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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I agree with Whs about how well they will be coached and will be very competitive. And the sophomore kid has a chance to be one of the better players in the district. But they may be a couple of years away from being win two or three playoff games good. The 8th grade group should be even better than last year’s senior class, which was probably the best overall group I’ve seen at OF in the last 20ish years.
  2. The irony is their best shot was years later
  3. Heck, for some reason I was thinking they were twins. I just remember you giving pops the business 😂
  4. Ahhh. Wasn’t sure and couldn’t remember. Yeah he can’t count if he never played varsity basketball there.
  5. He truly was. You two are cut from the same ilk. I didn’t always agree with him like I don’t always agree with you. But I respect(ed) the hell out of both of you. I miss and think of him all the time.
  6. Heck I thought you were at least 60. Primarily because I often relate to your posts which I assumed made you an “old head” (as my kids like to say) like me.
  7. I’m always conflicted with these two. I grew up near the metroplex but I’ve now spent more than half of my life down here. When they were in opposite leagues it was easy. And I’ve always rooted for Houston as well. But after the Rangers have taken on Creed as their hype song, I just can’t in good conscience support such a mediocre at best attempt to join that craze. Go ‘Stros!
  8. He’s got to be trolling at this point. No one is this slow.
  9. Not at all. I’m just stating why myself and others often don’t discuss those schools in our very subjective lists. We are just drumming up discussions that interest us and those schools generally don’t. But if we are doing “official” polls, I agree with you that it would need to include schools in our current coverage area, especially since they are district mates with those all of us consider “local.” Does that make sense?
  10. The last AD was about as bad as one can imagine on so many levels. I still hope the hires he made that are still around find success but he was just a disaster. The new guy O’Malley seems like a good guy and learned under a really top notch AD at Marshall. I like him. But I REALLY like Dr Taylor and what he and his wife have brought to Lamar and Beaumont. To me, he was an absolute home run hire by the BoR and one of his main goals was to revive the athletic programs. I truly hope he has a long career here.
  11. Glad it’s not just me. I think I even prefer Herbstreit to him.
  12. That’s kind of where I land. If you want to include any sub 5As other than Silsbee, you can’t list the Atasccitas, Summer Creeks, etc. And come playoff time when our schools are eliminated, I don’t think most of us have a rooting interest in them like we do with United or Silsbee or Memorial.
  13. And lest I offend anyone, I like to rib EC about their “Beaumont kids,” more so because they seemed to most vocal about their problems with HF. But for the record, Todd Sutherland is as fine a man as you want to meet and , like Clay, I would have loved for my own sons to play for him. And he will also go down as one of the greats in this state (and honestly the country) at doing his job. How many can say that?
  14. Thank you. Feel like I’m beating my head against the wall over here.
  15. It was no secret what the main qualification of the next coach needed to be. It was said while CT was there, after he retired, and during the hiring process. I won’t say all of those making the decisions were on board with it but the Sup and enough of the board was. I’m sure you can figure out what that was - it’s been stated on this board multiple times.
  16. You guys do understand WHY the current hire was made, right? It’s been hashed out ad nauseam I mean it wasn’t a big secret what the main qualification being considered was. So in the process, some better qualified, better fits were passed over, at least in mine and others’ opinions. I feel sorry for the kids but think that those pushing that agenda are getting what they deserve. If that’s confusing for some, my apologies.
  17. The quoted portion is probably a better explanation. WOSdrummer also weighed in. Honestly at this point, I don’t know if you are being purposely obtuse or just incapable of understanding the point.
  18. Sort of. I have no ill will towards the coaching staff. I don’t know anything negative about any of them as individuals and would have been happy if they had succeeded or even if they did from here. Some of the administration and some of the Mustang faithful are getting their just desserts imo. So I don’t see it as rooting “against the kids.” I hope all kids find success - I just find karma toward those mentioned to be somewhat satisfying.
  19. One thing I can assure you of, little buddy. It’s doubtful you know anyone who has invested more in the kids (when it’s not their job to do so) than me over the years. And that includes time and money. And there are multiple people on this board that can attest to that. But keep thinking you know what you’re talking about. After all, ignorance is supposedly bliss.
  20. I will admit that last night’s game had some extra involved for me. Although BC is the unquestionably the biggest rival of the school where my kids went, I have several friends with kids playing for the Cardinals including one of my best friends. And I greatly respect the job Coach Landry has done after being thrust in a pretty difficult position.
  21. In all fairness he’s from Lumberton (which makes a lot more sense). They have no clue what it’s like to have one of the best programs in the history of the state be torn apart by adults. The kids are the innocent ones. It IS a fine line but sometimes in life, I have to admit I enjoy seeing a little karma at work. I do hope that this somehow gets put back together for the sake of the KIDs. But I fear that is easier said than done.
  22. I’m more concerned about your concern about who I root for and/or against (which again, isn’t the kids). Thanks for your concern though, Sport. I do appreciate it. On the other hand, “good luck living life” struggling with the simplest of concepts…
  23. Honestly I had no preconceptions about the guy but I think most of us are pleasantly surprised.
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