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Everything posted by Tigers94

  1. Silsbee's gonna have fun underachieving this year in the playoffs if they don't clean their act up. No, it ain't the refs (usually) or somebody else's fault. Get your stuff together.
  2. Wow. They know how to ball in Hawaii. It's rare to see a top recruited up private school lose to a public.
  3. I still think this game will be a battle. Then again, I also thought the Nederland game would be a battle, so what do I really know? Tigers - 45 Stangs - 35
  4. Tigers - 35 Dogs - 28 Last two years these games have played out nearly the same. Silsbee gets off to a fast start, then wears out towards the 4th. Would like to see that not happen this time.
  5. Obviously some thing needs to be cleaned up, but I wouldn't overreact too much for the first game of the season. Cartwright is gonna feast every game with how teams cover Miller.
  6. I know it's only one half of football, but Farr has done an excellent job of taking Williams place.
  7. Yeah, I don't think that'll work in the long run. People will just plan better in advance in the future. Not to mention, what if a kid thought about going back to their original school? You think I'm going back now after whoever is responsible cost me a year or two of playing varsity. No way. That's the last place I'd ever return to. I really wish that proposal that let a kid transfer one time for any reason had passed.
  8. I'm sure this coach doesn't have a problem accepting athletes from other schools. Silsbee athletics suffered a huge loss in girls basketball to West Brook, but you don't see us acting like little babies over it.
  9. That sucks. He'll be ready for the playoffs and b-ball, I guess.
  10. I would guess Johnson is eligible as well, but I don't know that for a fact. He's been at Silsbee since last year.
  11. Looks like Miller will be staying close to home in going to A&M.
  12. Depending on what happens tomorrow with Miller, Silsbee could have 3 D1 b-ball players on their roster. I believe they may currently have 4 or 5 that'll play sports at the next level overall. Three of the four kids who graduated last year went on to play sports at the next level (or at least got offers), all football. Getting back to the TABC for a minute, Duncanville got handled. I hear Round Rock Stony Point may have the best player in the state. Between them and Brennan, it looks like the central part of the state is on the rise .
  13. Maybe I should have said "winning a title" but I thought that's what we were talking about.
  14. It was BU that beat Faith Family at the TABC. Of course their roster might be a lot different when the season starts. Silsbee was missing 5 or 6 kids from the team last week. I can think of a few that should make decent contributions this year that weren't there. With or without Miller, hopefully it'll be enough to fill the void if he leaves early. Some of you have to keep in mind 4A is a different beast than what is was a few years ago. We didn't have the top 4A schools looking like they should be in the 6A playoffs. The only reason this bunch doesn't have at least one ring already is some freakish JUCO looking team. 2017 Silsbee would have a hard time winning anything today. They would have lost to FF the same way this bunch did year before last.
  15. I'd guess he had around 10 - 14 points. Had a nice steal or two. Also got completely steamrolled on a charge, but he was okay. It would have been really easy for Silsbee to get discouraged and throw in the towel after that first half. They had to have been tired and these games don't really mean much. Nice job too keep fighting, and regardless of this game meaning much or not, it still feels good.
  16. Down by 13 at the half. Dallas Cater literally looks like a college team. Definitely been talking recruiting lessons from Faith.
  17. Tigers win 60 - 41. Play Carter at 3:30, I think.
  18. Tigers are up 37 - 22 at the half.
  19. Pinkston. They play Carter last.
  20. Tigers win 76 - 69 Game should have never been that close. No idea why our 2 bigs sat the entire second half. Let them rebound at will. Play Pinkston and Carter in back to back games tomorrow.
  21. I don't see Payton playing for Silsbee, but Miller is. Kinda odd. Edit: Nevermind. Payton is playing for the Tigers
  22. Didn't get a score, but I know Beaumont United beat Plano East. Silsbee will play Canyon Randall at around 8pm.
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