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  1. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in The Race Card   
    He's OK...still showing no signs of liberalism.
  2. Like
    Englebert reacted to jv_coach in The best paper airplane toss of all time   
  3. Like
    Englebert reacted to tvc184 in Dr Ben Carson   
    And why shouldn't they be? 
    Wow, the Republicans would be against anyone that is against Obama. Stunning right?
    But you make the point very well. It is politics that drives the masses, not race. What Dr. Carson would do if he supported Obama would give the Democrats another chance to scream that race is driving the disagreements..... but as we have seen, that is not the case. You use the term "any blacks" like the Republicans only support anti-Obama people if they are a dark skin color. It is a simple truth that the Republicans have a strong dislike for Obama but they even impeached Clinton. Does that strong dislike count or only when it is a different race? 
    You might not have noticed it but the Republicans aren't very fond of white people that support Obama either. It doesn't matter how much melanin is in their skin but where they stand politically. 
  4. Like
    Englebert reacted to Baba Ganoush in Home invasions   
    Lack of facts again. Intent can be present if the person takes action with the knowledge that it will lead to the commission of a crime. You break in, you may have intent. I'm not waiting for you to show me your plans. Bursts of three coming your way.
  5. Like
    Englebert reacted to stevenash in Dr Ben Carson   
    SOME STILL do not comprehend the FACT that to disagree with Obama  DOES  NOT equal racism.  But racism is an easy default argument when one doesnt understand anything else.
  6. Like
    Englebert reacted to tvc184 in Dr Ben Carson   
    Dr. Carson is guilty of the sin of being a highly intelligent, successful and respected black to have the audacity to state the obvious. That is that a welfare system that allows people to take without any need to put in any stake in the process is doomed to the failure of allowing most people to languish is poverty. When there is no incentive to succeed, most people will not and only demand that other people pay for their lack of desire and then complain when they do not get enough handouts.
    He is not a hypocrite. He is a person that is degraded and ostracized by his own race for being successful. How dare you come from a poor household in a black community and not demand more welfare, while trying to get people to strive for success and being self sufficient. 
    In rebuttal, many people only can point out that he had some help in the past and that somehow makes his statements wrong or hypocritical for his mother being on welfare more than 50 years ago. Maybe it allows him to speak the truth because he has seen it from the inside. His detractors spit out labels like hypocrite like it somehow hurts him or baffles his supporters. 
    What Dr. Carson has done is yet again show that race does not matter, political stance does. Many and maybe even a majority of the same people that hate Obama would vote for Carson tomorrow. 
  7. Like
    Englebert reacted to bullets13 in Dr Ben Carson   
    The whole "Uncle Tom" insult seems pretty offensive to me, but not nearly as offensive as to who i've seen it directed at.  i've heard it a lot in reference to those who have a problem with people milking the system for all it's worth.  I'm not sure why a tax payer, based simply on skin color, should find it acceptable for a person, REGARDLESS of skin color, to make bilking the government out of thousands of dollars a month a full-time job.  I see it in my line of work all the time.  We have parents come to school and try and convince us to sign papers stating we believe their child is ADHD.  In some cases, they may be, and it is simply a worried parent.  But oftentimes they just want them to be diagnosed so that they can collect a disability check on said child.  Yes, you heard right.  A 3-year-old diagnosed as hyperactive draws between $300-$400 a month disability.  Seeing as the government also pays for their medicine for the disorder, I'm having a hard time understanding exactly why that "help" is needed.  Is it because the "disability" keeps the 3-year-old child from becoming gainfully employed, perhaps?  Oh wait, they're 3.  When it comes to government assistance, there is PLENTY of fat that could be trimmed.
  8. Like
    Englebert reacted to Baba Ganoush in Dr Ben Carson   
    Did the name callers on here listen to what he said? Not just hear it, but listen? He was talking about the system. He was not putting people down. He was talking about human nature. If you continue to hand people things for "free" without requiring action to improve, human nature will take over and you will want more for continuing to do nothing. If he is an Uncle Tom, whoopi is too. Her rant reinforced his comment on fixing the system. But she is loud and uses hand movement, so she is speaking gospel? Come on. The man is pretty remarkable. But he is conservative. That translates to Uncle Tom from PAMFan10 and BG. He forgets where he came from? I doubt that. His success is based on where he came from and not wanting to go back to that. If he wore a Lions jersey and stabbed people, that would mean he keeps it real, PAMFan? Quit reading headlines and look for a story.
  9. Like
    Englebert reacted to thetragichippy in Dr Ben Carson   
    So....he can't improve a system, make cuts to take out the waste because he used the "old Program"?
    If he does, he is a hypocrite?
    Am I reading you correctly?
  10. Like
    Englebert reacted to CGull8 in Jessie Haynes....I bet this gets good   
    I don't believe this should have tied up our court system. But since it did, I think they should have sentenced her for 6 hours in jail and then have a guard block the door refusing to let her out.
  11. Like
    Englebert reacted to thetragichippy in fox news anchor arrested   
    I could care less if it was posted. It is no secret that Fox News is not liked by most of the left, so this is all they can post about Fox News.....I would call it a good day.
    Think about it....Everyone has "that drunk uncle" in the family....
    Does it define your family......no, it defines HIM.....
    Next :P
  12. Like
    Englebert reacted to stevenash in Tea Party Official, Two Others Arrested In Probe   
    If we could just get rid of the tea party, then these type of activities would never occur.
  13. Like
    Englebert reacted to stevenash in christie   
    The ULTIMATE HYPOCRISY is for a Democrat to lecture a Republican on wasted taxpayer dollars.
  14. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in fox news anchor arrested   
    The lefties really need a decent news outlet so they can stop being so jealous of Fox's success...kinda feel sorry for you guys.
  15. Like
    Englebert reacted to thetragichippy in Weird story out of Oak Cliff   
    It's officially a bad day when a naked man falls through your sunroof......
  16. Like
    Englebert reacted to no-look in Marshall & others Dropping 7th Grade Football   
    Bob Wills is king in Texas.
  17. Like
    Englebert reacted to bullets13 in gun free zones!   
    I do feel that if the banning ever starts, it will be difficult to enforce. What with the majority of military and law enforcement sharing your and my views on the subject and all...
  18. Like
    Englebert reacted to bullets13 in gun free zones!   
    I just keep wasp spray by the bed. the chain email i read said it was definitely effective against attackers... ;) but i hear they're banning the spray that travels 20 ft. Too dangerous. Obama is pushing through legislation that will limit us to only purchasing wasp spray that will shoot out ten feet.
  19. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in putin   
    If you are basing your statement on Larry Sabato's article, which has been used widely by the MSM, that is not what he said. He said "the higher the education level, the more likely the voter will vote democrat."  Other studies have also shown that "the lower the education level, the more likely the voter will vote democrat." High school dropouts overwhelmingly vote democrat over republican. I have yet to see a study that tried to combine the two spectrums to get an average education level based on political party affiliation.
    People with higher education levels voting democrat doesn't surprise me one bit. The longer you stay in school, the more you are inundated with liberal professors. 
    I have also read studies that state that voters with higher incomes vote republican over democrat.
    From this article: http://www.debt.org/faqs/americans-in-debt/economic-demographics-republicans/
    "Financially, Republicans fare better than either Democrats or Independents, and tend to identify themselves as such. Republican candidates gain a significantly higher percentage of votes from individuals with incomes over $50,000 per year, and the advantage increases along with the income level, to a height of 63 percent of individuals earning $200,000 or more a year supporting Republicans. This level is the direct inverse of individuals earning less than $15,000 a year, who support Democrats at 63 percent and Republicans at only 36 percent."
  20. Like
    Englebert reacted to bullets13 in frank taffe   
    I always thought race played a big part of his initial suspicion. which still doesn't change the fact that there is ZERO evidence of him attacking Martin, and quite a bit of circumstantial evidence showing that Martin may have attacked Zimmerman.

    So if you have ZERO evidence contradicting what Zimmerman said, plus circumstantial evidence that appears to coincide with what Zimmerman said, you cannot find him guilty.
  21. Like
    Englebert reacted to PN-G bamatex in putin   
    And you think you know more than the rest of us. No matter what we say, you're going to spin it around to say that we're only opposing President Obama's actions because he's president or because he's black or because of something arbitrary and irrelevant.
  22. Like
    Englebert reacted to thetragichippy in Another Attack...   
    This is not a big deal.
    The network did what it did to continue to make money........JUST like A&E brought back Duck Dynasty after what was said....because of money
    And I believe in gay rights because I'm still single
    Every time I see two guys kissing........that's two more girls for me.....so, pucker up boys!!
    :D  :D  :D
  23. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from stevenash in Another Attack...   
    Could we sue if the networks said they would play our films then back out when they found out we were anti-gay? If a party says the reason for backing out of a deal was because of the other's party's stance on the gay issue, then that sounds like discrimination to me. A precedent has been set on one side of the stance. Shouldn't that precedent be expounded to the other side of the stance?
    A photographer should be able to accept and/or refuse whatever job he wants...or doesn't want. A restaurant should be able to serve or refuse to serve whoever they want. The courts have ruled they can't refuse service (discriminate) based on sexual orientation. Doesn't this fit that bill?
    If a guy walks into a restaurant and tells the waitress "I'm opposed to gay marriage", can the waitress legally refuse to serve him based on that one thing?
  24. Like
    Englebert reacted to Ty Cobb in Would this ever happen in football?   
    Very selfish by the players. In my day, they would all take a good old butt kicking when they got back. Actually, this would not happen in my day.
  25. Like
    Englebert reacted to 87JAG in Would this ever happen in football?   
    I blame the kids for not keeping their commitment to the team and the parents for letting them do.
    If it happened on my team, they would not be allowed to come back.
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