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Lions Pride 2021

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Everything posted by Lions Pride 2021

  1. That's classic misdirection. You pick a fight then when you're backed in a corner claim to be the victim. Idgaf if I'm on this forum or not. You on the the other hand would probably kill yourself if the internet didn't exist so you can spout inane conspiracy theories and spread hate and lies. Just because you don't want to believe a comment is racist doesn't mean it's not racist. The three men I gave as examples are racists and are leaders of the party. Their words and deeds reveal them. Not me. I was ready to discuss the failures of the Democratic party. I gave you an opening and instead you go down the route every talking head on fox and brietbart go down. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't dare insult my intelligence or call me a pedophile in my face. If you ain't willing to do it in person don't say it on a keyboard. That's a chicken s@$# move. So again good luck with your miserable life.
  2. Where I'm from calling people out their names is a perfect excuse to beat some one down. You've done it twice. My comprehension is good. Yours need work. I'm leaving this post now because nothing I say or show will convince you of the racism of GOP party leaders. Good luck with your sad little life.
  3. My reply to englebert. I don't have a high opinion of the democrats either but the leader of the party and current leader of the country started his campaign with a racist rant. And the party elders have yet to stand up to him because they think they need him. Pence can sign the bills into law . he's much more acceptable than trump. Words matter. The rhetoric has attracted white nationalist and the KKK into the main stream they have co opted the GOP. This is not to say that my local reps are racist. I know them and they are nice people if they are racist then they are doing a good job of it and I appreciate that effort. And I don't think everyone who votes republican is racist but most racists vote GOP. I cannot in good conscience vote for a party courts people who think this country would be better without people who look like me.
  4. Who said all white people are racist? You did. Ok since you have selective hearing when it comes to trump. Mexico sends us their worst they're murderers they're rapists they're drug dealers.... There were good people on both sides Calling for the execution of the Central Park 5 even though they were innocent. Being sued by the federal government for housing discrimination numerous times. Roy Moore Moore was at a rally in Florence, Ala. One of the few blacks in attendance asked Moore when he thought America was last “great.” In response, Moore said, “I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another. ... Our families were strong, our country had a direction.” He also refers to Asians as yellows and native Americans as reds. Steve King Elders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with other peoples babies. Gert Wilders is a known European racist. Diversity is not our strength. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, ‘Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one,’” King wrote orban is another well know European racist. But you knew these men said these things. Now you're gonna tell me I'm taking it the wrong way. To that I say you're a racist . and no calling out racism is not the same as being racist. I'm going to leave this post now before I call you everything but a child of God. May we never cross paths in life friend.it will be a day you regret.
  5. They are a juggernaut. Last time I saw them play they had enough kids to go from end zone to end zone. Its impressive what they do out there
  6. No. 1 I said I think the democrats aren't saints No. 2. The men I mentioned have said plenty of racist stuff in the past few months. But their bigotry goes back further than that. You're right about the dog whistle though. These men come out and say racist things with no pretext. I didn't name call. Why are you? Did I hit a sensitive spot? You you know what they say a hit dog hollars! Once the GOP quits openly embracing racism ill give them a shot. Until then I keep writing my elected officials and demand they do the right thing. When was the last time you wrote or called your representative? I do that about once a month. So don't assume I don't know what up.
  7. Donald John Trump. Roy Moore. Peter King. Make America Great Again. I have answered you question. When these people and others stop blowing the dog whistle or outright remenising for the good ole days of slavery I might consider letting them have a chance to earn my vote.
  8. Both parties are racist. And african-Americans are not some monolithic group. The difference is the democrats have been more welcoming to POC and at least trys to condemn the racist elements in their party. GOP doesn't even try to hide the racism. They embrace it. Ill say this, if Roy Moore wins it will be because the democrats helped him out with the despicable racist flyer they thought would help drive up the black vote.
  9. I'm from Orange. I could say some things about the Bridge City communtity but I'm gonna keep my peace. Except for the football field we have some of the best facilities around. And the school academics aren't too shabby. The whole point of school is to make good grades and move on to the next phase if life and the kids do that. Next time you got something slick to say why not reply to my post instead of pussyfooting around? I'm all for debating which team is going to win but throwing slugs at communities is out of line. Especially since I live in the community that is growing and you are in the one that's in decline. When the vote comes up vote for the hospital district. It will be an asset for Orange County.
  10. Because we all know everyone was dying to know the score. Huntsville 97, Livingston 50. Not looking forward to games at PA, Ozen and Central.
  11. I look forward to the Lions thumping Bridge City. Our Jr highs have played the past few years. Y'all ain't look too good when my son was running all over you. BC is in for a rough few years. I'm off to basketball season. Try to stay within 40 when you play LCM.
  12. I don't know why you have such a hard on for Livingston but as far as I'm concerned the seats on the home side are fine with me. I'm really gonna enjoy the drubbing coming your way. Clip the Cards (except the Lamar variety, they're good people)!
  13. Damn can't wait to see the fight about Super Gold. Glad I'm not Danny.
  14. Nederland is doing the right thing for their kids this year. They're young. Next year I'm sure they step up a little bit. But that's not to say the teams they're playing are push overs. They're at or a few notches above the teams they have to beat to make the playoffs. Playing PA Ozen and Central twice will get them ready for the playoffs.
  15. Splendora is nice too. I was out there last week. Have not been to Navasota. But the point is Bridge City has no business stadium shaming anyone. Bear Stadium will always hold a special place in my heart. I do wish Livingston would flip the stadium around and give the visitors the home side which has been renovated with new bathrooms and concessions (top notch actually) and build a new home side where the visitors is now. But we've been blowing money on new schools.
  16. Now you're trying to spend my tax dollars on a new football stadium. I'm paying enough with all the high schools we built. I've been to Larry Ward plenty of times. Its not the greatest thing in the world. Battlin' Bear and Huffman are the best in the district by far. Look forward to beating you these next two seasons!
  17. It may not be AT&T stadium but the seat selection at NRG is rock solid. Its designed for watching football unlike that building up North. Been to AT&T 10 times and never paid attention to the action on the field. Can't say that about NRG and that is a compliment of the highest regards.
  18. The state championship is the only weekend a year is football played at that monstrosity! All jokes aside DFW doesn't travel well and that hurt Houston. The Triangle, H-Town and Super CenTex all hit the road and DFW gets credit. That's B.S. Its a tremendous advantage for those teams to play at home. For that reason alone it should rotate. Houston and San Antonio need to fight harder to host this major event.
  19. They should rotate the state championship. NRG did a good job. DFW didn't travel. They shouldn't be rewarded for that. Also put San Antonio back in the mix. I wouldn't mind it being held at UT or AM. It's an outdoor sport!
  20. That sucks for the kid. The old school should have done the right thing and checked the other box instead of athletic purposes. This shows the parents made a good decision. As for Nederland, maybe they'll be a little more sympathetic next time a vote comes up for this issue. Terrible for the kid. At least he has JV ball.
  21. This year's freshmen finally figured things out in the the last few weeks of the season and has carried over into basketball. They will be stars next year. Most of them will be on varsity. This group has routinely beat the proposed district opponents from pre wee league up. I'm not calling for district championship in 18 but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened in 19.
  22. I have mixed feelings about dropping down (keeping fingers crossed there's no more enrollment shenanigans). It ought to be interesting but the Carthage cross district will probably sweep the playoff participants next season. Go ahead and crayola Lumberton and Livingston for the playoffs. How the rest shakes out will be interesting
  23. You're really going out of the way taking 99 let alone needing a chunk of change to get through. There are no toll booths in the area so you're gonna get a nasty letter in the mail if you don't have ez tag. Just car poll and be beyond downtown before 430 and you'll be ok.
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