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A BUC 77

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Everything posted by A BUC 77

  1. It's not dangerous, only 2.7 million cases and 48,000 deaths in Texas.
  2. Second one on Feb. 26th. Sore arm and a little fever the next day. Well worth it. Everyone needs to do it.
  3. Numbers are going down because of the vaccines and most people are still being safe. Most of the major Texas Universities didn't have a spring break. That helped. At first I thought Abbott's call was a little early. Looking at it now looks to be the right call. I still were a mask when needed though.
  4. I agree, the cop wasn't needed. If everyone present would have told her to put on a mask, it may have turned out differently.
  5. It's a pretty clear cut case. The person of interest was in the wrong. It would have been easy just to let her in without a mask, get her money and leave. There is a slight chance she has the virus and a slight chance she could give it to someone as well. People should have freedom to do as they please, but they must respect other people's rights as well.
  6. This is what "off season" is all about.
  7. He did some great things for EC. He brought the program up a notch. There were few things I didn’t agree with but overall he’s done a great job. Congratulations
  8. Watched the game early this morning. Great start. Punter running for a first was a big turn around. I don’t think it mattered much but you never know. Aledo had to many weapons and well coached. Great year cougars and coaches. You made it to the big dance.
  9. Well Aledo, nothing has to be said about your championship teams. Congratulations have been wore out. This is going to be a heck of a game. I've told Crosby the best thing that happened to them was loosing to Nederland. That pushed a button and they haven't lost since. They have amazed me each week by slaying the giants. They make mistakes and still win. They can't make to many mistakes Friday. So if Crosby can click on just 7 cylinders, they have a great chance to win this game. I'm not calling the Cougs underdogs because there are none in the State Championship. I hoping for a exciting game, SE Texas style.
  10. Great win Cougs. Enjoyed every minute of it. Agreed that Dunn tried to do to much, but hey, that's what this team does and it works. I didn't like being in a close game with these guys, but Crosby got the break they needed on the last play. Next week is a whole different ball game. Celebrate and then concentrate next week and bring home the trophy. Whoop.
  11. DISCIPLINE. That's all you need for your defense to beat these guys. You already have the athletes and a good QB. Offense will score. Don't let them stick around. This type of team will wear a defense out if this comes down to the wire. Geaux Cougars.
  12. Congratulations Cougars. Missed the game but heard all about it. I’ll watch it later. District is proud of you.
  13. Nederland went on a role after losing to PNG. Crosby is now on a roll losing to Nederland. Last week FBM had a track meet and will likely be wore out. So if you guys win, just give Big Ned a thanks. 😄
  14. You guys need to pass on FBM. Nederland dropped an early pass for TD and seamed like liked they got away from it. The only thing FBM had to do is shut down our running game. Which they did very well. Pass to set up the run. Only my opinion. On defense have your best CB on Marshall, maybe two and good luck.
  15. It’s all about match ups, injuries, coaching, stadiums and who’s hot.
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