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Lions Pride 2021

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Everything posted by Lions Pride 2021

  1. That was a very good team. LCM would need that kind of play to stand a chance against Silsbee. I don't think the Bears have it which is why I think keeping it under 20 25 would be a good showing tonight. They just need to stay focused and hold on to second place.
  2. I'm not pulling for Silsbee. Its just that this is a game when you see it on the calendar you looking to be competitive. I would love for LCM win this game. Would go up there with beating Lincoln as far as program wins. But that's not happening tonight. Silsbee has righted the ship and outside the HISD district the tigers are marching forward.
  3. 25 point Silsbee win. Nothing but smooth sailing for the tigers until Huntsville.
  4. I only concede that arguing with crazy/stupid people is a losing proposition. Hope you enjoy your 1.50 a week paycheck raise that Paul Ryan was bragging about this weekend.
  5. No point of wrestling with pigs. You both get dirty but only the pigs like it. With that I bid adieu. Enjoy the mud and swamp.
  6. You're exhausting. Nothing you say will convince me trump is not racist. I give you examples and just like our last conversation its not good enough. If them man wore a shirt that said.I'm proud to be a racist and then started spewing all the racial slurs you wouldn't believe he's racist. There's no point of continuing this conversation with you. You are clearly deep in the infowar breitbart propaganda machine just based on your language ( I have checked those sites out so I know that's how they talk). I'm comforted that people of your ilk are becoming the minority in this country. This may be your last hurrah so enjoy it.
  7. When you do your taxes next spring and you can't deduct your property taxes and you lose your personal exemptions you'll find that your paying more. I'm glad you're feeling a little richer today but in the long run were paying for the rich to keep exorbitant amounts of money. And the effort to kill Obama care will raise everyone's rates because now the market is unsure. If it had passed millions would have been thrown of of Medicare and Medicare to give the rich a billion dollar tax cut. Now you have to help grandma pay for her meds. Don't worry. Because the deficit has now been raised the GOP is coming for Medicare Medicaid SSI unemployment etc. Paul Ryan's wet dream is to kill all these programs that help the average citizen. If you haven't been paying attention now is the perfect time to go educate yourself. Just be sure to look at different sources to make sure you get a clear well rounded picture. Good luck supporting Trump.
  8. No. He's looking out for the rich. Look at the tax bill. Or look at him trying to gut healthcare. People like you and me will pay for the rich and corporations tax cuts. We're going to have less services and pay more. He has nothing but contempt for anyone who doesn't have money. He's always been that way.
  9. Why do trump supporters get mad when his flaws are pointed out. I don't care that you probably hated Obama. You will never convince me trump isn't racist. Just know that he's lucky he has congress on his side for Now. Firing Mueller or losing Congress this November may bring this comedy to an early end. And that will make me sad because people like you will go off the deep end and create new bat guano conspiracy theories when the truth is trump screwed himself.
  10. Now you're being intellectually dishonest. You know he called Mexicans rapist and murders at his campaign announcement. You know he was the leader of the birther movement which tried to claim Obama was not a U.S. citizen and therefore can't be president. Trump has called for the execution for 5 young men of color falsely accused of rape. He has repeatedly discriminated against renting to blacks and Mexicans. Last year at Charlottesville he said there were good people on both sides I have never met a nice neo Nazi or klansmen. But since his father was associated with the Klan ( arrested at Klan rallies) its easy to see why he sympathetic to that cause. he hired Steve Gannon and Stephen miller. Who are leaders in the alt right movement. His sons retest Pepe memes. Again you know or have heard this info but have chosen to ask me why I know he's racist?
  11. Really? Nah. I'm not doing this with you. As I said before i could point it out but you'd make an excuse for him. African Americans may not be a monolithic group but 96 percent of us disapprove of him and believe he's racist. We don't associate with Clarence Thomas Ben Carson Omarossa Paris Dennard and people of their ilk. Ill humor you. What did he say about Mexicans during his announcement to run for President? What did he say about Obama's both certificate. Or the Central Park 5. Or all the housing discrimination suits he's settled. You know all these things and have the audacity to ask me why I think he's racist. You're funny. Let me get back to this super bowl.
  12. He is racist. I could list all the racist things he's said and done but you would find something to dismiss my legitimate concerns. As for the economy we'll look back 10 years from now and see his policies have hurt the working man not helped. He's not your friend either. History will judge him harshly. For now I enjoy watching him dig a deeper hole each day to help Mueller out with his investigation. Fortunately for him congress has his back.
  13. If you think Hillary and Obama are communist then clearly you have no idea what a communist is. You might need to go back to school. Trump is his own worst enemy. I enjoy watching him dig his own grave. Had he an ounce of self control there would be no Mueller investigation. He's doing his best to be a one term president and in hope he continues down this self destructive path.
  14. I question the intelligence of anyone who takes brietbart news as gospel. Its barely above info wars. Look your man is in the white house and Congress got his back. If you would read the constitution you'd know that it would take the house to impeach and 60 votes in the Senate to kick that SOB. That idiot is here for his whole first term. Whether he wins another, who knows.
  15. 22-21 Lumberton Q2. Order has been restored in the universe.
  16. 17 -10 Livingston Q1 No that's not a misprint. Fingers crossed.....
  17. Hate to hear that. I think that basically ends the season for WOS. I'm not surprised with Harvey that this hasn't happened more.
  18. How'd the schedule end up like that? Damage to other schools or damage at LCM? Seems odd to have a bunch of road games to end district.
  19. If it ain't happened by now I doubt it will. Besides I thought we weren't turning this into a Livingston thread! Ill just keep on drinking because that's how I cope with these things. Buena Suerte new BMT HS.
  20. That's why I bring a flask to the games. Its the only way I stay calm. I keep hearing rumors but until I see something...
  21. Almost sounds like LCM should have stayed in the Bear Cave one more year. Hopefully y'all work out the kinks soon. Its is a bad deal with all grades sharing a school still under construction.
  22. In football and baseball I was counting on those as wins. In basketball well we all know those are losses. I enjoyed coming home even on trips I knew it was going to be a long night. I would go tomorrow if I didn't have deadlines to meet. Maybe the new school will get some of the kids that aren't playing to tryout. When my brother was at west brook he said the best athletes were walking the halls instead of playing. A good coach and culture can be the start of good things. For football its a quantum leap in competition to jump to 6A. Even talent rich Port Arthur struggled in its last few years. I think the basketball team will be competitive quickly. I wish the the new school nothing but the best.
  23. Freshman won by 2 tds if I recall. My son ran roughshod on y'all. When he played Ozen JV the next week we called off the dogs. Livingston will be good again. The upper classes were small.
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