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Everything posted by Bigcam2903

  1. If Lamar were interested, I'm sure the Staff would have inquired by now. He's a great kid & a pretty good ball player. I also believe he would be an asset in the right situation in the SLC. I don't know what options he has, but this late in the year, not many Colleges have much left, unless you're a can't miss recruit. There have been exceptions to the Rule & I Pray this kid is the exception. Good shooter & decent athlete, this is a bit of a head scratcher. You guys close to the situation please keep us posted. Really pulling for him & all that are chasing their dreams. I'd pay to see him in Red & White, I hope it happens
  2. I really can't say the AAU coach is better because the Summer Coach gets to choose his players. Some get the best talent from the area/state. Shouldn't be hard to Coach a ton of talent with no school board telling you who to play, not to mention you can dangle the carrot of College exposure. No hard to get kids motivated to play. Your top AAU Coaches are paid, that's their Job to win, they are given top talent, top assistants, trainers & a good budget & sponsorship. Give this support to your average HS Coach, we may be able to end this discussion
  3. I'm at the events that claim I must be NCAA certified & claim Coaches will be there. I only mention this because it's obvious you should play Quality Summer tournaments over Quantity. There are only a select few kids getting D1 scholarships, & a smaller group getting Big Time D1. So if that's the case, many kids are left with D2, D3, NAIA, & Juco's vying for their services. I don't know many kids that are on travel teams that set their sights on the lower level offers. All I'm saying is I've been to 2 big Tournaments in Houston & I personally haven't seen or heard of any Coaches being present. I know the Real Deal because I've been recruited & have just went through the process with my Son, I'm just trying to help people understand this is a Money Racket if not careful. I don't have a dog on the fight, I Volunteer Coach because I love the game, but I refuse to let anyone BS me. Summer Hoops has evolved & provides another avenue to get exposure, but in no means is it the only Avenue. There's a lot of money exchanged throughout the Spring/Summer with kids playing ball at the various ages, but the amount of Scholsrships awarded Pales in comparison. Dreams can be expensive. Lol
  4. So why hasn't this kid signed yet?? Were these evaluations of this kid echoed by Coach Simon? Dickie, did you contact his HS Coach first or at least have your friends contact him?? I know AAU is an avenue, but some HS Coaches are there for the right reasons. Just asking, maybe both of you can work together to help this kid. He has ability & is a great kid.
  5. I agree, I've seen some good play so far. I'm being a "Groupie" trying to get in good with The Coaches. Lol Look out for me WinWin Heheeee
  6. Hey Dove!!!! What's up Bro?? I've been hard at it since the Strike ended Lol This AAU stuff is hilarious, maybe I'm at the wrong tournaments, cuz I ain't seen no Coaches Lol Yes I did say ain't seen no Coaches. Can some of you upper echelon AAU guys get me some credentials? I just wanna see one Coach. It can be Time Warner CC, I don't care I'll buy the popcorn Soulja, Buddy, Dove, TxHoops, Brady etc..
  7. Kudos to All of the Volunteer Coaches spending their Time & Money on kids' future.  Remember it's a Long Spring/Summer Season, no need to Panic & Blow up your Teams because of a few Tournaments. I just saw a Good Pro Team(Clippers) get the Doors blown off by a Great Pro Team (Spurs) Whether you Win/Lose by 50 or by 1point, it's Still just a Win/Loss. Must keep things in Perspective. Use the things from the game that can help your Team move forward, the rest just throw it away.  Happy Hunting :D    FYI: No Disclaimer Here, just a little Food For Thought It's not like some don't misinterpret things on here right? :lol:  :lol: 
  8. Nooooo!!!! Hell Noooooo!!! We all know the circumstances surrounding BISD. Between media & residents, slugs were thrown & deservingly. It doesn't matter what kind of press comes towards Nederland or any other District, take your Medicine. I'm gonna take the High Road because it's Hilarious to me, but that's me. If NISD is drug through the mud because of this, take your medicine. We have several pages & threads about Beamount and people were named, accused & nearly crucified on these threads. I really feel bad for the kids being subjected to this adult material, but you people need to get a grip. Disney isn't Disney anymore, there is more skin & smut in commercials & cartoons; not to mention songs on the Radio. If the kids are taught about Sex properly at home, the Teacher would stand corrected. JMO
  9. I don't doubt your assessment Coach. Keep them guys Hungry. Y'all do an excellent job. Enjoy the Super Bowl
  10. I have a 11-12 yr old Rec league team that features a 10 yr old PG.  PM me some info & we can see what we can do. Coach English has my info
  11. Don't mean a thing until they prove themselves on the Varsity level. I'm all for keeping an eye on a kid, but Crowning them before they play Varsity is...................... you know Many kids in MS bloom/mature before their peers. Let's revisit this thread in 2-3 yrs & see that list disappear. Many of these kids will go from the Best to a participant or not playing at all. I truly wish All these kids much Success, but let's not put anymore pressure on them that they haven't already placed on themselves. Youth Summer Coaches please quit telling these kids they are the Best in this area. A group of kids to come through a particular School comes through every Blue Moon, those that reach their HS potential come around once in a lifetime. Keep working hard Coaches, that's the only formula for Success.
  12. Could be, but Ray Rice wasn't on the Elevator. She should count her Blessings, because she could have been taking a Nap. Lol We all tend to do certain things when we feel uncomfortable. Years ago I was 18 yrs old, I had the pleasure to Travel to Birmingham, Alabama for a big National Tournament ( ran by BCI then for our area) playing Basketball. We were Hosted by UAB & the Host restaurant was Shoney's. Anyways, a group of us were walking to eat breakfast. As we approached an elderly white couple pulled in & proceeded to get out of the car. Once they noticed our group, they got back in their car & locked the door. As we entered the restaurant I noticed they finally got out and came in. I gradually made my way over & introduced myself in a polite manner, giving yes Sir's & no ma'am's throughout the conversation. The couple explained they heard of a Gang problem in the area, that was the reason they were hesitant to exit their car. I explained to them our reason for being there & made them aware there will be plenty of kids here for the week. As we continued to talk, the ice was broken & some of the other kids introduced themselves & we had a nice visit for a few minutes. Listen, we can perpetuate what is perceived, our Dispel the Myth. I've been profiled more times than I care to Remember, but the Sweetest Revenge is Dispelling the Myth. I'm nothing close to what you imagined. I'm HUMAN God Bless
  13. I'm not in Politics, so I'll Pray those guys can come up with a soulution we All can live with. Notice I didn't say a solution to make us All Happy. A Wise man once told me that there will be someone in HEAVEN asking God, What am I supposed to do with these Wings, why is the Honey so Sweet? :lol: 
  14. I don't know you young man, but I really admire your "Spirit" God has in you. To be so young & understand that God put us here to be a help to others. Don't let Politics take that away from you. I understand both sides of this issue, All I'm saying is don't get lost in it. You can & will make a difference. God Bless
  15. Very true. TVC, looking back at what happened to us however long ago, I harbor no hatred for Cops. We put ourselves in a compromising situation. We didn't see that then,but I certainly wouldn't allow my kids to be out just loitering. I could have reason to be bitter, but that's not how I was raised. Our lives are short, so my Light will Shine Bright as long as God sees fit.
  16. You may have known my race, I never said the race if the officers. Again we agree to disagree, but there's dialogue which is needed. Many don't see it, I've been as fair as possible with my statements, but the only person getting Flack is me. When will someone question things of what some of you said? I clearly denounced some things & even commended TVC for service, but yet some feel I'm bashing cops & playing a Victim. Lol Yet have the nerve to get upset when I ask them to just be competent. Bwahaaaaa! If you guys only knew how much my side hurts from laughter. It's cool Fellas, I ain't mad, just know if you're gonna play music; be prepared to dance with BigCam
  17. If any of you Homers could read and comprehend, Again I never complained, I just made a statement. Hippy you are a real price of work, I never said the cops were wrong for stopping us. I was upset as a kid, but realize what position I put myself in as an adult. Never once did I scream victim. Many of you are quick to dissect my post (the black guy) but never chimed in on the inaccuracies of others. I clearly stated what happened to me as a youth & it's clearly botched up by Grumpy, Sleep & Dopey. 77 you clearly have a problem with your spelling. Did you mean "Yo Mama"? Was 77's comment a clear insult to our President Mr I know the law Hippy? If anyone under our Law deserves respect & honor, certainly it should be our Commander. Right 'OL Hippy? You Pulitzer Prize Wieners are Hilarious
  18. It's hard to interpret what you don't Comprehend. I never said any of what you typed Sir. Do this Fella: Continue with the Coloring Books and leave the Painting to Picasao
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