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Everything posted by Bigcam2903

  1. Only God grants true favor. Just do your job lawfully(officer) & obey (citizens) prayerfully Justice will Prevail. Man's favor is why we're having this discussion in the first place. Good chatting with you Craig
  2. I can't say what the Officer could have done differently in the Heat of the moment, because I'm not a qualified Police Trainer. Obviously being a "Monday morning QB" that's up for debate I guess. As for me & my Family, comply with Authority figures regardless of where you are; School, Public & Home(especially at home or imma beat that @$&$) Can't speak for everyone. You posed the question, give us your spill. I will say this though, I'll be Damned if I wait for a March before I step in & correct my Children. The Shirts should say: OBEY TODAY & LIVE TO MARCH TOMORROW. If I were an opportunist. Someone can use this, I have plenty more
  3. Ok, let's say I work on Capital Hill, certainly aren't any Gangsters, Murderers, Rapist there. All about Perception Huh?? Like I said, Books & Street. Dangerous Combo
  4. The bottom lime is you tried to get me mixed up in a he said she said play on words type question. You played yourself, I'm gonna stand for the Right things regardless. I'm only one person, that's All I can do. I Strive to do the Right when no one is watching; there's a difference.
  5. First of All this is a question for an Ignorant person. Why the Hell would I frequent an area knowing the possible outcome? You seem like a smart man Craig, please don't Patronize me. You do know the definition of insanity? I'm a very Educated man; books & street. I thought you saw something a little different in me Craig; & I in you.
  6. Furthermore, if you would read carefully & comprehend, I denounced some of the recent activities surrounding the recent incidents. "Like playing cards with my Brothers kids" Lol
  7. Reading is Fundamental. Where did I say I wanted justification for people to run from the Cops? Doesn't matter if what happened to me & friends 100 yrs ago, it wasn't right. I never said I was offended as an Adult by why we were stopped. You are the Guy I speak of who just doesn't get it. Your comprehension is limited at Best. Read my statements again & maybe we can have a Discussion. We don't have to agree, but we must be able to read & comprehend. Geez!
  8. Very Valid points Craig, unfortunately the Media is on a Feast or Famine approach to journalism at times. I agree more should get involved, All Lives Matter according to Christ, not just Black. I totally understand the Hands Up Don't Shoot Movement, but it doesn't apply in every Scenario. As you said we can go on & on, the bottom line is, at any given moment any of us can be asked to Stop/pullover etc. We don't know if the Officer will be just, but many instances have shown the result of being Combative. It's your Life, & your decisions. I know I want the process to go as smooth as humanly possible in any event. JMO
  9. Never mentioned the Race of Cops or insinuated the cops hated anyone. Just stated facts & you could draw your own conclusion. I respect Authority, although I don't always agree. You're absolutely correct, Officers should be commended for their efforts. I'm merely exchanging stories & experiences to be enlightened & enlighten others. There's a heightened threat to Officers lives around the Country, we can't kid ourselves to think it can't happen here. I feel these discussions are needed. We can agree to disagree, but hopefully the discussions helps someone.
  10. I'll call it what it is Hippy, do what you must. You're All about Law, what Law were we Breaking? We were just hanging out, no crime committed. Doesn't matter the age or time, but because you don't agree that we should be out, does that make us criminals. This is the insinuations that perpetuate the Injustices I speak of. I have no problem with the cops stopping us, but the Bull@&$& reason& treatment is where I draw the line. I don't allow my Sons to walk the neighborhood at that time of night, especially in these times & near people with your perception. So, I ask again, what Law were we breaking merely a few blocks from our Homes in a neighborhood everyone knew us?? TVC you care to enlighten either Hippy or me??
  11. Around 1977-78 give or take. The point is my Mother didn't get a chance to do such things as a kid
  12. My reply to that is Bull We can agree to disagree. I'm about solutions, not rhetoric. Wasn't trying to insult, just was an opinion; yea I have been wrong at times. Lol
  13. My point is you're an Idiot who only sees things through White lenses
  14. Let's not kid ourselves to think there isn't a History of Gross Injustice in this Country against Black people. You gave an incident where you didn't escalate the situation with a barrage of insults. This doesn't happen in every case. Let me take a moment to thank you for your Service to the Communities you helped protect. Keeping a dialogue & trying to get an understanding is the only way things get better. I'm only one person doing my part trying to make a difference. Some times it's like tossing a pebble into the Ocean to see if it rises, but I know the impression I leave on my Sons & their friends. Some on this Site are as Cruel as the World, hiding behind their screen names being Bigoted Cowards slinging innuendos back & forth. I can't & won't Allow these sort of people regardless of Ethnicity to Destroy the efforts of many Dreamers who fought & Died for the many Liberties I'm afforded today. I can remember Vividly how Proud my Mother was the few times she could afford for my Sister & I to eat at the Counter at Kress store in Downtown Port Arthur. My Mother wasn't allowed this opportunity, so she Dreamed of the day she could see her kids get the opportunity. I was 8-9 yrs old at the time. Fast forward a few yrs later to the story I told of me & friends being harassed & searched and you ask yourself how far had my Mothers Dream really come?? How far has this Country really come today?? Sorry for the Dramatics, but this is really a Deep Rooted issue & concern to me. I won't quit Educating myself as well as others on the Racial Injustices that are rampant & wide spread throughout this Nation. Heck I don't have to go that far, we see it All Day Everyday in SETX. We must do better. If I offended anyone, that isn't the Intent. Educate,Evaluate, and Collaborate to UNITE. PEACE!!!!!
  15. I'll try to shed some light on this topic through my experiences with Officers. I've encountered some sorry ass cops growing up on the West Side of PA. One incident was around 11 pm. A group of us were walking home(some on bikes) down Grannis & 9th when a police cruiser told us All to stop. We were All asked for ID's, we were all between the ages of 11-13. Nobody had identification except me, my Dad told me because of my Size, always carry my SS card or something to identify myself. After asking each of us our names, we were asked to place our hands on the hood & spread 'em. We'd done nothing wrong, but we complied. We were talked to badly, made fun of, very disrespected. We were guilty of walking around our neighborhood at night blocks from our homes. We were told we were stopped because someone reported bikes stolen. We All knew that was Bull, but that wasn't our Fight, our Parents would have to handle this. The incident didn't make me Hate Cops, but I didn't trust them. I didn't say the Race of the Officers because it doesn't matter, what does is we complied & lived. If anyone of us had gotten out of hand, who knows what happens. Some situations you aren't going to Win even if you're Right. Let's not kid ourselves to think that the Black Community doesn't have a complaint. We certainly do, but some of these cases we're Marching for aren't justified. The Story I just told resonates deeply within me because I have 4 young Sons with lots of friends who are susceptible to these episodes if not careful. Comply & Live. This isn't a Black or White thing, it's A Compliance thing. Some Laws aren't made for some to succeed, I know this. Until we find a Solution we must adhere to the Laws of the Land. God says obey my Law & Man's Law
  16. Enjoyed his Journalistic breath of fresh air. His fight was inspiration for many & will continue on for years to come RIP Mr. Scott
  17. Back when my Wife & I were dating I believe I did, but you'd have to ask my representative. It's 2015, I must do better. Lol
  18. This is Sickening, I don't have a problem with Protests, but they need to be peaceful. Profiling is Real America, as a Black Man I've faced this too many times to count. It doesn't give me the right to assume every Officer will treat me the same as the Last. I've had a talk with my 4 boys, 2 of them who will be18 in a few months. If an authority figure gives you a Command, say yes Sir/Ma'am & follow directions. The scales of Justice can be unfair and many times unbalanced, but so is Life. Give yourself every opportunity to have another chance, a rebuttal. Nobody speaks from the Grave. My sympathies to the young man's Family and to the Officer. This Ignorance must Cease. Our Leaders in the Black Community must not be so quick to React to an already Intense situation. I'm not implying that's what has happened, but we must learn from the past or we are subjected to repeating History. I Love All Races, but I still have issues with many Injustices towards Black people, but yet again that doesn't give me the Right to Disrespect the Authority in Control. These are rules that were handed down to me & I pass on to my Children. I was Taught to treat people the way I wanted to be treated, Race & Gender doesn't matter. We must face the fact that there is good & bad everywhere and let's not kid ourselves to think that we haven't had a Racist moment/episode in our lives. That doesn't make you a Racist, just means you didn't use your better judgement. We all make mistakes. but repeated errors in judgement aren't mistakes. The label Racist is harsh, it's thrown around hastily, some deserving & some aren't.  I'm not here to place Blame or be Judgemental, although I've jumped to conclusions on this forum before without knowing the Facts.  May God continue to show us Grace & Mercy. Merry Christmas To ALL.  Jesus is the reason for the Season
  19. Such a sad state of affairs. This is truly sad, Prayers for the Victims families. The Human Race can be really pathetic at times. These incidents are senseless & solve nothing. Death & Despair has no Color boundaries. Life is precious & can't be replaced on this side. Hate is Evil & will eventually devour any & everything around it. God has placed us here to be a help to each other. Need he remind us how helpless some of us were during the few Storms that rolled through SETX? Money nor Race could save you, only Grace & Mercy. Only a few days before Christmas, let your Light Shine. Darkness must Flee in the Presence of Light. God Bless America
  20. So sad, dangerous situation for all involved. Heard reports kids were present. Hope this isn't true. SMH
  21. A few angry people acting Foolish, bystanders putting themselves in danger. Praying for peace & safety in Ferguson & surrounding areas.
  22. Apology accepted Nash, now you may continue in the Reindeer games. Hippy still has Walls & Hills to conquer. Lol. BTW that's Mr Wall to you Hippy This is Classic
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