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Posts posted by ladybug33

  1. 9 minutes ago, BBfan061 said:

    I’ll be honest I’ve only watched one WOS game this year and that was the Silsbee game. If WOS shows up with something similar to the team they had last year then Bellville isn’t winning Friday IMO. BUT I don’t think anything similar to last years team has took the field for WOS all season 

    Sometimes we have shown moments of a familiar WOS, then other times we look a little out of sync. Your team has always had big boys on your OL and defense that appears to be the case this year also. Who will be the home team?

  2. 5 minutes ago, mat said:

    I for one was supporting the program and the new hire saying give him a chance. I never imagined such a spiraling meltdown. Here’s some key points.

    1. The new hire was with the program under CT. He must not have been a very good learner. His plan was to change everything that works.
    2. At this rate LCM will not be recruiting players. They will be voluntarily lining up.
    3. The district has now invested millions into first rate facilities in support of a program that after not even a full season, is no longer first rate.
    4. The program has dug a hole that will be difficult to dig out of.
    5. I will not criticize Harris for what looks like a poor hire. It happens. How he handles it from this season forward will tell the tale. 

    Thank you for being open minded. I agree with everything you have said except #2. things are not so perfect over there at LCM, they don't have a perfect record neither.  Things can turn around, I'm all for replacing people who can't do their jobs, it happens everyday. and it's not personal for me. Mustang4life!

  3. SMH, my statement about being sick watching my team lose to others teams whom we should be beating, has nothing to do with the other team and more about WHAT WOS is not doing. Not tackling, no effort in trying to pursue. If we do those things WE win period. IMO 60% of us losing is coaching, and 40% are the things that players are not doing.  To all the teams who have victories over WOS this year CONGRATS to you respectfully.

  4. 4 hours ago, dj said:

    And it's hurtful feeling to watch this program get destroyed for nothing.are ppl really seeing how bad this is.w.o has always pride themselves on defense.and now they can't stop anyone.with 8 starters returning.and by the time they make the playoffs.they will get exposed.when the last time any team started off 2-0. And ranked #4.in the state.and now it's getting worse on defense and offense.penalities at an all time high.ive never seen anything like this.at least some teams start off bad and end up bad.and they want kids to get scholarships to colleges.how?? Bcz,if they look at tape all they will is kids confused.cant get plays in.playing timid as a whole.hoping and praying that parents really push there academics even more. Just been honest.this is a mess that will only get worse.for everyone.

    I get it now!!!  Please get rid of the wrist bands!!!! Its confusing why not have 4 plays memorized and stick to it. Changes need to be made, where? and whom? is to be determined, however changes NEED TO BE MADE!!!!!!

  5. 12 hours ago, dj said:

    No. Liberty still has a way to go. But, at least we're starting to see more of the 50 defense. With jalen brown off the edge. And playing the strong safety position. #29 the safety is a sophomore.and that was alot better over the top.not basing anything off liberty but at least the kids lined up better without looking to the sideline.hoping the coaches sees how more comfortable they're.

    How bout that 99 yard run by Dustin Helm amazing.🔥 fire

  6. 12 minutes ago, dj said:

    But, at the same time #8,#9,#4,#10,#7#35,#5,#63,all played last year when they won 45-20.ik shaw is a difference maker but still all those kids played last year.and now #9 a senior doesn't start anymore.does it make u wonder how ur given up points like this.

    Yes it does. The offense is the problem. I saw some plays that did not go as planned. The defense got tired in secondary. Dj. Silsbee has some big play makers, I see them going far this year. We need to take one game at a time and improve ever week. I saw improvement last night even though we lost.

  7. 1 hour ago, SmashMouth said:

    To my buddy H:

    It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. 

    Well dang Smash, me like this🥰

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