it. I would love C. Stump, but he ain't gonna leave WB without throwing a bunch of money at him, more than we could afford! If Stump is not who you were refering to, then let us have it...Who?
  15. Well put liltex...I like that... "The Tradition in Transition"
  16. I think what ryker is saying just solidifies why MB is not the "Head of the Tirbe" anymore. Those outside the district don't realize it, but from the Middle Schools on up something has been amiss the past 5 or 6 years. Those of us that attend every game see it. We realize that change is needed sooner rather than later.
  17. dirty D 17. D=Dustin 17 was your #. ;D I would like to see Long back as well. I don't put a whole lot of stock in this years Kelly record because he was starting over with a lot of Freshman and Sophomores. I just think of the local candidates he would be my first choice. I think he and Dustin would work hard to develop our young skilled position talent and develop a pipeline much like Dodge and Ledbetter before him did at Carroll high. I am though very interested in the list of applicants from outside the GT.
  18. God forbid any of you guys favorite HS team ever fire your HC! I love all of these people from outside this district who have not seen PNG play in years and just assume he was "DONE WRONG". The guy had one great season and you all thaught he was Lombardi. He had maybe the best HS QB this area has ever seen that season and the QB and the offense was being coached by his father. MB had nothing to do with that offense. He did what he does best and coached the defense and let Mike do his thing. I saw it first hand. Without Dustin MB won just barely over 50% of the time. They made 4 playoff appearences in 12 years around the D. Long years. Imagine if WOS or Nederland or Newton went to the playoffs 4 times in the next 12 years. Gone would be Hooks, Neuman, and Barbay. Like it or not the board made the right call. It was time for a change of philosophy and if MB was not going to adjust then the change needed to be made at the top. I said many times on this board that I would like for MB to stay and make the neccessary changes at the OC and at other areas and allow those coaches the freedom to do what they felt was best for the talent they had, because MB was purple through and through, but it just wasn't going to happen.
  19. If AC is seriously going to consider going to LM as second fiddle to Jordan for what couldn't be more than 70K a year, then the PNG HC job at 90K+ must look like a dream come true. I just don't see Lumberton letting him go that easy. For their sake I hope they keep him. The better the district the better the winners perform in the playoffs!
  20. So because you worked in a school district and have examples you know for a fact that the new position would not have been created had MB not been needing to be reassigned? You do realize how ridiculous that sounds, right? What you have is speculation that it was created for MB based on past history that you have witnessed. Again that is S-P-E-C-U-L-A-T-I-O-N...Not F-A-C-T. I was told that the position was discussed last year when the renovations began. But that was not fact.
  21. Actually this was his 3rd season and they are 23-10 under AC. Still pretty good considering where they were the 40 years before!
  22. No. School districts do that to give the person a chance to finish out thier contracts. And you know this to be fact?
  23. Don't want either of them...But we'll take Stewart! ;D
  24. Yeah...And one of 'em just became a reality.
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