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Lions Pride 2021

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Everything posted by Lions Pride 2021

  1. I have discussed these issues with my representatives on both sides of the aisle, esteemed professors of history and politics, and with men and women who stood next to Dr. King. I've read many books on this subject to see if they were telling truth. Your analysis on this subject isn't worth used toilet paper. And that's putting it kindly. If you took the time to read any of the receipts you asked for, you would have quit typing a long time ago because there's no way for you to win this. The GOP as constituted today is based on racism. And it's not all Dolt 45 fault. He just made it cool to show it public. These articles have peer reviewed research behind them. When I make a point, even when it's crude, it's because I've researched it and I can back it up. Facts beat shitty opinions every time. So don't ask for facts if you're just going to ignore them. Go listen to the soothing tenor of Mr. Jasper Isley. It's my gift to you. No one can be angry after listening to him. I'm giving you a graceful exit. You should take it.
  2. I've answered your questions. You refuse to acknowledge them. You do this all the time. So that means you want me to go there. It's not my responsibility to teach you what you should have learned as a child. And I'm still waiting for you to prove the GOP isn't racist. You can't. Sure the civil Rights act is still on the books but it is being undermined by southern states and the US attorney general every day. The courts have nuetered the voting rights act. The GOP has declared war on people of color. Women rights are under attack. You've lost this argument. Just like the one we had about the president being a POS. And for the record i know most white people are good. Only 30 percent of you are irredeemable. Move out of that 50% of people that make it easy for racism to exist. I gotta go. I wish I could say it was fun, but i don't want my reputation for telling the truth to be confused with Dolt 45. So I'll leave you with this. Enjoy
  3. Your comphesion is terrible. Go read and educate yourself. Cluck, Cluck, Cuck.
  4. "Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained?" - General Maximus. Don't ask me for receipts again. Learn to embrace research. Use Google before you ask for things that will prove you wrong. Quit being a Dittohead. And go ask your school for a tuition refund. As to why I use euphemisms for the current office holder, I'm showing him the same amount of respect he showed POTUS 44. And I'm showing Dolt 45 the same respect you show Obama. When you children grow up and debate policy and quit the personal attacks (libertard) I'll do the same.
  5. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  6. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  7. White males 30 percent avowed, 50 percent that mean well but make excuses for their racist family and 20 percent who acknowledge they got work to do but fall short. White women numbers are similar. This demanding info is all one sided. You ramble on and on a d demand an answer, which I don't owe you. This is 2018. Do your own research. I look at Fox news when I need a comedy break. And Breitbart and Infowars are true gems. But since I'm feeling generous... I guess you didnt see Sacha Baron Cohen last night? Can't afford Showtime ( I freely admit HBO is better but my cartoon president is hilarious)? [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] But you know this. And frankly this is why I don't take you or your buddies seriously. Because even when you get an answer you run around like a headless chicken except the chicken has more sense than you. You are completely out of your depth. Just own the fact that the GOP as built today is founded on racism. If you took a civics course in college, you would have learned about the shifts in party and the southern strategy because it was covered. And if you didn't go to college do some research for yourself instead of taking for granted the politicians are telling you is the truth. Now show me some links that say the GOP isn't racist.
  8. I guess no one wants to own this about the GOP. It's true. Your modern party is based on racism. The war on drugs, racism. The mandatory sentencing, racism. I'm not saying everyone who votes Republican is racist, but racist sure love the GOP. I'll leave you with this quote from none other than Mr Lyndon Baines Johnson. “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” [Hidden Content] You may not want to acknowledge this but this is the truth.
  9. I've answered this ad nauseum. Your comphesion is terrible. And Sessions was deemed so racist he was denied a federal judgeship in the 80s.
  10. I've studied you carefully for years. I actually pay attention to what you say and do. If you didn't want this you wouldn't vote the way you do. You would have picked a better candidate who didn't play up to irrational racial fears.
  11. With Jeff Sessions as the attorney general, the GOP is on that task. And I don't think the party is doing a bad job of hiding the racism, the GOP just doesn't care to hide it anymore. Every week a racist lawmaker and judge is being exposed. Or outright racist candidates are winning primaries. This is the America white people want.
  12. The GOP has a million loons in it. Why don't y'all clean up the racism in your party first. Here's a nice article that discusses the decent into the racist party y'all support. [Hidden Content] "In 1981, Lee Atwater, the political campaign architect who refined the Southern Strategy for Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, describedthe Republican party’s winning template: "You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968, you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites. ... “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.” Yup. I kept the nword in. Because that's the words the man behind Reagan and Bush used. Maybe y'all can't help yourselves. If your parents were racist then it's a genetic flaw. Go hurry up and sign up for mental disability before Dolt 45 cuts the funding like he's doing for the coal miners.
  13. I'm sure you believe white men are the most discriminated class in America. And I'm sure you believe that being called a racist is this century's "n" word. Is that why the suicide rate is rapidly rising among your demographic? Seems to me y'all are the victim class searching for a reason to bitch. As Chris Rock once said, a blind poor white man wouldn't change places with him because the privilege of being a white man affords. You expect your word to be taken at face value, even when there's evidence to the contrary that it shouldn't. So when you get pushback, you get shook.
  14. The indictment of top Russian intelligence officers close to Putin would have been enough for a reasonable president to call off such a meeting. Trump at a press conference calling for Russia to hack into his opponent's email and the email is hacked the next day is disturbing. Roger Stone a long time friend of the president suddenly is predicting when leaks will come out and has connections to Russians is highly suspicious. But you're aware of that. I don't blame the hacking for the loss. I've stated a bunch of times that Hillary and her approach was bad. And the current officeholder played the southern strategy better than George Wallace could have imagined. I moved on and accepted the results that night. I expect him to uphold the honor and dignity of the office as I have for the men who have held the position before him. I didn't always agree with Bush Sr., Bubba Clinton, Dubya and Brotha Barack, but they seemed to grasp the gravity of the position. As for the immigrants voting, they shouldn't have and they have been caught. It's been a dozen cases at most, not millions as the president would have you believe. And most of it was either them missunderstanding or bad advice from poll workers. Statiscally speaking voter fraud does not exist. Voter disenfranchisement, voter suppression and voter apathy are much bigger problems.
  15. Go read the quote you responded to.
  16. It's hard to see racism when your head is covered by a hood. Lolol. My likeness is shown in my profile. I've experienced racism. I speak from experience. And I can spot it a mile away. Let me guess what Obama did wrong. He called a cop stupid for arresting a black professor who was at his own home. He showed empathy with Trayvon Martin, saying it could have been him or his son except for the Grace of God. He had the justice department look into policing after Eric Garner and Mike Brown were murdered. Does that cover it? Or how about only white people bring up he's half white as an excuse for why their racist comments aren't racist. Maybe you would take it better if you were told by a white man that you might be racist. [Hidden Content] Know that when I speak ill of the current president, I do so based upon his words and deeds.
  17. He's stupid. He doesn't comprehend.
  18. Most rational people believe Hillary was a flawed candidate who ran a bad campaign. However that does not excuse the current office holder to discount that meddling occurred. And that does not excuse him for basically giving a despot an air of legitimacy on the world stage and praise a man who works to destabilize the western world. That press conference was a blow job. It's embarrassing. And it proves you idiots will go to no end to defend this POS. This isn't a liberal or conservative issue. People messing with our elections should alarm us all. That the man who swore to defend the country and the constitution is boo'd up with the people who meddled with our elections is dereliction of duty. There may or may not have been collusion but there are a lot of indictments. And when he asked Russia to find Hillary's missing emails, they were found by Russians the next day. So I'm looking forward to the Mueller report. You and your butt kissers are stupid. That's the kindest thing I can say about y'all.
  19. I've answered your questions. They're not what you want but I answered them even though I owe you nothing. And I told you why you're wrong several times in this thread.. You choose to gloss over it. As I have stated your comprehension is terrible. I feel I'm talking to a brick wall except that the brick wall actually does something important in its existence. Ughhhh. Good grief.
  20. ANo wonder we're going in circles. You and your brat pack are working with second grader educations. That's important information. I thought I was dealing with Jr high kids. Your childish because you refuse to concede even when you are dead wrong. That's the old "tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth strategy" and frankly its stupid and indicates the user is an idiot. All your little sycophants think its a sign of intellect. I highly doubt any of you could pass a basic civics course. Even Fox News has shamed the idiot. And He's spent the last several days trying to back track that crappy performance. I heard he bombed a poor country this afternoon, hoping that gets the country off his back. That's your only saving grace.
  21. Admit it. You love it when I come to play. All the rest of your little followers agree with you and that's not any fun. That hole you keep digging in your support of him doesnt end up in China or Russia, but in the South Pacific.
  22. Can't you come up with your own witty retort? You're such a beta.
  23. Honestly. If that press conference didnt make you do a double take or even ask yourself if maybe there might be something to this whole Russian meddling thing, you are too far gone. The only people who would lend him money after all his bankruptcies are the Russians. He is beholden to them. And while president before him have meet with Russian leaders, none have failed to defend America, its values, and institutions. Yet this is what happened in Helsinki. I'm not surprised he said what he said. He's been saying this for years. What I find funny is how you idiots keep digging to find ways to keep supporting him instead of asking for impeachment and getting Mike Pence in office. That would be the grown up thing to do. Instead y'all just gonna keep on being betas.
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