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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I like the seafood combo but excellent suggestion.
  2. I would have been surprised 8 weeks ago if you told me this would be the score. At this point, I think the Wildcats have to be considered the district favorites. Hopefully the Bobcats can give them a little competition.
  3. No comment on the “brunch game” with your “big rival?” Good news is you aggy fans are going to need to practice going to bed earlier on Friday night. With bigger marquee names joining the conference next year, I would say a heavy dose of early games are in your future.
  4. EC has been salty ever since those Beaumont recruits started stopping in Fannett.
  5. I wasn’t at the game and was just messing with you guys. If true, sorry it happened that way. No one hates poor officiating more than me.
  6. Try not to flood Orange County with those tears before you head back west 😂
  7. Really bad coaching at the end of that game and Clemson. Funny the talk once was can Bama lure Dabo away when St Nick retires. Now it would no doubt be a hard pass for Bama. Things sure can change rapidly.
  8. I don’t know what it is about a lefty QB but I love watching them sling it. Reminds me of the snake back in the day.
  9. Public has to win sometimes or they wouldn’t keep betting.
  10. Very, very few guys can get rich sports betting. You will never know for certain who the Billy Walters and Bob Voulgaris’ of the world are betting because they won’t tell you and can’t (or don’t) place their own wagers (they pay runners to do so). The best you can do is try to connect the dots by finding games where the public is heavy on one side yet the line either doesn’t move or even moves the other way. Just a 2 cent opinion by someone who was never worth a darn picking games himself 😂
  11. The fishy line theory hasn’t worked too well the first couple of weeks but it’s about the best indicator you can find in sports betting. There were three games last weekend and they went either 0-2-1 or 1-2 with John Q Public getting the best of it. But when you have a line like this one and all the fish are on FSU and it ain’t moving, as you know, that means the sharps are on Clemson. I rarely wager anymore unless I’m at a casino but I wouldn’t touch FSU with a 10 foot pole.
  12. Only took getting Silsbee dudes running both sidelines to make that happen 😉😂
  13. Your rational thoughts and analysis have no place on this board sir 😉
  14. [Hidden Content] 49-22 Final and it wasn’t that close. 42-6 when Smalley emptied the bench, and Buna scored 16 in the 4th. Happy homecoming Coogs 😉
  15. Been saying that for years. Literally had two Hall of Fame Coaches back to back. Most schools never have one, much less two. Much less two in a row. To say they are spoiled is an understatement.
  16. No. Absolutely not. When you are often “out-athleted,” seems like a pretty good system. Someone mentioned running backs, they also lost a senior QB last year (in addition to Dischler) whose football IQ probably surpassed his talent (and he was very talented as well). Just as importantly, they also replaced most of the big fellas. That’s another advantage to the Slot T for OF. They often have some pretty good size up front.
  17. Well, at least they aren’t called the chain gang anymore…
  18. No a buddy of mine’s kid. His dad’s family are Orangefield folks.
  19. Can’t wait to get in this cotton Candy league. As long as our QB doesn’t get hurt, we own these clowns.
  20. Texas fans with a strong S-E-C chant. Hilarious 😂
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