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    bullets13 got a reaction from 77 in Democrat's Culture Of Corruption...   
    as this applies to both sides of the aisle, i wholeheartedly agree with you.  I think this would not only reduce corruption, but it would also help politicians actually make an effort to bring about change, rather than just getting along to get along in order to maintain their office.
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    bullets13 got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in gun free zones!   
    I have no way to verify the actual numbers this article claims, but it's common sense stuff.  The more responders you have, and the quicker their response, the less casualties you will take.  I wish that every school had at least an officer, and i wholeheartedly support schools having teachers who carry as well, assuming that they complete a training far more stringent than what it takes to obtain a CHL.  My mom is a teacher and has her CHL, and i wouldn't be particularly comfortable with her shooting at anything even remotely near my general direction (sorry mom).  but give teachers extensive training in shooting, target acquisition, situational training, etc., and i'm all for them being able to carry.
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    bullets13 got a reaction from thetragichippy in Cowboys/Manziel ?   
    the cowboys don't need any more distractions.  i say we trade our 2nd round pick for a general manager.
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    bullets13 got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Cowboys/Manziel ?   
    the cowboys don't need any more distractions.  i say we trade our 2nd round pick for a general manager.
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    bullets13 got a reaction from AledoBearcatsCO2014 in Cowboys/Manziel ?   
    the cowboys don't need any more distractions.  i say we trade our 2nd round pick for a general manager.
  6. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in More BLM...   
    if it has nothing to do with anything, why are republicans falling all over each other to distance theirselves from him?
    personally, someone who claims to not "recognize the government's existence" should not be anyone's hero.  our government has plenty of problems, but we'll have a lot more if people just allowed to do what they want while ignoring the law.  and it's not like he's breaking a law that's just been put in place.  it's been decades. 
  7. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from Bigdog in Cowboys/Manziel ?   
    the cowboys don't need any more distractions.  i say we trade our 2nd round pick for a general manager.
  8. Like
    bullets13 reacted to mat in BISD board votes 5-2 to appeal TEA decision   
    If someone thinks race is an issue then race is an issue whether the problem is with the accused or the accuser.
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    bullets13 reacted to stevenash in 86 million private sector workers support 148 million benefit takers!!!   
    There is going to HAVE to be pain for someone somewhere.  My thoughts are we should give someone one year max of unemployment.  If it gets extended beyond that, reduce the benefit by 25%.  After another year, another 25% reduction. You effectively tell someone in advance that you are going to help them but not in a permanent manner.  It just might encourage the freeloaders to try to find work.
  10. Like
    bullets13 reacted to westend1 in 86 million private sector workers support 148 million benefit takers!!!   
    Some are just lazy, and some need a little help. Sorting through them is the problem. You want less government, but the people deciding who needs help verses who is just lazy don't have time to sort through them all. I had a renter who was just worthless. Hope she never receives aid again. Then again, I had a couple who worked very hard. They got off assistance after a year. Glad we as a nation, could help those people get a start on life.
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    bullets13 reacted to stevenash in 86 million private sector workers support 148 million benefit takers!!!   
    I consider the problem to be how easy it is to get in line and how much encouragement our system gives to people to get in line.  "getting in line" ought to be more difficult and, once in that line, there ought to be time limits and benefit limits.
  12. Like
    bullets13 reacted to AledoBearcatsCO2014 in Four Reasons why gay marriage is our concern   
    I believe homosexuality is a sin, but God gave us all free will. So denying homosexuals the right to sin as they wish is trying to take away what God gave us. All we can do is be there for them, pray for them, and maybe try taking them to church? Instead of condemning them we should show them the love of Jesus Christ and hopefully once they accept him as their lord and savior they will choose to repent.
  13. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Who's Rights?   
    I hear this argument all the time.  I guess if I'd grown up during the time of the hippies, where half the country was high and the other half was busy discriminating against African Americans I could look back to when our country had a straighter moral compass.  Or maybe a couple of decades later when gang violence ruled every major city.  or maybe a half century before that when the mob did.  Or back at the turn of the century when murders almost as common as the whorehouses.  So when were things so great again?  Every generation and time has it's various struggles and improvements.  I think it's a good thing that our biggest problem of this generation (according to so many loving Christians) is homosexuals getting a little equal treatment and personal rights. 
  14. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in BISD STILL STEALING   
    Well, backpacks are important because they help kids make it back and forth to school without losing books and homework. Snacks fill bellies and help concentration. Sanitizer is important because it helps kill germs and keep the kids from getting sick and missing school. You're right that it's not a requirement for teachers to buy these things, but those things ARE important for kids to learn. Some of these are extras we choose to provide but lately many teachers are having to choose between purchasing necessities for the kids or doing without. Out of curiosity, what grade are you subbing for? And sorry if I came off as uppity, because while you riled me a bit, subbing can be as tough as full time teaching.
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    bullets13 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Let's pick on another school district for a while   
    The same LISD parents who had a problem with it are the ones who took it to the media, thus making it an issue for others outside the district. And lets say less than a majority of LISD parents want Klug gone (the more I talk to people inside and outside the district the more I suspect this is the case)... Should the minority be able to decide that?
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    bullets13 got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in BISD STILL STEALING   
    And you and NOTB rest easy knowing that I've never and will never discuss my world views in front of the kids!!!
  17. Like
    bullets13 reacted to NorthoftheBorder in BISD STILL STEALING   
    Bullets13 we disagree on world view but I do admire your dedication to the kids!!!  I trust that they know the 3 R's much better after a year under your guidance than they did when you first met them at the beginning of an academic year. 
  18. Like
    bullets13 reacted to LumRaiderFan in BISD STILL STEALING   
    I agree, I get a feeling you are very dedicated to the kids and their learning...but please don't ever dress like a woman in front of them!   :D
    BTW, I know several teachers that teach younger kids and every one of them spends a good deal of their money on supplies for their kids.
    The kids could probably make do without but they choose not for them to.
  19. Like
    bullets13 reacted to thetragichippy in BISD STILL STEALING   
    OK....we need an Admin and quick!! Someone has stoled :P  Doves idenity and posting things that make sense!!! 
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    bullets13 reacted to BLUEDOVE3 in BISD STILL STEALING   
    I think its too late. They have problems ignoring dirty laundry thinking its going to "go away" magically.
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    bullets13 reacted to mat in Let's pick on another school district for a while   
    I have already stated my view but here’s the real question. Why and how was (s)he hired? Was his gender and situation revealed prior to hiring? Did he mislead them during the hiring process? Did they know his situation and hire him anyway?
    If they hired him know he was a man who dressed and acted like woman then they should support their hire. If they were misled and the sub misrepresented himself they should quit using him as a sub.
  22. Like
    bullets13 reacted to akifan94 in BISD STILL STEALING   
    I feel sorry for the kids and parents who actually care and don't look to point the finger for their admins actions. Their accomplishments are being overshadowed by a crooked group who is getting all the negative attention they deserve. Those of you who try to defend their actions and throw out the race card need your head checked. 
  23. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from Englebert in Let's pick on another school district for a while   
    if we're this worried about distractions, the only answer is to completely seperate boys and girls from middle school on.  i guarantee you girls beginning to turn into young women is much more distracting to young males than some kid's long hair or questionable t-shirt. 
  24. Like
    bullets13 reacted to thetragichippy in Let's pick on another school district for a while   
    I'm a Lumberton conservative parent and my child is in the next school up......here is my only issue....
    If he is a man and you can tell (did not see him) the kids would ask probably....why are you dressed like a woman,,,,,
    I would like to be the one to explain it to my son....that is really my only issue.
    Everyone has a right to values and how they chose to raise their children. Some parents are able to opt out of sex education and teach it themselves.....
    I also think they should now change the dress code.....my son would like to have long hair.....and I would like to let him before he has to get a job!
  25. Like
    bullets13 got a reaction from thetragichippy in Let's pick on another school district for a while   
    That might be a radical viewpoint in parts of southeast texas, but not in large parts of the country. I wouldn't want her teaching sex ed, if that makes you feel any better. I saw on Facebook she's got a degree in physics and is also a pilot. Certainly sounds more accomplished than most of the seat fillers that districts use as subs.
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