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    Englebert got a reaction from Honest Abe in Enlightened/chosenone   
    The bible does not say "steal from the rich to give to the poor", which is the liberal doctrine.
  2. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in glen beck, Meagan kelly   
    Many quit laughing later when they realized their tragic mistake and that they had been duped.
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    Englebert reacted to tvc184 in Quanell X to hold news conference   
    Their raid was likely justified before they got the warrant. Just one of those little quirks in the law called probable cause affidavits......
  4. Like
    Englebert reacted to PN-G bamatex in Iraq Sunni militant group vows to march on Baghdad   
    Not false. Outdated.
    Ever wondered why the Russians wanted us to stay out of Syria so bad when they didn't care about North Africa? Probably because they didn't want us to go in and discover more conclusive evidence of their having aided Iraq in moving their weapons before the invasion started.
    Saddam had the weapons. And he didn't even get all of them out; I used to keep links to a few articles about the discovery of chemical weapons stores that were still left in Iraq which are unfortunately now dead. But the bulk of his stores were moved to Syria. The reason we didn't find those weapons wasn't because they weren't there, it's because the Russians wanted to make sure we didn't.
  5. Like
    Englebert reacted to thetragichippy in Iraq Sunni militant group vows to march on Baghdad   
    It really amazes me how some people think. While war should never be a first choice, it is necessary. I posted in another thread how few lives we have lost on the war on terror versus any other war on record.

    We have stoped future terror attacks by keeping the terroist moving and killing their leaders (Obama has used drones and has done a good job on that.

    Where he(Obama) screwed up is keeping a politcal promise and leaving Iraq before the job was done. We now have a terrorist group, reported with two helicopters, 60 miles from Bagdad, ready to take over......

    OBAMA pulled out before the job was complete......
    Wish his father would have
  6. Like
    Englebert reacted to PN-G bamatex in Name that President   
    First of all, learn how to spell "inanimate" correctly.
    Terrorism isn't an inanimate object. Hippy already pointed it out, but I'll say it again: you tell that to anyone who lost a family member to terrorism. Nederland lost a longtime resident to an act of terrorism in Africa last year - why don't you go tell his family it's an "inatimate object"? Let's see the reaction you get.
    Terrorism is pattern of behavior predicated on a philosophy that the masses are best subjugated and conformed to a particular ideology through the use of fear and intimidation. It's the vehicle through which cowards, idiots, psychopaths and radical ideologues force their views upon the world. And it's contrary to everything we as a nation believe - contrary to the very principles of liberty, of freedom, and of the individual pursuit of happiness according to his own beliefs this country was founded on.
    Now before you run off trying to reinforce some assinine point that this country has never fought a behavior, let's understand something: the history of military conflict in this country is very much a history of fighting different systems of beliefs and even to some extent, the predecessors to terrorism. The very incarnation of this country came through a war fought against oppression - political, economic, military and religious oppression carried out by a despotic monarchy halfway across the world. And after we beat it the first time, we fought it again a quarter of a century later and beat it again.
    What's the next major war that sticks out in the minds of most Americans? A war against, in very many ways, a different kind of oppression carried out because of economic necessity, tradition and populist democracy run amok that applied our system of values in new and unforeseen ways.
    And then we had the world wars. Are you really going to tell me those weren't wars against a different way of thinking? Those were wars against European and Asian imperialism, Nazism and ultimately, genocide. They were followed by a different kind of war against perhaps the most radical form of economic and political oppression to come out of the early twentieth century: communism.
    What do all of those have in common? There different branches of the same tyrannical tree, and terrorism sprouts from it as well. You may think that wars prior to this one were wars against nations, but they weren't. They were wars against morally inferior ideologies that we typically didn't even start. This one is no different.
    Yes. He did. And that's singular. Thank you for proving my point about how many wars we're fighting.
  7. Like
    Englebert reacted to PN-G bamatex in Name that President   
    You know, I was hesitant to respond to one of your posts at all. Statements like that are why.
    Sorry folks, I don't have enough respect for the opposition to carry this debate any further.
  8. Like
    Englebert reacted to thetragichippy in Name that President   
    What an insult to the men, women and families of 911.
  9. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in 6A top seeds to have home field in Bi-District in 2015   
    I don't have a problem with this. I am curious though...on the rare occasion when a district champion's home stadium is out of commission (Allen), what would be the ruling. Does the district champion get to choose a stadium, or does each school have to designate their home stadium at the beginning of the year. If a team's home stadium is playable, could they choose a different stadium anyways?
    In any case, I think this is a good way to reward a team for winning district. I would also give the runner-up home field for bi-district agaist the third place team.
  10. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from AthleticSupporter - Jock in 6A top seeds to have home field in Bi-District in 2015   
    I don't have a problem with this. I am curious though...on the rare occasion when a district champion's home stadium is out of commission (Allen), what would be the ruling. Does the district champion get to choose a stadium, or does each school have to designate their home stadium at the beginning of the year. If a team's home stadium is playable, could they choose a different stadium anyways?
    In any case, I think this is a good way to reward a team for winning district. I would also give the runner-up home field for bi-district agaist the third place team.
  11. Like
    Englebert reacted to Peppermint Patty in Allen's "Taj Mahal" Stadium to be closed this football season   
    I can fix it on the cheap. Just need a little spackle and epoxy. .
  12. Like
    Englebert reacted to MrUmp1 in Hampshire Fannett Schedule   
    There is no P in Hamshire
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    Englebert reacted to NorthoftheBorder in BigGirl And The Constitution...   
    She will wrongly tell you that!!
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    Englebert got a reaction from Ty Cobb in NRA says Open Carry Texas demonstrations 'downright scary'   
    Frankly, I don't have a problem with open carry demostrations...at all. In fact, I kinda like them. I like the idea that every would-be criminal knows that in Texas you are likely to come across an armed citizen while carrying out your chosen line of work. Open carry reinforces that "stereotype". And yes, criminals do profile people.
    I've been going to a particular "hangout" on the weekends for years. People from all over southeast Texas come there. A whole lot of alcohol is consumed, and probably over half of the people are carrying gun(s). That's a conservative estimate. Every once in a while words are exchanged or a fight briefly breaks out. But not one time has anybody pointed a gun at another person, much less shot at someone else.
    Being surrounded by people carrying guns does not make me feel uncomfortable one bit. Now if I'm ever surrounded by Democratic politicians, I would make sure to keep a firm grip on my wallet.
  16. Like
    Englebert reacted to bullets13 in Liberals Aren't Ignorant...   
    It's a tough balance. The answer is not ending all assistance programs, nor is it expanding them so that they become a career. I honestly believe the biggest hindrance right now for the GOP is the huge gap between their social beliefs and those of a large majority of younger voters. I know a lot of fiscally conservative people who can't get past the right's social stances. Also, younger voters who have liberal social stances and don't have grown up money problems are going to vote left until they start feeling the economic pinch as they get older.
  17. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from CraigS in racism   
    That's a typical position for race baiters...throw out an unsupported accusation then demand that you prove yourself innocent.
    How about this Bluedove, you are a child molester. I have nothing to base this on, but I will continue to call you that until you prove your innoncence. Maybe then you can walk a mile in a white man's shoes.
  18. Like
    Englebert reacted to BLUEDOVE3 in Families Of Burglar Thugs Shot By Old Widow Want To Sue   
    Judge should fine the parents
  19. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in Seattle Raises Minimum Wage $15 Per Hour...   
    The free market should dictate minimum wage, not the fed gov.

    Burger flippers in Wyoming and North Dakota probably are making $15.00 an hour because of the free market energy boom.

    All the fed gov needs to do is get out of the way.
  20. Like
    Englebert reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in Seattle Raises Minimum Wage $15 Per Hour...   
    Marijuana sales will go up tremendously.
  21. Like
    Englebert reacted to TxHoops in Houston Regional (hosted by Rice)   
    "t.u." would like to extend a heartfelt thank you for resuming your role as second fiddle...
  22. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in obama?   
    I hope they do a better job of solving this one than the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious and Benghazi.
  23. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in The Race Card   
    He's OK...still showing no signs of liberalism.
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    Englebert reacted to jv_coach in The best paper airplane toss of all time   
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    Englebert reacted to tvc184 in Dr Ben Carson   
    And why shouldn't they be? 
    Wow, the Republicans would be against anyone that is against Obama. Stunning right?
    But you make the point very well. It is politics that drives the masses, not race. What Dr. Carson would do if he supported Obama would give the Democrats another chance to scream that race is driving the disagreements..... but as we have seen, that is not the case. You use the term "any blacks" like the Republicans only support anti-Obama people if they are a dark skin color. It is a simple truth that the Republicans have a strong dislike for Obama but they even impeached Clinton. Does that strong dislike count or only when it is a different race? 
    You might not have noticed it but the Republicans aren't very fond of white people that support Obama either. It doesn't matter how much melanin is in their skin but where they stand politically. 
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