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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. You would think. That might be the worst hire in a string of bad hires.
  2. $75M buyout. And they JUST gave several of the assistants extensions. Hunter Biden is doing a masterful job running aggy’s athletic department.
  3. [Hidden Content] Odd timing. Colorado fails to qualify for a bowl yesterday’s loss. Surely not huh? That would literally be the aggyest hire ever 😂
  4. Good luck the rest of the way! That team looks built for a run to me.
  5. Good grief. Whether Josh stays or leaves, I wish him the best. He has done a TON for OF in his short tenure, not the least being his job as AD. He has made several “home run” hires and has taken his job as overseer of ALL sports seriously. As for the game, when you fall several scores behind, it is tough to navigate your way back with the slot T. Same could be said for the wishbone in the old days. It’s an offense built for keeping possession of the ball, shortening games, etc. It’s still going to be better suited for the type of kid OF generally gets. The Bobcats are simply not going to have superior athletes once you get to the playoffs (a round or two in especially) most of the time. It is what it is. One game that gets out of hand and all of sudden it’s the coaches, the system, etc. Maybe junior just got punched in the mouth and got his tail kicked?
  6. Agreed. Tic didn’t deserve the treatment he got. But I’m not sure Marco did anything well in his short tenure as AD. I am hoping this is the year they figure it out. A guy can hope lol
  7. We shall see. Blew out a bad NAIA team and then played it respectably close I guess against a mediocre SMU team. We shall see. Probably a make or break year for this staff if I had to guess.
  8. I agree. Really rooting for them this year, primarily because of Hef. Believe it or not, he’s a pretty marketable commodity and already has a degree. He’s a loyal guy playing for his dream school. I hope he and his team have a storybook season
  9. Thought BC and OF both looked good against HJ. Didn’t see any of the BC/OF one. HJ missing its top 5 or 5 of its top 6 guys. #20 from BC I really liked and they had a scrappy group. I know they were missing a couple as well, one of which apparently may not play this year who has some size. OF has a couple of key kids still in football too but they are better and deeper than I realized. The scales kid may have been the best player in the gym today. Kid can go.
  10. I still don’t know how we even won that game. Very kind of K St in refusing to take that victory we kept trying to give them. Super sweet parting gift
  11. Yeah that was way premature. He’s been awful. Since the first couple of drives. My bad.
  12. If he leaves, he leaves. But you can’t convince me Maliik isn’t a better option right now.
  13. At the BC/HJ/OF 3 way scrimmage this morning. It’s preseason basketball so it’s not polished but the officiating has been about perfect, especially out if the chute. Looks like a fourth of the chapter is here but these first three guys are all pretty good.
  14. No doubt about it, in my mind anyway. Probably the greatest motion offense coach of all time. And one of the best man defensive coaches. Along with Mike Leach, one of my two favorite coaches of all time at the college level.
  15. On a Friday it’s K-Dan’s hands down. Bullfish is pretty good too. That might be the better option tonight if it’s not too busy.
  16. Oh wow. Didn’t realize it was a Thursday game. Yeah you would like their Friday set up. One of the better values around actually, I think for 3 pieces of catfish, 6 shrimp, fries, 2 sides and roll or cornbread is like 12 or 13 bucks. It’s really good stuff too.
  17. Good choice. That shrimp and fish on Friday is pretty dang good.
  18. 1000%. I will put him up there with anyone. He can flat out coach. There’s no one’s teams I enjoy watching more than his.
  19. The Ohio St - Penn St game was almost unwatchable. I won’t be tuning in again until the Big Game.
  20. I don’t know what analytics say to not kick it to make it a 3 score game late in the 3rd quarter. Two possessions in a row inside the 10 with zero points can be demoralizing to the defense. That being said, a win is a win and the loss by our biggest rival is even sweeter. The trail of tears in Oklahoma tomorrow when they drop below Texas will be delicious.
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