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    Realville reacted to Chester86 in Biden Confused, “What Am I Doing Here?”   
    I’m so sorry, I forgot that I’m supposed to be enamored and glued to the MSM propaganda machine.  I should be worried about the $1,400 gub’ment check and not all the pork added to it.  I should be glued to the congressional lawsuits and investigation into Jan 6th.  I should be sitting here reading all of the editorials and articles about how stupid we and our governor are for forsaking government mask mandates.  I’ll go back to the hypnotic state commanding me to think like a lemming and accept government over-reach.  I know that is what some of the left-wing protagonist will say - oh, and don’t forget it’s all Trump’s fault too.  He’s so mean!  I don’t know how you tie him into it, but the left knows.
  2. Like
    Realville reacted to Englebert in Trump Urges Cult Following To Donate To Him, Rather Than GOP   
    You just got schooled on a topic you started. The posters responded with logical answers...dispelling your "you suckers" nose-ring led mantra your masters have programmed you to believe. You have been thoroughly embarrassed on this topic. But I have a feeling you will brush off the responses and run your mental gymnastics to convince yourself that you have won the internet today by making redneck rubes expose themselves. Since I believe this is the case, please refute my analysis with your own rationale. Which response, so far, is out of line with your thinking?...and why? Which poster, based on their reply, has denigrated themselves in your eyes? In case your refuse to respond, keep this in mind...when you think you have a "gotcha" question, most are laughing at your adolescent, feeble attempts to rise to seriousness. It is an amazing feat of resilience that you keep trying. 
  3. Thanks
    Realville reacted to Chester86 in March 10, FREEDOM   
    Those that are concerned can still wear their masks.  Those that are concerned can still social distance.  Those that are concerned can wear a hepa-filter on a Vietnam-era gas-mask......I do not care, just not going to wear one.  I do agree though this should have been done from the beginning, but lemming-mentality took hold.
  4. Thanks
    Realville reacted to Hagar in Whatever Your Opinion Of Trump Is, This Is Hard To Disagree With!   
    It’s obvious the ignorant, uninformed voters went for Biden.  Nobody in their right mind would vote for a person suffering from serious dementia. Btw, a dementia so bad that his fellow Democrats are already wanting to get the nuclear Football away from him.   The Dem voter is a real life example of the 1984 Book that said Ignorance is Strength.   That ignorance is the strength, the backbone, of the Democratic Party.  They’d been inundated for four years with “Orange man bad” by the MSM.  And that MSM is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Left.
  5. Thanks
    Realville reacted to Englebert in Trump's gold statue   
    I know of a person that was sane, analytical, thoughtful, unbiased but now honestly believes that Trump almost single-handedly ruined the United States of America. This guy thought that feelings, as preached by the media, was the true soul of America...be damned rule of law. Yes, hurt feelings would be the downfall of the greatest country this Earth has ever seen. He is willing to overlook every accomplishment by the Trump/Admin team, and almost unforgivably recognizes only personal "failures" mirroring that of the persona of satan himself...as told to him by his new god...the liberal medial.
    And there's a lot more like him.
    This is so easy. How can anyone take someone serious that can't back up their claims. Care to continue belittling people you know little about? Let's analyze you instead. Do you think you will come out looking any better than the little old lady you described?
  6. Thanks
    Realville reacted to Englebert in Who will win the insurance wars?   
    The auto insurance companies are spending unfathomable amounts of money on commercials to reign supreme in the business. State Farm, Farmers, Geico, Progressive, Liberty, etc. spend tons on advertisement. Some commercials are initially funny, many are just downright pathetic. Some adopt a logical, results driven strategy. Some adopt a Sesame Street puppet show strategy. Some implore catchy slogans of persuasion. Practically all claim that their company can save you a fortune. Can anyone tell me the difference between the companies as far as results? Who is the fairest at resolving claims? Who is the fastest? Who is the cheapest? Who is the most politically correct in resolving these claims? (But that is not the subject of this topic.)
    If 92% of the media picked out a company to disparage, how long would that company last? If practically every mainstream media outlet, every late show comedian, every daytime talk show host came out to denigrate State Farm, how would they fair? If these groups ignored, and even lied about State Farm's payout amount rate, rejection rate, and even criticized every aspect of their policies...while simultaneously ignoring the same aspects of all of the other companies, how long would State Farm last? Does it even remotely matter how good/bad State Farm's performance data is? Would it even matter one iota if an outside entity (Russia, Russia, Russia) spent a couple of thousand dollars in a campaign to influence State Farm's image?
    What if social media (Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc...repeat...etc.) conspired to ban all positive information about State Farm, but encouraged negative (and mostly false) information about State Farm. What if these companies conspired to disallow any truth about State Farm, and even ban any new startup companies from existing because of their perceived sympathy for State Farm?
    Would you still go with the talking lizard?
  7. Like
    Realville got a reaction from Hagar in Trump's gold statue   
    I don’t personally give a flip about Trump the person but I do believe and support his policies put forth to make a America stronger and more prosperous. People on the left have a hard time separating his personality and his policies. The left is always so enamored with the optics of Trumps verbiage that they can’t see the good that his policies did for America. Grandpa Earpiece aka the fake embalmed muppet is destroying this country with his America Last Policies.
  8. Like
    Realville got a reaction from Chester86 in Trump's gold statue   
    I don’t personally give a flip about Trump the person but I do believe and support his policies put forth to make a America stronger and more prosperous. People on the left have a hard time separating his personality and his policies. The left is always so enamored with the optics of Trumps verbiage that they can’t see the good that his policies did for America. Grandpa Earpiece aka the fake embalmed muppet is destroying this country with his America Last Policies.
  9. Like
    Realville got a reaction from SmashMouth in Follow the Science?   
    Keep on living in your own Prison Camp. I choose not too. The science and data do not back up the scamdemic and fear that has been constantly pushed by the media. 
  10. Like
    Realville got a reaction from Chester86 in Follow the Science?   
    Dear America,
    Masks do not work. The death count has been manipulated. The vaccine is a dangerous scam. The virus is a political ram rod. Fear is the true sickness. Your freedoms are being taken. It’s all fake. The media is lying.
  11. Like
    Realville got a reaction from PAMFAM10 in White People Bad, Even When They Aren’t   
    How about we stop trying to be less white or less black and teach our culture to be less stupid?
  12. Thanks
    Realville got a reaction from Chester86 in Follow the Science?   
    Come on Texas this silliness has went on way to long an should have never started. The damage this mandate silliness has caused is immeasurable when it comes to businesses and the psychological & physical deaths of individuals. The real data out there has not supported this nonsense!

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    Realville got a reaction from Reagan in Entergy's Rolling Blackouts!   
    There is a company that guarantees that you want lose power. It’s called a Residential Generac Generator. The second the power from the grid cuts off BOOM! Generac cuts on! Great investment if you can afford it. 😎
  14. Like
    Realville got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Entergy's Rolling Blackouts!   
    There is a company that guarantees that you want lose power. It’s called a Residential Generac Generator. The second the power from the grid cuts off BOOM! Generac cuts on! Great investment if you can afford it. 😎
  15. Haha
    Realville got a reaction from Hagar in Can you compliment the “other side”?   
    Politicians Suck! Democrats and Republicans! They are self serving Parasites! That’s the nicest thing I could come up with. 
  16. Like
    Realville got a reaction from WOSdrummer99 in Part Time Texan Ted Cruz Escapes To Cancun.. While Millions Are Helpless   
    Amen, I have no faith in politicians but to do have faith in my God, Church, and Neighbors. They always come through when a crisis arises.
  17. Like
    Realville got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Part Time Texan Ted Cruz Escapes To Cancun.. While Millions Are Helpless   
    Amen, I have no faith in politicians but to do have faith in my God, Church, and Neighbors. They always come through when a crisis arises.
  18. Thanks
    Realville got a reaction from baddog in Part Time Texan Ted Cruz Escapes To Cancun.. While Millions Are Helpless   
    Our neighborhood took care of each other and my wife, my kids & my church handed out 250 bags of groceries and 300 cases of water. 
    I didn’t hear one person mention Ted Cruz or AOC’s name that was helped but you keep teaching your victim hood 101 class. 
  19. Like
    Realville got a reaction from Reagan in Part Time Texan Ted Cruz Escapes To Cancun.. While Millions Are Helpless   
    The difference between Ted Cruz and Andrew Cuomo?
    One is a narcissistic mass murderer and the other is Ted Cruz.
  20. Like
    Realville reacted to Englebert in Path to Citizenship   
    When discussing illegal immigration, my focus is on the victims. I also don't believe in rewarding someone for breaking laws. 
    In response to your points: a) they don't have to be, b) that is 8 years a legal citizen could be employed instead of the job filled by someone here illegally, c) the wages for menial jobs are artificially low because of illegal labor. And actually, many many illegals are performing jobs well beyond menial level. We have legal citizens currently working menial jobs, so Americans will do them. (Pay might have to be adjusted.) If not, we can expand/revamp/continue with our green card system, in which participants pay taxes. I am more than willing to have the green card system lead to citizenship.
    Now let's discuss the perpetrators of the crimes. I don't blame or hold ill will to anyone that jumped the border to come to the United States. I would probably do the same thing if faced with the same situation. But I should never be rewarded for it. The focus for this topic should fall square on two groups of people that have failed the American citizen: employers of illegals and politicians/leaders that let it happen. Each group should suffer the consequences of letting this situation exist. We should start perp walking both of these groups. As far as the millions already here, and the millions on the way...I choose to side with the victims...the American worker/taxpayer.
  21. Thanks
    Realville reacted to Englebert in Global Warming Update!   
    Yes it is just plain stupid that you can be so gullible. Again, scour the research and produce a single paper that definitively links Man to rise in temperature. Re-scour the research and find a single paper that shows empirical proof that this rise in temperature is detrimental to Earth's health. Theories, projections, educated guesses do not cut the mustard, except for people like you. You apparently are too lazy to do your own research...and these people rely on that fact.
    It seems to me, and I could be wrong, that you think people like me deny Climate Change exists. That is not the case. My position is...PROVE it does. I will not blindly follow someone who can't back up their theories. And what is worse, I get to be called a "science denier" for demanding that these people adhere to scientific methodology. So yeah, you are right...this is just plain stupid. And deniers like you are the main culprit for lacking methodology. Congratulations. You want to throw trillions of dollars and upset everyone's way of life based on a theory that has no scientific proof. Democrat leaders love people like you.
  22. Thanks
    Realville reacted to Englebert in Global Warming Update!   
    You can make this stuff up. NASA just did. Do you actually consider this scientific evidence? Really?
    Where in this "study" do they cancel out extraneous variables? Nowhere! That is a must in scientific methodology. These so called scientist should be ashamed of themselves for use of any form of the word science. But you fell for it like a good little sheeple.
    I'm guessing if these "scientists" saw a dead deer in the woods, their consensus conclusion would be that a man killed him. Never finding a bullet wound, never considering other sources...just yep, it was a man. And if you question their conclusion, you are a science denier.
    Did you see the part in the article that explained why Man is the culprit? Did you see the part in the article where these "scientists" ruled out extraneous variables like Sun spots, Sun hibernation, solar flares, variations of Earth's axis tilt, Moon's variable gravitation pull on Earth, volcano CO2 emissions, etc.? Yeah, me neither. Only a science denier can look at this as science.
    Please come up with something better than this dribble. Like actual science.
  23. Haha
    Realville got a reaction from Hagar in Part Time Texan Ted Cruz Escapes To Cancun.. While Millions Are Helpless   
    Joe Biden can send his son Hunter Biden the international energy expert to save Texas. I am sure they know about cold weather in Ukraine. He can be a hero!
    He can also help out with crack pipes but not cracked pipes.
  24. Haha
    Realville got a reaction from EAGLEFOREVER in Chiefs Win SuperBowl By 1 Point in a Improbable Comeback!   
    We all went to bed last Sunday at midnight thinking Tom Brady had won the Super Bowl. Now we read on the Internet that the Kansas City Chiefs scored 23 points at 4 am to beat the Tampa Bay Bucs 32-31.
    A comment in the article stated:
    There is "no evidence" that the 23 points at 4:00 am constituted cheating and even if there were evidence, these points do NOT constitute "widespread" cheating. Further, an elected official in Kansas City "certified" the victory by the Chiefs and the NFL front office went along with that certification. When Brady objected, he was told that he has "no standing" to complain. Then all the media sports writers as a mob did a gang up and pile on and accused Brady of lying, bad sportsmanship, and hurting the NFL and said he should be quiet and go away. Some hot dogs were thrown at the referees, and Brady was accused, but later video was found showing that the hot dogs were thrown by some Chiefs fans. YouTube and Twitter removed all content about Brady and the game. The NFL accused Brady of cheating and further declared that Brady should never play football again.
  25. Like
    Realville got a reaction from Reagan in RIP RUSH   
    The Left’s comments concerning Rush’s passing are disgusting but not unexpected. Remember, these are the same people that celebrate the death and dismemberment of the unborn.
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