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    bullets13 reacted to Bulldogs92 in What has happened to Jasper?   
    If Crumedy eventually has bigger aspirations than being in Jasper, every aspect of the program will be looked at when someone interviews him for any job. He knows that. The mindset needs to be that any time someone wears a Jasper uniform, that they're doing everything they possibly can to win. It matters.
  2. Like
    bullets13 reacted to gogo173489 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    I don't completely disagree. Individual drills, running, lifting, etc. I agree are perfectly fine. This incident involved a padded practice where a kid was injured. I just think it would be best for an AD to have the Varsity athletes currently participating in another sport just sit out. It's an activity with a much higher risk of injury. We don't see basketball kids practicing/playing while football season is going on do we? No, because no AD would allow that. Let's have the same common courtesy for the other sports too.
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    bullets13 got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Republicans don't deserve...   
    good news is as best I can tell AOC is a lot less dangerous than she was.  A lot of the momentum has gone out of that ultra wacko movement she's such an important part of.  Ultra lefties getting run out of offices all over the country these days.  
  4. Like
    bullets13 reacted to LumRaiderFan in Kristi Noem Kills Dog   
    That was my take on it when it came out, whether killing chickens or bad hunting dog, it wasn't going to sit well with many and she was simply beating them to the punch.
  5. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from highsky in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    There are times when certain things are appropriate, and when they are not.  We can agree to disagree on the appropriateness of star baseball players doing contact football drills in the days leading up the baseball playoffs.  
  6. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from gogo173489 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    well then I'm with you on the other stuff you stated.  I don't at all have an issue with a basketball player getting some jump shots in during football, or some easy BP swings, etc.  But I don't want basketball players doing box out drills, batters facing live pitching, etc during football, and vice versa on football drills during those seasons.  I guess I should've clarified my original post with the caveat that I don't think they should be doing major work in multiple school sports at the same time.
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    bullets13 got a reaction from gogo173489 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    but will he be doing contact football drills mid-season?
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    bullets13 reacted to LumRaiderFan in Kristi Noem Kills Dog   
    You won’t get an argument from me that this won’t hurt her nationally but I don’t think this will hurt her in SD or even an appointment in a Republican administration.  I’m sure she saw backlash from some, apparently not from folks like you and me, which is significant, but like I said, I appreciate the honesty.
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    bullets13 reacted to SmashMouth in Kristi Noem Kills Dog   
    Hard to refute that statement. 
  10. Like
    bullets13 reacted to oldschool2 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    I played 4 years of college basketball... and knew at a very early age that it would be my passion.  I also played football.. and baseball in JH/HS.  During football/baseball seasons I got in a lot of basketball drills.  Before school, after practice, and on weekends.  I most definitely have a problem with using time for YOUR sport during time that's allocated for another sport.
    As I mentioned in an earlier post, focusing on a sport doesn't mean abandoning the others.  It just means finding extra time.
    Players that want to be great will do that. 
  11. Like
    bullets13 reacted to oldschool2 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    If there's a specific situation that started this thread, I don't know the details.  Nor do I care.  But I do have an opinion about what I'm gathering from some of the comments.
    My opinion: I do believe that an AD should leave the players of a particular sport to their respective head coach during that season.  The varsity players of that sport anyway.  I believe it's a little different concerning the sub varsity players of that sport.  If an AD/HFC decides to grab some JV baseball players for some offseason football stuff during the athletics period, I don't have AS MUCH of a problem with it.  I would still consider it a common courtesy to discuss with the head coach of that particular sport to consider their thoughts on it.
    I also believe that ALL athletes should be lifting and running all year.  When in a particular season, I believe that the head coach of that sport should control the reigns on that topic to implement some sport specific lifting/running during their season.  But all athletes should be in the weight room year round.
    As far as playing multiple sports?  I'm an advocate.  I know that the popular idea is for potentially good/great players in a specific sport to "focus" on that sport.  And I agree.. but focusing on one sport doesn't mean stopping the others.  It just means prioritizing time in a way that extra work is put into that specific sport.  After hours, weekends, holidays/summer, etc..  Just because you plan on making a push into college baseball (for example) doesn't mean you can't work on baseball during other sports seasons.  That's exactly what I did.. and countless others.  Plus, it's important to maybe learn how to be a role player in a sport that you're not the best at.  Because that's coming.
    That's my opinion.  And I come from an era where kids played multiple sports if they knew it would be helping.  Helping their classmates.. or just contributing to school pride.  I hate knowing that there are schools that could be much more competitive if their kids would just come out.  It's hard for me to understand if I'm being honest. 
  12. Like
    bullets13 reacted to PlayActionPass in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    No Sir
    Non Contact Drills, probably not a big deal.
    But even 7 on 7 with pads or just helmets is a recipe for disaster.
    Non padded 7 on 7 in a controlled environment, maybe.
  13. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Kristi Noem Kills Dog   
    It's common knowledge that this sort of thing happens on ranches, out in the country, etc.  I'd be willing to bet that a good number of people who participate in this forum have had to do something similar. That said, she's an absolute moron for putting it in a book, period.  The act of killing the dog can be justified, especially for those of us familiar with how life on a ranch/farm works,  but publicizing it is inexcusable for someone in her position.  I honestly have no clue what she was thinking.  60% percent of the country already doesn't like trump, and now his most likely running mate has a major controversy over killing a dog.  Pure stupidity.
  14. Thanks
    bullets13 reacted to hitman009 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    there won't be a scheduling problem... cause AD's don't allow them to play.. its a nice double standard they like to use.
  15. Thanks
    bullets13 reacted to PhatMack19 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    Getting hurt in another sport isn’t the problem.  Getting hurt in offseason workouts in the middle of district is.  
    He had surgery this morning and will probably miss football next season anyways.  At least they got to workout in pads in April.  
  16. Thanks
    bullets13 reacted to PhatMack19 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    They lift around their baseball schedule.  They don’t go heavy on game days or do shoulder workouts before they pitch that night.  They damn sure aren’t tackling each other.  
  17. Like
    bullets13 reacted to hitman009 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    I was not talking about lifting and speed/agility drills... Every good coach in ANY sport should be doing this in season... We are talking about mandated SPORT participation in OFF SEASON... 
  18. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from dayton in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    but will he be doing contact football drills mid-season?
  19. Like
    bullets13 reacted to gogo173489 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    Meh.. Everyone knows this. The kid that got injured wasn't lifting weights. Supposedly he was hit with a helmet in his elbow. In my opinion the kid shouldn't have been put in that situation. AD should've told the Varsity baseball players to sit that one out. I have no issues with the lifting or conditioning. However, anytime helmets/pads are on there is a higher risk of injury. This AD showed a total lack of respect for HIS baseball program. 
  20. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from gogo173489 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    an intentionally dense oversimplification of the issue at hand.
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    bullets13 got a reaction from BH85 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    when kids play multiple sports in high school they should be allowed to focus on one sport at a time.  There's no reason a baseball player who's about to go to the playoffs should get hurt running football drills in April.  Imagine if this had been reversed and a star football player shattered his wrist taking mandated varsity batting practice in September.  
  22. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from navydawg31 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    an intentionally dense oversimplification of the issue at hand.
  23. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from 409Teach in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    an intentionally dense oversimplification of the issue at hand.
  24. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from gogo173489 in Multi-Sport Athletes   
    when kids play multiple sports in high school they should be allowed to focus on one sport at a time.  There's no reason a baseball player who's about to go to the playoffs should get hurt running football drills in April.  Imagine if this had been reversed and a star football player shattered his wrist taking mandated varsity batting practice in September.  
  25. Thanks
    bullets13 got a reaction from CardinalBacker in It’s kinda weird…   
    Surely you're aware of the great lengths Trump has gone to disrupt the elections and destroy the careers of republican politicians who haven't supported some of his most outlandish claims, or dared to question him or disagree with him about January 6.  You and I actually agree on this issue, although it must only go one way for you, because Trump's actions against republicans who didn't fall into lockstep with him is one of my biggest concerns about reelecting him.  The fact that he took action to affect literally hundreds of republican primaries from national elections down to municipal levels across the country, is concerning. It would've been one thing had he done it in an effort to help republicans win. Instead his purpose was to push out his perceived detractors and install MAGA politicians at every level of government in as many places as possible, and has resulted in a fractured republican party.
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