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Posts posted by texanabroad

  1. Explain something to me Tobie. You bring up the topic of tokens. What are we, as conservatives supposed to do? The overwhelming majority of African Americans vote democrat. That leaves a very small percentage of African Americans who are possibly republicans. Now, taking into account the fact that African Americans make up a relatively small percentage of all Americans, that leaves Republicans with a dilemma. There aren't a lot of African American Republican politicians out there. So, when there is one that we really like, we are accused of using them as a token. But, when there isn't one, we are the racist party. What are we supposed to do? When is the magic number that will make you happy?

  2. 6 hours ago, nappyroots said:

    Thats what your doing listening to trumps everyday lies, filling that swamp with his type of crooked .........

    First off, take that Trump crap somewhere else. I didn't vote for him and probably won't next time unless Texas is competitive and me not voting would put a leftist in the WH. I have liked some things he does, but others not so much. So, once again, you can take that argument and shove it up your big behind. 

    Secondly, I am a free thinker who doesn't need someone in my party to dictate my thoughts and actions, quite different from you. You seem to blindly follow whatever they tell you. We refer to you all as "dim"s for a reason.

    Third, this thread is about Obama conning America. You are the first one to always say politicians are crooked. Why can't you say that Obama got you on this one. Or could it be that his skin color matters more than the facts. Just be consistent and people can respect your opinion on here. 

  3. 9 hours ago, Big girl said:

    Prove it. You sound  ridiculous.

    Ok. Here you go.

    This is the hidden content, please

    This is the hidden content, please

    This is the hidden content, please

    This is the hidden content, please

    This is the hidden content, please

    This is the hidden content, please

    This is the hidden content, please

    This is the hidden content, please

    Now, go to be child. It's past your bedtime.

  4. 10 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

    If Zimmerman wasn't a racist who profiled Martin. Martin would still be alive. Zimmerman profiled martin then shot him because the 16 year old was allegedly whooping his ass. 

    So no don't blame the parents because nothing they could have done to stop Zimmerman that day.

    If Martin was white he wouldn't look suspicious he'll still be alive.

    If if's and but's were candy and nuts, it would be Christmas everyday.

    IF Zimmerman's community hadn't had a crime problem, there would be no need for a neighborhood watch. IF Zimmerman had assumed that someone out and about in their neighborhood after dark wasn't worth checking out, Martin wouldn't have attacked him. IF he hadn't profiled him as a threat to his safety, he would have let him continue whipping his a**, instead of defending himself. IF his parents had done a good job, Martin would have been at home studying to become a pilot. See, I can play the if game to.

    All kidding aside, we have to be honest here. this was a bad situation that ended tragically. We can't say if this or if that, because we don't know what was in their hearts and minds when this happened. There were things both parties could have done to prevent this. It shouldn't have ended the way it did. In the end, Trayvon isn't coming back and Zimmerman has to live with the fact that he took someone's life.  It is a very sad situation. 


  5. 12 hours ago, nappyroots said:

    Unemployment has been dropping, but before jan 20, 2017 you guys said it was fake. Your telling me that trump caused it to drop in 100 days.

    Yes and yes.

    Obama's unemployment numbers- for much of his presidency, those numbers were manipulated to look better than they actually were. This is not even debatable. When you change how you count who is unemployed, those numbers are manipulated from the traditional method of counting them. AKA-Fake

    Trump's unemployment numbers- It isn't surprising that the unemployment numbers have dropped under Trump. He is a successful businessman and campaigned on the promise of removing regulations on businesses that prevented them from hiring. His hire American mindset has eased many employers minds and they have responded by expanding their workforce.

  6. This thread is hilarious. Obama slammed Wall Street for years and you leftists loved him for it. Now, when someone points out that he is now being a hypocrite by taking their money, your response is to claim racism and attack Trump. Call it like it is. He played us all by bashing wall street and their greed and is now making big bucks off of them.  I have no ill will for him taking their money. That is capitalism at work. If they want to waste their money listening to his socialist talk, go right ahead. It should hurt his credibility with his liberal base, but it won't. And my friends, that is why our country is collapsing. Right and wrong no longer matter. Defend your party at all costs. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, westend1 said:

    But the truth is, you really don't know anything at all.  You don't know what the rules of engagement were.  You don't know if they were followed.  You don't know if they were properly related to the crews.   Bottom line, if anybody was at fault, if this could have been prevented, which is a big assumption, you don't know who to blame.   But go ahead with the narrative that you prefer.    But, if you show me somewhere where Obama told the military to let combatants who were a threat to our forces go free, I'll be happy to look at it.

    I know what the rules of engagement were and according to the article, forces were told not to fire. According to the rules of engagement quoted in the article, the commanders were in the right telling them not to fire. Now, if this had been during the Bush era, the commanding officers would have told them to fire based on those rules of engagement  The rules of engagement enacted by the Obama administration led to this decision. I don't think it is a far stretch to say that.

  8. 2 minutes ago, westend1 said:

    president?   So you blame Trump personally for the kid killed in Yemen?

    That is a very evasive answer and you know it. It is obvious that Obama had final say in the rules of engagement that were used in Afghanistan. To argue otherwise is stupid. 

    The real debate is whether these rules resulted in the deaths of these Americans in this instance. I would tend to believe that if Bush's rules were in place, the situation possibly could have ended differently. That is Monday morning quarterbacking, but I believe we have the best military in the world and if they were allowed to fight, they would have most likely not lost that chopper.


  9. 2 hours ago, Big girl said:

    Sure.....if they were afraid of Trump, they wouldnt have attempted the launch. He is a joke. He sent missiles to Syria and they resumed bombings 2 days later.

    If you were Assad, would you really just surrender your country after years of Civil War because the USA completely flattened an airfield? Of course you wouldn't. Fear has nothing to do with this. It is a necessity for him at this point to continue fighting. I suspect he will die before surrendering his country. The key point is that the bombs he fired after the missile attack were traditional and not chemical. Therefore, he got the point. His response shows that he doesn't consider Trump a joke. If he did, he would have launched another chemical attack to prove it.

    As far as Kim Jung Un being afraid, insane people generally aren't afraid of anything. That is what makes him so dangerous. 

  10. 2 hours ago, bullets13 said:

    It says in the fine print that nobody reads that you have to get off the flight if they need the seats to get employees to another town to work the next day.  I don't like the rule, but we all agree to it when we purchase airline tickets.  They handled it very, very poorly, but they had the right to remove him from the plane.  




  11. 10 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    This is the hidden content, please

    You would think this guy would have taken it...from the article:

    This is the hidden content, please
     that while his medical license was suspended, Dao "made a killing" as a World Series of Poker player, earning a total of $234,664.

    Also from the article:

    It took virtually no time for his hometown paper, 

    This is the hidden content, please
    , to point out that Dao, a father of five and grandfather who went to medical school in Vietnam, had his medical license suspended for about 10 years for illegally prescribing painkillers, including to a patient in exchange for sex. It's all a matter of public record.

    I don't understand how any of this is relevant. What difference does it make what his profession was or his past history? What if he were a school teacher or garbage collector? It really doesn't matter. United screwed up and should have NEVER used force to remove him. They should have kept increasing their offer until he or someone else accepted it. Had they been on the ball and not allowed him to board to begin with, there would never had been a story. They were incompetent and they are paying for it, and it will cost way more than $800.

  12. Why should the guy get off the plane? On what grounds were they removing him? He had purchased a ticket to board the plane. United had accepted the ticket when they allowed him to board. He wasn't a threat/danger to the flight.  The fault is entirely United's. If they had done this before boarding, it may have been different. There is no excuse whatsoever for this. 

  13. 8 hours ago, nappyroots said:

    Republican and Democrat congressman can agree on not changing them. 

    It's sad that this is all they can agree on. At this point, I say they do like they did with Obamacare and pass a term limit amendment and grandfather themselves out of it. At least that way they would eventually be gone. 

  14. 29 minutes ago, REBgp said:

    Lol, texanabroad is in China.  I ate a big meal to late, so my stomach woke me up.  Time I found the Alka-seltzer, my eyes are wide open.  About 3 hrs from now I'll be urinated at myself for not being able to go back to sleep :) 

    Oh, I didn't see that you beat me to it. 

  15. 31 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

    Can people be born gay? My opinion is no.

    I believe the devil temp us with all sins. Lying stealing etc.dont see why he also wouldn't use homosexuality.

    but those who believe God called them to be gay is sadly mistaken.

    Same with any other situation God made us in his image nothing you can do to change this fact.

    Good post!!

  16. No, it doesn't. I read an article the other day about transabled people. These are people who are amputating limbs because they believe they were born to be disabled. And these people claim it isn't a psychological disorder.

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