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Posts posted by myrecordwashorrible

  1. 8 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    You’re literally saying that “the truly spineless speak to both sides,” while praising Manchin for going independent on a different post. 

    You don’t admire thought… you want people who think exactly like you. That’s the basis of fascism, totalitarianism, and every other form of government that doesn’t allow any divergence from the beliefs of one particular group. 

    We have a constitutional republic, where the views of ALL are to be considered. People with “no compromise” are the true un-American dirtbags, and opposed to everything that our founding fathers stood for. 

    You know what all totalitarian forms of government have in common? They all fall over shortly. Even if you were to get your way and force your beliefs-and your beliefs only-onto everyone regardless of their opinions? The masses would rise up and hang you and your type’s headless corpses from street signs. 

    That’s what you failed to understand… people that think like you are outnumbered, and you’ve abandoned the one true God in favor of worshiping a golden calf.  Or at least an orange haired one. 

    Everybody knows that Israel is continuously being punished for their sins, turning their back on God. That’s where we are in the USA.  It’s not the secularists or leftists that have turned away-it’s the Christians. Instead of shunning the very appearance of evil, they say “just because he boasts of attacking women, he’d never rape a woman.”


    The turning away from God by America isn’t talking about the non-believers-it’s talking about people who claim to know Christ and then following a heretic. 

    Your use of Christianity against Christians with an attempted moral high ground is disgusting.  Please find me a candidate without sin to support.  I beg you to do this, I know of none. 

    Unlike others on here who will continually wast time responding to you. I will simply pray for you to stop using that argument.  It's sad and  blasphemous.  


  2. 58 minutes ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    All these schools that left should've stayed in the Southland from the get-go. Grass isn't always greener. 

    A few Board of Regents agree for sure. Some administrative changes were based in large part on those moves. 

    Sam Houston is the only one this remotely did any service and of course they moved on as well. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, bp141103 said:

    I missed it...what they say basically?

    Discussed that they had the 2nd highest win total in college baseball and they should be in. Now, they did state in on an expanded format if I am interpreting things correctly.  

    Talked about adding 8 teams.  Not sure how to do that with formatting. 


  4. The RPI sits at 65 and the KPI is in the 80's. The numbers would need to be higher for a shot at an at large bid.  Not being a pessimistic person, it's just not happening this year.  Was the best season in years and hope to see more like it. 

  5. Reflection moment.  My father and I truly enjoyed this past season.  As 2 former high school coaches (1 good..him...and one subpar as noted by my screen name) we truly enjoy just watching quality baseball and this season definitely had it.  The experience in Hammond is one I will treasure as they do a great job with the tournament, Hammond is a neat town, and our alma matter battled and made it one heck of a ride. 

    As someone that has been a faculty member or teaching fellow at 3 present/past SLC confernce schools and served on athletic advisory boards, be thankful for what you have in your President and AD at Lamar.  I visited with each a few times at games this season and got to know them a bit.  There is a definite effort to improve the facilty and especially the game day experience. The program is truly supported and it's nice to see each present at games so often. 

    Thanks for an enjoyable experience to the players, coaches, fans, and all us smack talking characters on here. 

    Good luck Nicholls and go get em next year Big Red!

  6. Tournament note.  Hammond native Basiel Williams hit a game trying homer against SELA in the 9th to send game to extras on Thursday and last night hit a walk off homer to send Nicholls to the finals.  Did it against his hometown's University.  He was one very excited young man.  

  7. Birds play Pokes at 1 as Nicholls sits waiting for the finals. SELA played Nicholls tough in both games of the tournament, but lost each by 1 run. So, if LU gets to finals they will be playing their 6th game and Nicholls will be playing their 4th.  Can Johnny Wholestaff hold up and the bats keep rolling?  Go Cards!

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