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Big girl

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  1. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from PN-G bamatex in US Sanction Russia   
    Since you know so much, maybe you should be president. Smh
  2. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in gun free zones!   
    Dude you no how fast a ak47 can fire compared to a normal hand gun how much rounds you can let out before reloading. Your right you can do damage with about anything. But still no reason has been said why not to ban them. Just a bunch of this and that. Im pretty sure the guy who made ak47s m16s etc. Made them for warfare.
  3. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in gun free zones!   
    automobiles wasn't invented to kill guns are.
  4. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in Ghost Of Richard Nixon?!   
    Haha Bush enough said. Guy said all kinds of retarded crap
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    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in gun free zones!   
    I think mass school shootings are the worst. But they are rare so giving thousands of teachers guns to stop a shooter that most likely will never show will cause more harm than good.
  6. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in gun free zones!   
    All the police they have on roads checking for missing tail lights and crap you telling me they cant take a few cops and put them in a school. Saving money is more important than our kids safety.
  7. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in gun free zones!   
    dude you do understand cops are already present in schools im just advocating for a few more
  8. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in Ghost Of Richard Nixon?!   
    Republicans base dying quick ...so now they act like the whole u.s is just ignorant for not voting for the party that's put us in a pointless war and led us into a recession... yes because we only vote dems for food stamps
  9. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in House to Appoint Special Committee for Benghazi Investigation   
    Just let them Feed the itch
  10. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in Obamacare   
    Steve did you ever have any problems with the government during the years after Clinton and before Obama?
  11. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in obama?   
    I watch all 3 I'm not a one sided person watch all 3 and form my own opinion because that's all that matters
  12. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in gun free zones!   
    So yeah is this a debate on what is cheaper or what is safer. I just think Teachers shouldn't have to be put in what law enforcement should be doing.
  13. Like
    Big girl reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in obama?   
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    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in "Recovery" Mirage...   
    Unemployment fell to 6.3 but you rather just throw out your little conspiracy. ..tell me again What qualifies you to make such judgment.
  15. Like
    Big girl reacted to westend1 in Ghost Of Richard Nixon?!   
    Suddenly, the way unemployment is calculated, is in issue.  It's been done the same way for years.  Admit the hate and move on.
  16. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in Ghost Of Richard Nixon?!   
    Oh because Obama black...
  17. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in Ghost Of Richard Nixon?!   
    Yes because all the problems in the world is directly Obama fault but we all just to blind to see it. Or just takers all on government ASSISTANCE . RIGHT
  18. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in Ghost Of Richard Nixon?!   
    No come on be real Republicans are just trying to show down that Hillary train HILLARY 2016
  19. Like
    Big girl reacted to PAMFAM10 in So Benghazi is just another "phoney" scandal?   
    Yep anybody who doesn't spend 24 hrs out the day trying/researching all things to down the president is just MAINSTREAM. Maybe there just not obsessed with impeachment like some folk
  20. Like
    Big girl reacted to bullets13 in Murder or Self-Defense?   
    If someone breaks into my house, there's a good chance they're going to get shot if I'm home. I just have trouble with the idea of leaving something of value out with the intent to tempt someone into taking it, at which point you shoot and kill them.
  21. Like
    Big girl reacted to tvc184 in Murder or Self-Defense?   
    What do you do? You hold them for the police. At a bare minimum, after they were shot and down they were no threat and he put admitted kill shots into them. He simply wanted to play executioner and will hopefully pay with the rest of his life. 
    Killing a person that is a threat is legal (in most scenarios). Killing because you are angry is murder. 
  22. Like
    Big girl reacted to tvc184 in Murder or Self-Defense?   
    It is clearly murder and not a lot of ambiguity. The man was rightfully convicted and sentenced to life. 
    Even under TX law there would likely be the same outcome. The only thing that might help him would be if he was out in the sticks and some jury decided on jury nullification because they were glad that two criminals were dead. 
  23. Like
    Big girl reacted to bullets13 in Murder or Self-Defense?   
    As most of you know, I'm big on gun rights, and our rights to protect ourselves, others, our property, etc. That being said, my first reaction here is this guy is going to be convicted, and probably rightfully so.
    For those of you who haven't seen this, a man's garage had been broken into a couple of times, and he was pissed.  So for multiple nights in a row he set up a trap for a burglar.  He left his garage door cracked, with a purse visible inside the garage (not sure if you needed a flashlight to see it or not, but it was out in a way meant to draw in a possible thief).  He and his wife set up a baby monitor with a video feed and some sort of motion sensors.  After a couple of nights, a couple of teens took the bait, and after seeing them on the camera, the man ran around the house from the outside, and without any warning shot four times into the pitch-black garage, killing one of the teens.  He's now claiming he was "standing his ground".  I don't see that defense working in this case, but look forward to TVC's take on it.  It's also worth noting that at least one witness claims to have heard the man say he'd stayed up three nights in a row with his shotgun to "shoot a kid."
  24. Like
    Big girl reacted to bullets13 in Murder or Self-Defense?   
    What would happen if I went and parked my car on a busy street with the keys in the ignition and money on the seat, hid in the bushes, and then jumped out and shot the first person who tried to steal the car. Kinda feels the same here. Yes, they're stealing your property, but you're going out of your way to tempt them to do so. Kind of like sitting over a corn feeder, but for criminals.
  25. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from 77 in Artificial Outrage?   
    That doesnt change the fact thst he appears to be a racistt, BUT i have to agree with 77. He has made other deragotory statements in the past, but it didn't stop officers from the LA chapter of the NAACP from cashing his checks, which is hypocritical. Smh
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