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Uncle Si

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Posts posted by Uncle Si

  1. Sorry bud, but it is a fact. How I feel about HIS opinion is an opinion, but there's no argument that it is in fact an opinion that was posted in the article.

    Here's a fact for you, 99.9% of everything written or spewed from mouths is opinion (even writings from your favorite resource wikipedia).  The Holy Bible and websters dictionary are the only two writings that I know to be absolute, but according to agnostics, athiests, muslims, hindus, and believers of other religions that is just my opinion.

  2. Right on the money as usual Si! The JV should be hungry to make their own mark. Region 3 is wide open this year. My concern will be how to replace beasts like Cabral & Mills at LB and Stephens & McBride on the d-line. That's roughly 350 total tackles between the four. Wilson also quick as a hiccup too and can house it at any time. I'm interested in how WS is going to use sophomore DeMarie Smith. Too much speed not use him in some way on offense........

    Replacing Mills and Cabral will be tough, however I think we have great players in Fore and Wilson to step into those positions and don't forget about T. Sepulvado he sat out last year with an ACL tear, he will be back and he is as solid as a brick wall and will be on the dline.  You will see alot out of D. Smith in the secondary and he will be used all over the field on offense.  I'm really excited and anxious to see Garret Brown back on the football field he will help and we are going to have a couple new faces that will contribute.  Should be a very good year for WS football.  FYI- It was very surprising to hear how many kids between 6' and 6'3" were at first practice this morning.  WS is going to have some height.  Total numbers this morning reporting to first practice was 42 and I know of at least 4 more that are coming out.  Great numbers for a school our size!

  3. If Foster is not healthy they will struggle to win 6 games.  The defense is absolutely going to have to carry this team.  QB position will be less than average and without Foster you have a very inexperienced backfield.  Also, I'm not sure AJ's heart is as into it as the years before and I'm afraid this will show.  I honestly believe that it could be an 8+ win season but that will hinge on whether or not Foster and Cushing can play the entire season.

  4. http://www.thepropheticyears.com/wordpress/the-root-of-americas-problem-is-its-evolutionary-worldview.html



    The root problem in America is not Obama. He is just the most observable symptom of the national disease. The disease is the godless secular humanist evolutionary worldview that took over America and allowed evil men like Obama to rise to power. If the government is changed, the “progressive” Left with their evolutionary worldviews, still will remain well established, and they still will control America. America must return to the biblical worldview of its founders or it has no hope of change for the better.

    This is possibly the best and most factual post ever made on SETXsports.com!!  Great post coach!

  5. .

    Hey. We got a strong crop of recievers coming up so I look for us to pass it more this year. I think we should be 8-2 or 9-1. Havin to replace 80% of the o-line though... We are blessed in district 10 to have two of the most dynamic, gifted QB's in the state in 2A in Reshod Williams at WS and JaMikel Roberts at San Augustine, IMO.

    I agree with flash, but really I think we should go 9-1 with the only loss being to Elysian Fields and who knows we may be able to give them a game.  We will have a really good WR corp and a very good QB but I really think everyone is overlooking our RB's.  Kirkland Wilson is a really good RB that came on strong late in the season last year.  I think he was just then fully recovering from ACL surgery.  Kirkland is quick and a run it right at you RB and he is VERY strong.  He will be complemented well with RB Ty Fore, Ty is not normally gonna burn you for a long run but he is extremely physical and wants to run folks over, he's good for 3-5 almost every time.  We have some young kids coming up that will really help and we do have some linemen that got quality playing time last year filling in for injured players.  I honestly believe that WS will be as good as last years team.

  6. If all San Augustine did was throw jump balls to the two big receivers I might agree with you that their loss would hurt big time...but I don't recall them doing that too much. One of the big guys played inside WR and the other was outside. Both very good, but definitely didn't rely on the jump ball/ deep ball. The only game they really threw the ball deep consistently was Shelbyille and that's because shelbyville manned up all night and SA was getting past them untouched at the LOS. Don't sleep on what SA could trot out at WR next year.

    And I'm not sold on Williams being the better scrambler. The two are pretty similar athletically with Jmike being the bigger of the 2 I believe. At several camps this summer Jmike has consistently ran in the 4.5-4.6 range including being named QB MVP of the ETSN combine and recently at the Blue-Grey Super Combine (invite only) for the Blue-Grey All American Game. He also ran on both the sprint and 800 relays in Austin this past spring. There is obviously more to scrambling/being a running threat but 1000+ rushing yards from the QB spot speaks for itself.

    And I know you weren't downing Jmike in anyway, and I have no intentions of downing Reshod either. Both are great kids, with great potential and skills. I just like to speak up for Jmike just as you speak up for Reshod.

    Personally I wish the WS-SA game was week 11 instead of week 7 so that we could see these 2 go at it for a possible district championship.

    I agree. Good post!  Yes, I was in no way knocking on JMike.  The kid is the real deal. I didnt mean to imply that all he did was throw jump balls because I did see first hand that what he did throw was well timed, well placed deep balls to some very fast and very gifted WR's that did graduate this past school year.  IMO, JMike is the better passer but Reshod is the better/faster scrambling QB.  Regardless, both of these young men are very talented and very good/respectful kids.  I enjoy watching both of them play and kudos to the parents of both for raising genuinely good kids!

  7. In no particular order


    Ky Walker               PN-G

    Jaylon Henderson   Kingwood Park

    Michael Jaquet        Bmt. Central

    Cody Gaitan            Huffman

    D.D. Jackson          Cleveland

    Chase Rutledge       WO-S

    Kendrick King         Hamshire-Fannett

    Grayland Arnold      Kountze

    Cade Huckaby        Hull-Daisetta

    Jamikel Roberts      San Augustine

    Reshod Williams     West Sabine


    To name a few. ;)

    Reshod Williams is going to be really good!  Jamikel Roberts is the early favorite to be the best in our district but unfortunately for him SA did graduate thier two big "go up and get it" recievers.  WS returns all WR's....  Williams is the better scrambler of the two.....  Don't know who Roberts is going to get to catch his passes.  Best of luck to JMike, great kid and great athlete, but the rest of the district had better watch out for Williams!

  8. If I remember correctly the QB is a pretty good player and they had a freshman rb/wr on the JV that was pretty good as well. I would think he gets chances at the varsity level

    The talent is on it's way back in Hemphill, there are some really good underclassmen.  A couple more years and Hemphill will be back on the map.

  9. Wow, when I said save your comments, I did not mean for you to not comment. I meant in three years I think Hemphill's program
    will be very little improved because of a weak schedule. I would love to see Hemphill succeed and get better. Did not mean to
    make you mad. I am not against Hemphill. This is the new coach's second year I believe. I just believe Hemphill needs a better
    class of opponents to succeed. I hope I am wrong. I wish the best of luck to the second year coach and Hemphill. We simply
    disagree on the class of opponents it takes to raise your program up.

    Understood, but trust me, when you are rebuilding from the ground up you will defeat your purpose by arranging an 0-10 schedule from the get go.  You have to recognize and accept your teams ability and begin from there and work up.  I honestly believe that WS, SA, and HD are teams that will be really good games for Hemphill in terms of testing the team and more than likely they may win 1 of those 3.  The other two non-district games should be "for sure wins" which will help build pride and give the team a sense of accomplishment.  It's called baby steps, and that's what it takes for a succesful rebuild.   I do agree that teams such as Newton, CC, and Garrison should have a few non district games against very tough opponents.  These teams expect to make the playoffs and need to see that type of opponent early, but IMO even those teams should not try and schedule to much to early.  Remember, these top tier teams are going to be more physical which increases your chances of losing players to injury.  Nothing worse than losing an impact player for the season against a non-district opponent.  In this district with Newton, CC, Garrison, and Crockett losing one key player could make the difference in winning the district and coming in 3rd or 4th place, plus this district is most definately going to battle test you for the playoffs.

  10. Save your comments, in three years you can post them again. But, I do wish Hemphill the best.

    I'm not going to "save my comments"!  This is a freaking message board for posting comments and this thread was created to discuss the Hemphill Hornets.  It's VERY clear that you have an axe to grind with somebody in Hemphill and if ANYONE that has posted on this thread needs to "save thier comments", it's you! 

  11. and when you play Newton, Corrigan-Camden, Garrison, and teams like that you will not be prepared. A Weak preseason schedule just gives a false sense of being good. Set your standard to weaker lower class teams will set a lower standard for your team to
    As far as smart coaching, it does not appear that that has been working for Hemphill. A weak schedule just gives the coach some
    wins to look good on his record and keep his job. If you are satisfied with that, then keep doing it, and several years from now
    you will be in the same position you are now.

    First I would like to say that HD, WS, and SA are not weak teams and that most likely Hemphill will have to play lights out in order to even have a chance to win these games.  Hemphill is in a rebuilding process and it's a true rebuild from the ground up from coaching staff, kids, system, and fans.....  It all has to be rebuilt...  You cannot do that by winning 0 games, you have to start by instilling a sense of self worth and confidence..  A team like Hemphilll needs to wins a few games early and do everything they can to keep all players healthy for district play.  I think Coach Lanius has mapped out a good non district schedule for Hemphill and if everybody will give the guy some time he will have Hemphill back to form within 3 years.

  12. What are your feelings toward parents who push kids too far or want except the fact that their kid isnt a good athlete.

    For some odd reason, parents now days have this strange sense of entitlement and believe for some reason that because their kid has played at a particular school thier whole lives or simply because they are seniors that they should automatically be a starter on a team (regardless of athletic ability).  I'm glad we have coaches that recognize the importance of playing the best of the best regardless of senority or last name.

  13. I honestly believe that Hemphill will be much improved this season.  I don't know Coach Lanius (I'm sure that's not the correct spelling) but I know just about everybody in Hemphill and the town seems to be behind him and I've talked to lots of kids over there that have nothing but very good things to say about him.  Seems like the kids are buying into his program and given some time I think he will absolutely turn this program around.  It will take him another season or two but good things are coming for Hemphill, IF, and only IF Lanius is left alone and the athletics program is not micromanaged by the higher ups like what has been done over the past 5 or so years.  I can tell you this, after having a season as bad as last year coupled with being thrown into this horror movie of a district if Lanius is wiling to stay, the people (admin, school board) better take notice that you have a guy that wants to be there.  Give the guy a couple more years and I think you will see a big turn around, he already has participation levels way up.

  14. On the Grill..................


    Bacon wrapped Chicken Breasts:


    1.  Cut chicken breasts in half (down the seam)

    2.  Season with Tex Joy BBQ season and garlic powder

    3.  Wrap breast halves with thick cut bacon using toothpicks to hold in place  (chicken takes a litte longer to cook so thin slice bacon will burn before the chicken is done)

    4.  Insert jalapeno slices between the bacon and chicken

    5.  Cook on grill at 275 for 45 minutes.  Dont overcook or cook to hot the chicken breasts, they will dry out quick.


    Very easy/simple, but very good.

  15. A favorite seasoning of mine is Montreal steak seasoning. You will be impressed. I often pre-coat a steak with a little olive oil before seasoning. If I have time to prepare and want to get fancy I'll top it off with a blue cheese and butter compound mixture kicks it up a notch. I'm getting hungry.

    I have used the montreal season blends and I do like them, but if you get the opportunity and want a little change of pace try the Fiesta Brand Uncle Chris' Gourment Steak season.  You may still prefer the montreal but I know that you will be suprised.

  16. Mix Tony's seasoning in with a  1/2 cup of water and some Worcestershire sauce. Mix good and inject that into a brisket. Cut up Garlic cloves and using a steak knife, stab into brisket, so the garlic is "in" the brisket. The more the better.......


    Then I use rub Worcestershire all over brisket and season outside withy Texjoy. 


    Then place it on HOT grill....You want to sear both sides.......so, depending on heat, leave 5-15 minutes a side........Then place that in smoker on grill and smoke around 250-275 for about 1 hour.......Then I place in pan uncovered and smoke for another 2 hours........then cover pan with tin foil and finish in oven at about 300 for another couple hours.........


    I sometimes add onions on top when I cover and place in oven......


    It's very tender and taste great

    Sounds great.  thanks for the recipe.

  17. Got the idea from the best BBQ in Texas thread.............. What are some of your favorite things put on the smoker or grill............. Favorite season/rub? Favorite BBQ sauce? I am a simple guy that cooks simple, I have stuffed and smoked pork loins, chicken breasts, and other things but afterwards I always find out that sides are made for the side not for covering up the taste of the meat your smoking or grilling IMO.... I'll start with grilling and Ribeye's....... 1. Choose a good cut (I prefer 1 inch thick) with plenty of marbling. 2. Let your steaks warm to room temp before cooking. 3. Get your grill hot... I cook ribeys at atleast 400 degrees (this is important) 4. Place steaks directly over the heat and cook for 4 minutes per side. You should get a dark caramalization on the outside and a medium rare inside. 5. Remove the steaks from the grill and let stand for 5 minutes before serving......... Everyone season's their steaks to their liking and there are many, many ways to do so. You can never go wrong with a little sea salt, cracked pepper, and a little garlic powder this is probably the most popular blend of steak season and it really allows for the steak to be the main flavor with subtle garlic, salt, and pepper accents. I would however encourage you to go by your local brookshire brothers and go to the Fiesta brand season rack and get the Fiesta Brand "Uncle Chris' Gourmet Steak Season". It is absolutley the best commercial steak season that I have ever tried. It is a really great blend that doesnt over power the beef flavor of the steak. If you try this make sure to use  liberally and I promise you will not be disappointed. Will post more later.......

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