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  1. Haha
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in Gigantic Wealth Transfer Incoming (Yeah, Another One..)   
    He's a Romney guy. 🙄
  2. Haha
    Englebert reacted to CardinalBacker in Roe versus Wade draft seems to overturn   
    My dad offered to pay for a vasectomy for me after the birth of my son.  I'm still not sure how I'm supposed to feel about that. 
  3. Thanks
    Englebert got a reaction from Crawford in Roe versus Wade draft seems to overturn   
    We definitely know who is "full of it". "It be you", and everyone knows it.
    The pro-life crowd, along with many others, agree that sex education is the domain of the parents, not the school. Only Liberal nutcases think they own your children.
    The pro-life crowd, along with many, many others, agree that abortion procedures or abortion pills should not be a form of birth control. Once conception has been achieved, abortion should be outlawed. I don't know anyone that is against contraceptives pre-conception, and I don't know of anyone or any group trying to make it hard to get these.
    The pro-life crowd, along with many, many, many others, agree that Planned Parenthood sites are for abortions and should be shut down. If you believe life begins at conception, why would you want Planned Parenthood sites operational. I must assume this concept is too complex for you to comprehend.
    The pro-life crowd, along with many, many, many, many others, agree that SNAP (food stamps program) is corrupt and rife with fraudulent and/or ineligible recipients. The program should be overhauled. Only Liberal nutcases believe the worn-out false stereotype that non-Liberals want to eliminate food stamps for those who really need them. Looks like you outed yourself. Well, not really, we already knew.
    Only Liberal nutcases think fellow Libs should be free to live life with zero accountability for their actions. Everyone else should support and pay for their mistakes. I guess you are one of those fanatics. But of course, we already knew that.
    Maybe we should apply your philosophy to other situations.
    Let's say I get drunk, drive my car, get in a wreck, and seriously injure another person. Instead of society having to pay for that persons future medical needs, I can just finish him off. Problem solved.
    Let's say I get drunk, make a stupid wager and lose, and owe a guy a lot of money. I guess I can just abort him. Problem solved.
    Let's say I get drunk, meet a girl, and marry her. After sobriety kicks in, I realize that was a mistake. I guess I can just abort her. Problem solved.
    What other examples can we detail using your philosophy of life in which consequences of life choices can be resolved with termination?
  4. Thanks
    Englebert got a reaction from Unwoke in Roe versus Wade draft seems to overturn   
    We definitely know who is "full of it". "It be you", and everyone knows it.
    The pro-life crowd, along with many others, agree that sex education is the domain of the parents, not the school. Only Liberal nutcases think they own your children.
    The pro-life crowd, along with many, many others, agree that abortion procedures or abortion pills should not be a form of birth control. Once conception has been achieved, abortion should be outlawed. I don't know anyone that is against contraceptives pre-conception, and I don't know of anyone or any group trying to make it hard to get these.
    The pro-life crowd, along with many, many, many others, agree that Planned Parenthood sites are for abortions and should be shut down. If you believe life begins at conception, why would you want Planned Parenthood sites operational. I must assume this concept is too complex for you to comprehend.
    The pro-life crowd, along with many, many, many, many others, agree that SNAP (food stamps program) is corrupt and rife with fraudulent and/or ineligible recipients. The program should be overhauled. Only Liberal nutcases believe the worn-out false stereotype that non-Liberals want to eliminate food stamps for those who really need them. Looks like you outed yourself. Well, not really, we already knew.
    Only Liberal nutcases think fellow Libs should be free to live life with zero accountability for their actions. Everyone else should support and pay for their mistakes. I guess you are one of those fanatics. But of course, we already knew that.
    Maybe we should apply your philosophy to other situations.
    Let's say I get drunk, drive my car, get in a wreck, and seriously injure another person. Instead of society having to pay for that persons future medical needs, I can just finish him off. Problem solved.
    Let's say I get drunk, make a stupid wager and lose, and owe a guy a lot of money. I guess I can just abort him. Problem solved.
    Let's say I get drunk, meet a girl, and marry her. After sobriety kicks in, I realize that was a mistake. I guess I can just abort her. Problem solved.
    What other examples can we detail using your philosophy of life in which consequences of life choices can be resolved with termination?
  5. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from AggiesAreWe in Roe versus Wade draft seems to overturn   
    That is a conundrum...although the rape part of the equation shouldn't be factored in. 
    In any situation in which the mother and/or baby is in jeopardy, the decision should be made between the mother and doctor (and possibly the father, her family, the father's family...scenarios will differ). There are too many scenarios to list out in a written law. Morality should rule the decision, but morality is inheritably indefinable. A case-by-case decision is the best we can hope for.
    I started to bring up the situation in which the mother and/or child's life was in danger, but I hate this topic with a passion and decided to drop it. I think I will now partake in a drink or two.
  6. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Roe versus Wade draft seems to overturn   
    I really don't have a side either.
    If you think that human life begins at conception, then any abortion is murder.
    If you think that human life begins at birth, then any pre-birth abortion would be acceptable.
    I don't see how anyone can factor rape into the equation. It is either murder or not.
  7. Haha
    Englebert got a reaction from Hagar in Does Anyone Care About Property Taxes Here?? 🐑 🐑   
    Why do you think property taxes are so high? Is it because we have to pay for _____________ (fill in the blank). Take as much space and time as you need to articulate your position of anger. Please expound on your use of "hillbilly school districts" when spewing your vitriol. Name some of those schools you think are syphoning too much money so we can compare with the "non-hillbilly schools". 
  8. Like
    Englebert reacted to Hagar in Trump's Back!!   
    TDS started out as a joke.  After a while it dawned on me, it’s real.  I see clips of the buffoons on MSNBC & CNN occasionally.  Normally they’re going to take jabs at Trump.  And Psaki regularly throws a shot at Donald.  I repeat, never in my 76 years have I seen a Party’s politicians and supporters so scared of an opponent.  And again, initially I thought it was hatred, but I finally realized it’s past hate, it’s pure fear.  
  9. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from BS Wildcats in John Durham Puts Crooked Hillary, Clinton Cronies on Notice in New Filing: ‘Active, Ongoing Criminal Investigation’!   
    Vote Trump and get America back on track...and as a bonus maybe he will lock her up.
    Or take InMagaWeTrust's advice and vote for an incompetent fool hell bent on destroying America.
    No conundrum to be found. InMagaWeTrus strikes again with the worn out comedy routine.
  10. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in History Repeating Itself?!   
    Sounds good to me but I'm not too sure I would give the American voters that much credit for making smart choices that are good for the country, especially the fickle moderates.
    Look what they did to us in 2020.
  11. Like
    Englebert reacted to tvc184 in Flipping Red   
    I understand emotionally polarizing. People hate it when you stick your finger in their face and say “I am better”. It doesn’t matter the argument.  People hate being told they are wrong.
    But let’s step back and look at reality and history.
    Do conservatives think about pushing a more aggressive guns rights (actually just upholding the 2A) than in the 1970s? 80s? 90s? 2000s? No, it has pretty much been the same all along.
    How about cutting taxes? Is that a radical agenda? Has it changed? 
    Securing our border? New and radical? In fact that is supposed to be such a priority under the Constitution that the right against unreasonable search and seizure under the 4A, doesn’t exist at the border. It is so important that under the Constitution, you have no privacy rights at the border. Again, is that a new and radical agenda? Is that pushing the hard right?
    Now that look at the Democrat side of open borders. How about Senator Obama saying that border security was important? President Clinton? They publicly stated that securi the border was a vital issue.  How about President Obama saying the same and urging Congress to add more money to strengthen the border. 

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    But let’s compare that to now. Do the Democrats think more about securing the border down as they did when President Obama and President Clinton were in office? Obviously they want the borders wide open now, regardless of what it will cost the US taxpayers, regardless of what it will cost people looking for jobs that are American citizens, etc. The Constitution gives an absolute right to secure the border yet The Democratic now are bent on opening the floodgates. Has that been their position all along in the last 50 years or is this in the last couple of years because Trump wanted to build a wall? Who has become radical?
    How about men competing as woman from the Democrat perspective in 19070? 80? 90? 2010? 
    Have conservative agendas made a radical shift?
    Have the Democrats? I hate to say liberal because I’m not even sure the current Democrats (leadership, necessarily voters) are anything approaching liberal. I think it is pure socialism if sometimes outright insanity.
    It seems like one side has gone off the deep end in utter stupidity it is not from the conservative side.
    Right now in Florida there is the bill that is making Democrats nationally go out of their minds. That is until they reach the fourth grade, you can’t discuss changing their sex from males or female on any of those types of conversations. The national Democrats are putting this up as a proof that the country is going down the wrong road because the Republicans want to keep sex change conversations out of the classroom until the children are about 10 years old. Horrible right wing agenda? How many of you remember as a first or second grader having a teacher discuss changing your sex? Is that a radical idea from conservatives to keep that out of the classroom until until…. Fourth grade? Horrible!!! Radical!!! Or perhaps the Democrats have really gone off the deep end of the pool? 
    No, It is not some new radical kind of conservatism as opposed to agendas from the Democrats. It should be very clear to anyone that gets away from emotional issue of my team against your team, there’s something strange is going on with the national Democratic Party. If a Republican says yes, they will automatically say no, no matter the topic.
    I even think that behind closed doors or in the privacy of their homes or at least in their thoughts, some of the Democratic legislators are cringing but are not allowed publicly to be in opposition of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and others who ARE radical. Look what happened when Senator Mancin came out publicly recently and opposed to changing over a hundreds of years rules in the Senate about the filibuster. They would have forced him out of the party but it would have given the Republicans a majority in the Senate.
    Does anyone really think that 100% of the national Democratic legislators, and in particular the women, think it is good to have men competing as women in women’s sports, in beauty pageants, etc.? I think that even possibly a majority are totally against that. So how come they don’t join the Republicans in a bipartisan bill to ban this insanity? It is simple, they can’t. Like all of the insanity currently happening, they can’t be seen as agreeing with the “other team”. 
    There is radical and dividing politics going on right now and it’s not coming from the conservative side.
    For those that believe otherwise, let’s say that the Republicans take over Congress and the next election in 7 months (which is entirely possible). Please list the radical agendas that will come from the new conservative and Republican Congress.
  12. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Lot of truth in this article about the mainstream media.   
    I started to let this go, but on further thought, you deserve to be embarrassed again. You are stating that we should vote (or not vote) for a person because he is from New York City or Hollywood. Only extremely weak-minded people vote for stereotypes instead of the person...and this is exactly what you advocate. Like simpletons, you are obsessed with stereotypes. Not every southerner is a good person, not every Yankee or Californian is bad. Everyone from well-below average intelligence to extremely intelligent people know this. Hopefully one day you will ascend into this group, but it appears you have a ways to go before cracking into the bottom quadrant.
  13. Haha
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in Latest January 6th 'Bombshell' About Donald Trump Smolders in Ruin!!   
    Take a deep breath and repeat after me,
    “I’m not melting, I’m not melting.”
  14. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Lot of truth in this article about the mainstream media.   
    I forgot to include in my previous post the ultimate hilarity in InMagaWeTrust's post. As childish as the whole post is, the part that puts the cherry on top is Item number 3. InMagaWeTrust states that all politicians are corrupt. If true, what happens when American elects a non-politician to office. Oh wow, we have a case study. Who does he complain the loudest about being corrupt (yes, even you InMagaWeTrust can get this one correct)...the non-politician. So if all politicians are corrupt, and we elect a non-politician...who (in his eyes) is even more corrupt, who do we vote for? Should we vote for a corrupt politician or a corrupt non-politician. To avoid corruption, deductive reasoning concludes that InMagaWeTrust thinks we should vote for...well, I don't know. InMagaWeTrust, who should we vote for to eliminate political corruption...a politician, a Hollywood elite, a commoner? Please guide us in our next selection. I have a feeling that by the time the next GOP president takes office, TDS disease will fade into oblivion and a new Liberal disease will take it's place.
  15. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from Unwoke in Lot of truth in this article about the mainstream media.   
    The real truth:
    InMagaWeTrust has proven on far too many occasions that he suffers from extreme TDS and has no objectivity...and has established a less trustworthiness rating than pretty much anything in existence. Everyone knows his opinions are trash. (Sorry dude...you can't complain after all of the lies and disinformation you have perpetuated.)
    I have thought about the last sentence in his post...like a child...and as every child can comprehend...many people play both sides. The laughable part is that the sentence is on a childlike level, but the poster is under the impression that it is thought provoking. That is hilarious. Think about it InMagaWeTrust. When it comes to Trump posts, you embarrass yourself more than CardinalBacker. That is a feat worthy of...well...pure, unadulterated embarrassment. I'll give you a trophy for persistence. You try harder than anyone to show your TDS affliction. Sorry Cardinalbacker, I thought you took the lead until InMagaWeTrust felt the need to grace us with the return of his comical rhetoric. BigGirl fell to a very, very distant third place.
  16. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from Unwoke in Lot of truth in this article about the mainstream media.   
    I forgot to include in my previous post the ultimate hilarity in InMagaWeTrust's post. As childish as the whole post is, the part that puts the cherry on top is Item number 3. InMagaWeTrust states that all politicians are corrupt. If true, what happens when American elects a non-politician to office. Oh wow, we have a case study. Who does he complain the loudest about being corrupt (yes, even you InMagaWeTrust can get this one correct)...the non-politician. So if all politicians are corrupt, and we elect a non-politician...who (in his eyes) is even more corrupt, who do we vote for? Should we vote for a corrupt politician or a corrupt non-politician. To avoid corruption, deductive reasoning concludes that InMagaWeTrust thinks we should vote for...well, I don't know. InMagaWeTrust, who should we vote for to eliminate political corruption...a politician, a Hollywood elite, a commoner? Please guide us in our next selection. I have a feeling that by the time the next GOP president takes office, TDS disease will fade into oblivion and a new Liberal disease will take it's place.
  17. Thanks
    Englebert got a reaction from Unwoke in New Poll Shows Trump Has Massive 59 Percent Approval Rating!   
    I guess you see what you want to see. Ignore the most obvious explanations and go for the most vitriolic stance regardless of proof. When it comes to Trump, this is expected of you. How you can't see the way your hatred is blinding you is baffling. You would make a very good disseminator of fake news...i.e. liberal news "reporter" or CNN personality. I'm guessing your next post about that picture will be that Trump lost the election because millions of moderates saw that photo, concluded (like you) that Trump supporters are Nazis, so voted for a geriatric known liar. Yep, Trump's fault. Blind hatred is not a good look for you. In fact, if you want to see how bad your posts are...read InMagaWeTrust's posts. Your posts are just as bad. Maybe that dose of reality will wake you up. Embarrassed straight.
  18. Thanks
    Englebert got a reaction from baddog in New Poll Shows Trump Has Massive 59 Percent Approval Rating!   
    I guess you see what you want to see. Ignore the most obvious explanations and go for the most vitriolic stance regardless of proof. When it comes to Trump, this is expected of you. How you can't see the way your hatred is blinding you is baffling. You would make a very good disseminator of fake news...i.e. liberal news "reporter" or CNN personality. I'm guessing your next post about that picture will be that Trump lost the election because millions of moderates saw that photo, concluded (like you) that Trump supporters are Nazis, so voted for a geriatric known liar. Yep, Trump's fault. Blind hatred is not a good look for you. In fact, if you want to see how bad your posts are...read InMagaWeTrust's posts. Your posts are just as bad. Maybe that dose of reality will wake you up. Embarrassed straight.
  19. Like
    Englebert reacted to tvc184 in Disney World Releases Statement Critical Of PNG’s Orlando Performance!   
    If Indian is offensive, why are several of their organizations and services named Indian?
    It would be like a guy saying redneck is offensive.  Then he goes on to tell you that he is the president of the redneck fan club, gets his insurance from Redneck Insurance and he is a proud follower of his high school mascot, Rednecks. 
  20. Like
    Englebert reacted to CardinalBacker in Disney World Releases Statement Critical Of PNG’s Orlando Performance!   
    I think that the whole situation is sad.  With all of the problems facing our Native American population, their leaders decide to put all of their efforts into this instead of poverty, drug addiction, violence, illiteracy, poor health, and any other of a host of ACTUAL PROBLEMS facing their community today.
    What has changed since the 1970s when the Cherokees were proud to be honored as the PNG mascot?  Nothing in PNG.... they're still doing it the same way.  The only difference is a embarrassing decline in leadership by the Cherokee Nation.  
    BUT, I could see a time in the next five years where schools like PNG and Evadale will be banned from UIL participation if they don't change their mascots to accommodate the wishes of the far left.  I'd bank on it.  
  21. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in Joe Biden is a great American President   

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up From the article:
    A full 70% of likely voters believe the U.S. government should encourage increased oil and gas production to reduce the country’s dependence on foreign sources, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released on Monday.
    I seem to recall a guy that already accomplished this but a bunch of whiny snowflakes voted him out.
  22. Thanks
    Englebert got a reaction from Unwoke in WORLD WAR lll   
    Why would "The Big Guy" help Ukraine? You are assuming the Biden family has morals. How cute...and very, very naive. Would you expect a "friend" to help you after you stopped paying them. Come on man. Even Joe himself would laugh at your statement.
    Which allegations were/are hogwash? The Biden family has never denied that Hunter is a cokehead, received millions of dollars from Ukraine for "work" he had no experience in, and received millions from China companies tied to their government. What allegations do you perceive as "hogwash"? Oh, Trump said it so you say it's hogwash. Trump orange man bad. I almost forgot your angle for your statement. If you dare to respond to clear your name...well, that would be hilarious. Please try. Maybe you are correct, but I have a feeling you will just embarrass yourself even further. Prove me wrong. 
  23. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in An update on the Fraudulent Election.   
    He’s having a bad day, TVC made him look really silly on another post.  I think the TDS is getting worse.
  24. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from Sugarbear in An update on the Fraudulent Election.   
    Here's some more updates:
    OJ is innocent. Get over it.
    If you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan. Get over it.
    Global Warming will destroy the Earth in 12 years. Get over it.
    The Earth is flat. Get over it.
    TDS seemingly cannot be cured not matter how much evidence is in plain sight.
  25. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from Reagan in An update on the Fraudulent Election.   
    Here's some more updates:
    OJ is innocent. Get over it.
    If you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan. Get over it.
    Global Warming will destroy the Earth in 12 years. Get over it.
    The Earth is flat. Get over it.
    TDS seemingly cannot be cured not matter how much evidence is in plain sight.
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