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Everything posted by Bigcam2903

  1. We are all held accountable, the Media is the Media though. It's easy to point out Race when we don't want to deal with the Facts. Many take the easy way out & throw in Race as a diversion. It works almost every time though. Unfortunate
  2. PNGFan, this wasn't for you, it's for some who can't see the Forest for the Trees. We're All in this thing called Life Together whether we like it or not. Together We Stand. Many read these posts & take away the wrong perception. In the wake of all that has transpired, Families lives have been forever changed & turned upside down. This unfortunate turn of events has the Country on edge; at least those that choose to pick sides. Race relations in America are as bad now as it was for my Grandparents & Parents, it has found more clever ways to disguise itself through the years. You can't help Ferguson until you help yourself. SETX is the most Racist area I have ever experienced. I moved away for College as a young 18 yr old Black kid with all the stereotypical hang ups of other Races influenced by peer pressure because I wasn't raised like that. My Mother taught me to be respectful & treat others the way I wanted to be treated, but outside influences had an effect on me sometimes; young & impressionable. By the time I left for College the Real test was near. I spent my first 2 yrs in Temple JC, the transferred to Tarleton State Univ in Stephenville. Talk about culture shock. There was a Rodeo Team, Farm, & A Wrangler jeans headquarters so to speak. There were roughly 7,000 students, less than 100 were Black. I was a 6'5" 250 lb young man on campus, I stood out. I was subjected to Racism daily. When I reacted negatively, I got what I was looking for, more ignorance. When I decided to embrace the opportunity given to me because many Died so I could be there, my Life changed. I had the same power as the Freedom Riders. I chose to show people who grew up not seeing many Black people that I was just like them, just a little darker skin tone. As I engaged in more conversation & visited more places on Campus out of the Norm for Black Students, my time in Stephenville became much better. It didn't come without opposition. Some were down right crude, but like I said I'm 6'5" and walk with Supreme confidence, needless to say we came to an agreement thankfully. I've said All of that to say this. We must conquer Racism by getting out of our comfort zone. Quit worrying about what friends & family says. Racism is a form of a Coward. Many can't stand on their own, but will quickly Turn on their own. Live,Laugh,Love God Bless Ferguson & America as a whole
  3. That's not true, Black people in Ferguson don't represent the entire Black community, just their community. Now my comments may not sit well, but I teach my kids that Officers are Authority figures in the Community, if stopped cooperate and keep the attitude in check. Even if you're right don't be disrespectful or combative. If this young man had cooperated & not resisted in some form, he would be alive today. I'm tired of people acting as if a few Black people are the spokesman for the entire Race. Just because Al Sharpton shows up on the scene means he is there for the right reasons. I think he's an opportunist, but that's my opinion. Now this is my opinion on the case, doesn't mean I'm right, because neither of us know the Cop's intent. Let's just wait for All the evidence comes forward. That's easier said than done for both families involved. Continued Prayers for both Families. Again, just my opinion
  4. One of the Greatest on film & on stage. RIP
  5. I have kids around this age, Lord have Mercy upon us All.
  6. Donations would be great, but many are skeptical because of prior misappropriation. The trust just isn't there yet. Hopefully the new folks can restore faith & our District can stand Tall again
  7. Let's see where the "movers & shakers" land. How high up does this money tree go?? Sports insurance paid by parents, parking & other extracurricular activities have a price tag. Don't know what other budget cuts will be thrown at taxpayers. A wise man once said JUSTICE leaves "Just Us" We must learn
  8. Just as I never called anyone racist, but if the shoe fits......... Kinda funny how a former mayor of Beaumont did time for things others before & after are guilty of but none of them went down. Just as a previous board did "erroneous" things and that's hardly mentioned. That's why our former Super was hired. It's not a double standard until a double standard is needed. Now I'm done with this thread before I get my membership revoked. I wish I knew some of these guys, I sure would love to tell them face to face.
  9. TVC, you & Hippy can get upset if you want, I asked if Hippy quoted this first, then I went from there. You can throw around political Mumbojumbo if you want. You can close the case if you like. Hippy, Offended can be overlooked, disrespected takes time. I'd hope you can overlook being offended Hippy because that wasn't the intent. Your views TVC takes Prayer & time. Such a standup guy
  10. Hippy I asked if this was a quote, but you never denounced the Author's poor taste for words. That's unlike you, so that where I was confused. If anyone thinks those words were mistakenly placed; the everyone involved in BISD is innocent. I rest my case
  11. Englebert, I do thank you for trying to clarify this ignorant excerpt/ writers blog. We live in a politically correct society. I'm on the other end of that spectrum. We know this wasn't a mistake. I wasn't sure if Hippy quoted this, that's why I asked. Hippy & I have an understanding even when we don't agree. Again thanks for your response.
  12. Food for thought: if you follow the "Real" money trail it always leads back to.............. Insert Race, Creed, or Color
  13. When & if convicted, he will go to jail as well as others involved in Robbing our children, but how the Hell does this have to do with what was written above? Don't turn a deaf ear. Yes I I mentioned content of chAracter and I can tell where yours is because you commented on Walker, but stay away from the "Black" statement. I need All closet Bigots to standup. If that's what you are, be proud. Note: I said if It always comes down to Race with most people. I'm seldom wrong on my assessment of people. So I ask TVC, are the scales balanced?? Like I said above, I'm not thin skinned Like we say in the "Hood" "Get it how you live". If you need an explanation visit the nearest "Hood" I'm sure the people would be happy to explain my brother
  14. If I were an "Angry Black" as implied above, I would be offended. I will take the high road because I know a play of words when I see it. This distasteful use of words is why Myself & many others in the Black Community have issues with the total disrespect of us as well as "Our" President. What happened to content of character?? I don't take this as an indictment on African Americans, nor am I a spokesman. I speak out on what I feel are wrong. I don't know if you quoted this Hippy, or this is your poor choice of journalistic freedom. I know you have had a few words back & forth with "Blacks" on the site, but I know you know better. This isn't a slip up. This has the same connotation as you "Whites" or let's just call it what it is just plain Racist. I'm a level headed, highly educated African American with a God given duty to uplift the most important Race; Human Race. With that being said, I'll give you an opportunity to clarify your assessment of us. I'm not thin skinned, but I'm very Vocal. Again, I say this was out of line. All that need to be said was some members of the Black Community, not you " Blacks" Sounds like you have an issue with someone. If so, just mention their name because "Us" Blacks can't speak for All Blacks ( turns my stomach)
  15. Can't sleep on duties as taxpayers. I'll be boisterous in the pursuit of accountability for our children. Long road ahead
  16. Can this level of integrity be maintained?? That's the only answer I seek
  17. I was misinformed, thought I was going to see some swift Texas Justice Lol Watching too much court TV while on Vacation
  18. Dude I never said you had to have a lawyer to start a petition, it was stated that they were represented. Furthermore, all I was asking is what happened to TEA kicking down BISD's door. That's it, all I was asking jokingly with a little humor is all. Thanks for the insight.
  19. Dr Chag is about that C.R.E.A.M. Lol The "Show" ain't over!!! I've ordered the double disc set of the complete 1st Series This Board has some nerve, Wow Come on TEA!!! They are calling your Bluff They just may have finally P.O'd the State
  20. I'm not talking about the Buzz the people are stirring, I said the Butt kicking TEA was supposed to do swiftly as many mentioned on many occasions. As I stated you can correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems as if the 2 citizens have the best Lawyers up to this point. Just my view Sir Doesn't equate to a hill of beans, but anyways Lol
  21. Still more buzz than TEAhas stirred. Plot thickens
  22. Does this mean that the two that filed the petition has more pull than TEA?? Very good job by those two. I'm just asking because TEA came in talking all this Jive & BISD gave them the Business. Two citizens Lawyer up & makes more progress than TEA has. Correct me if I'm wrong. Many on here had the current board ousted as soon as TEA arrived. Not saying any one person knew what the outcome will be, but this current turn of events by these two citizens & a petition has done just as much if not more than TEA has thus far. Still no mention of Dr Thomas or any indication of him being held liable. Too many jumping to conclusions too soon. So what's the next move TEA?? Or should I ask the two citizens?? These two & their Lawyers are pretty Saavy
  23. This is very unfortunate for our kids & teachers. God willing,  TEA will do what they say and turn things around. I saw an article somewhere stating how long it took N. Forest litigations to be completed. Let's just say nearly a decade if I remember/read correctly.  WOW!!! Prayer & Patience :) 
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