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Posts posted by 2wedge

  1. 1 hour ago, PrairieMan said:

    Thanks for your great insight into the situation. When a bigger school comes calling close to your home with a substantial pay increase, I highly doubt many 3A programs are going to hold any coach from moving on. The Tarkington basketball program has a bright future from a talent standpoint. As usual, some know it all who doesn't know anything about the situation puts in their two cents. Make sure you let your friend Falcon whatever his name is know about the situation so the two of you can team up on bashing Tarkington kids, parents, whatever makes you feel better about yourself....... 

    By the way, I'm in complete agreement with Barrett on the type of man Coach Sizemore is. Great person and a good coach. However, it will be interesting to see how he does when he has to build a program from scratch so to speak. He was handed a very disciplined strong senior group from Coach Scharer due to Covid situation and they probably came up a bit shy of expectations. Then last year's team had some really good highs and some really bad lows. Wish him nothing but the best and hope he has great success at his new job. 

    If Sizemore had talent coming up, support from admin and parents, and a winning culture in Tarkington, he would have definitely thought about staying rather than taking on the task of building a program from scratch. Me and you both know that, but alas, he is gone. In coaching, money is elusive. You may have it for a couple of years, then you will be fired based on the performance of 15-17 year olds. Stability and the chance to win are more valuable and ensure you can feed your family for the long haul. If coach was 3 years from retirement, I would understand your thinking, but he's actually on the other end of that equation. He's setting himself up to torpedo his overall HC record by taking over a new program, which affects his ability to get another job when the time comes. 

  2. 1 hour ago, PrairieMan said:

    Haha!!! Couldn’t be further from the truth. Not going to say much because I don’t honestly know how much is public knowledge. But in this case he is leaving to take a new HC job for more money and closer to where he lives.

    This dude was the top assistant for Scott Barrett in Huffman for a while. Barrett thinks very highly of him as a coach and a man, so I would assume he is on to bigger and better things. Sorry Tarkington, your disfunction will not allow anyone of any stature to remain on the prairie. Might want to consider this as you move forward.

  3. On 3/19/2022 at 4:24 PM, Separation Scientist said:

    Your deflection fails. The word "suspects" is commonly used to identify a criminal in an investigation. You, I and everyone else knows that. "Suspects," once convicted, become "inmates", the exact word McNair used that caused the meltdown. All who live in the WOS ISD should rightfully take offense to a racially loaded term like "suspects" given the inordinately high incarceration rate of young black males. If "Chain Gang" is offensive, "suspects" certainly should be too. No way around that!

    No one is yet willing to answer why T gets a pass. If T was a 0.500 coach, who goes out 1st or 2nd round, would he have still got the pass? Anyone want to man up (or woman up) and give a straight answer? Why has this question triggered the otherwise vocal WOS posters so badly?  T should not have called his players that racist term. 



    Some of the WOS folks are hell bent on making sure this program is never successful again. It's a tragedy to watch. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Jerry West said:

    Any more word about who's leaving or filling.  Heard today that Tarkington Boys job is now open.  My daughter who's a teacher told me that coaches/teachers are leaving the profession everyday at an alarming rate.  Is it worth coaching/teaching anymore for a 50k job and it takes you 100k to get your degree/certification.

    Where did the coach from Tarkington go?


  5. 4 hours ago, Matthew328 said:

    A lot of this is telling me they are going to promote the interim on a full-time basis

    Nothing against him, but they’d be wise to take a real good look at outside candidates. This is a great job in a town primed for a population explosion, and a quick trip to 5A. Not the kind of job for a young guy, getting his first HC gig in his hometown. Huffman will be doing this again in 2 years if they go that route. 

  6. So it's almost been two weeks since Coach Mac announced his resignation and this job is still not posted. They appointed an interim athletic director yesterday and plan to begin the search. Still, the job is not posted on the ISD website. It's midway through April, coaches are antsy regarding their status with the program, and every day they wait is another day closer to candidates deciding it's too late to pursue a new job. I don't understand the logic, unless they don't want to rock the boat too much prior to the bond election coming up next month. Even with that, you're going to have to hire prior to the election because it is not until late May. Huffman's got to make a move pretty quick. 

  7. 15 hours ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    Maybe Coach Poth? Coach Prieto is already an AD, is winning big, has a bunch of talent coming though the program and won't at all be impressed with Huffman's facilities in comparison to Crosby's. Coach Mac was there 16 years and had a .601 win percentage, two 10-win seasons and only one district championship.

    Right now it's not a job that's going to move the needle for a high level coach. It's absolutely a solid job but if y'all don't hire from within then you're probably going to end up with a smaller school coach looking for a pay day or coordinator/lower level AC looking for an AD job. Even the last three BH "splash" hires were guys coming from AC positions that got the AD bump.   

    Honestly, I wouldn't be opposed to this strategy. There are some damn good head coaches out there who have the AC title and would like the step up to AD. A top level coordinator at a good 5/6A program would be a good hire also. The only way Huffman gets this wrong is hiring from within. I am sure there are some good coaches on their staff, but after 19 years with one voice, its only natural that it gets stale. Huffman needs to bring in someone energetic that builds culture throughout the entirety of the athletic program. They need a guy with the desire to promote the athletes in that program and get them looks from colleges. Huffman has struggled with that in years past. I'll say it again, this has the potential to be a program shifting hire, and it could go either way. Sky could be the limit, or if they get it wrong, Huffman could settle in to being a baseball/softball school with a mediocre football program. I truly hope those in the room when these decisions are made understand that. Just because someone is from Huffman, or has been at Huffman doesn't mean they are the best candidate for the job. Maybe it will finally be posted soon so the process can get started. 

  8. I am just hoping that Huffman at least spends some time considering outside applicants. The district typically tires to hire from within or tries to being in home town folks for these types of positions. I understand the strategy, but with the anticipated population growth, the facilities, and the 8th grade group that is about to hit HS, I believe we will have some real impressive coaches interested. Let's hope the school board stewards this process correctly so we can be in the best position possible for success in the next few years. 

  9. 5 hours ago, PrairieMan said:

    Reading threads like this make me lose my mind. There are a few comments on here that make sense but some of you have no clue what you're talking about, yet you run your mouth as if you do. If Tarkington is so awful then why waste your time and words running down their kids and their community just because you're used to doing so on this site because nobody calls you out or will say anything.

    First off Carpenter didn't "get run out" of Tarkington. He left for better opportunities because he had a goal to be a 6A head coach. This just in, there is probably no football coaches that aspire to do great things that want to make a career out of coaching football in Tarkington or insert any 3A program, even if it is your hometown. 

    Second, Newton even though his kids go to school here isn't leaving his gig because he loves where he's at and what he has going on. He hasn't applied so NOBODY has "turned him down". So you can stop beating that dead horse.

    Third, Belt is currently at Tarkington helping with offseason and softball for whoever put that he's at Anahuac. 

    Fourth, Howard got ran off because kids just kept quitting. I personally liked him but my kid wasn't in high school at the time so I can't give 100% accurate statement as to what was the final straw but talking to other parents, not many people cared for him or his coaching style. Which is similar to the current situation.

    Coach A was ran off because him and nobody else could get along. That went for coaches, kids, parents, etc. Again my kid isn't in high school so I don't know what really went on, but let's just say, I've heard the list of reasons people didn't like him.

    Lastly, Bass didn't leave because he got ran off. There were other factors at play, including he got a 6A OC job, one of the better talent pools recently was graduating and some that didn't have to do with football at all. 

    The thing is, the reason Bass and Carpenter were some of the more successful coaches here didn't have as much to do with X's and O's as it did with the type of people they were. They were people that kids wanted to come out and play for. I think some of you don't understand the reality behind how important it is for schools like Tarkington to get the "right" kids to come out and play all the sports. Tarkington wouldn't have success at anything if they didn't have some athletes. Which isn't the case as they've been fairly successful at basketball and baseball throughout the years. But just like any other small school, talent is cyclical. So even if you get the right kids out, they may be younger as is currently the case and you're right they need consistency. They need consistent coaching that pushes to get the best out of them and keeps the fire burning to want to play sports vs other things such as work, hunt, etc. There is a reason that most of the people love it out here so much. Their kids don't grow up on the streets or somewhere that they don't have a back yard where they have to have sports to be entertained. They have land and the ability to ride four wheelers, hunt, play outside in general with their friends and many other things to do. That doesn't make them "inbred" or "rednecks" like some dumb*** said. It makes them fortunate. 

    Rant over. Go back to gloating about your school's "greatness" and everyone else's downfalls. 

    Come on Brad.

    Pastor Out.

  10. On 3/23/2022 at 8:29 AM, bullets13 said:

    assuming this is the same Mark Newton who graduated from Tarkington and that I went to college with at ETBU?

    Yes that is the one. Not to be confused with his brother Matt. They have a striking resemblance to one another. 

  11. 1 hour ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    There is a particular reason why Babin went to Katy. It was for his son and the opportunities his son would have in Houston. Babin will not be coming back this way any time soon.

    I thought Babin's son was high school age when he made that move. I was thinking he may be done already and Babin may want to migrate back this way. 

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