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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. dang mav, this is twice in a week we agree... your guys proved a lot tonight. good luck the rest of the season.
  2. not gonna lie, i was pulling for the indians. despite that, i must say that lumberton did well, and in my eyes, this is just as impressive a result for the raiders as any other game they've played this season... you played a very strong team close down to the very end... lumberton, you've certainly proven that you are a very good team, and png, you're looking at the makings of something very special.
  3. wow, i know a lot of people expected a different outcome... nice job jasper.
  4. sounds like ya'll had a great game... congrats to the indians!
  5. man, i wish i could go to this game! as an interested outside observer, good luck to both teams!
  6. i feel you, circle. i was telling someone today that he was the only thing i liked about the yankees... i also was thinking he would retire, but if decides to keep managing, there are going to be a lot of teams offering a lot of money, and any job that's not the yankees will certainly have a lot lower stress level.
  7. I agree with you... the coach was stupid. i don't think he should be charged with a crime, unless they make stupidity a misdemeanor (which would not hurt my feelings). it sounds like he did the right thing for the wrong reasons. he obviously was not buying with intent to use, but with intent to bring the drug selling to a halt. i can certainly find fault in his actions, but i don't feel that he should be held criminally responsible.
  8. it'd be nice, but until HS football has a) instant replay a booth to review the play c) extra room in the pressbox for extra officials to review the play d) the money for all of the extra officials and equipment it would be pointless. all the officials can do to review a play is talk to each other, and trust each others' judgement if they feel one had a better view of the play than the other.
  9. sounds like they gave him an offer they knew he'd refuse.
  10. i try to let people know when i give them one, by complimenting their comment or something, but i don't believe there is a way to find out (unless the admins can do it). I'm more curious as to who smites me .
  11. Week 8 South Florida @ Rutgers Tennessee @ Alabama Florida @ Kentucky Auburn @ LSU California @ UCLA Texas Tech @ Missouri Kansas @ Colorado Houston @ UAB Miami @ Florida St. Michigan @ Illinois
  12. absolutely, and i'll add this... i'd rather our biggest loss of the season be to a team that goes deep into the playoffs, rather than to a team that loses in the second round of the playoffs because they fail to properly execute the 2 minute drill.
  13. if you make well-educated posts, well-educated readers will applaud you, and karma goes up... unless of course your well-educated posts step on the toes of some of the less-educated readers. they will then smite you unmercifully, regardless of how well thought out or nicely put your post is. also, if your posts are not well-educated, then it reverses... the well-educated readers will smite you, and those of lesser intelligence will add to your karma (if they can figure out how to work it). mr. ruth is right, some of the best on here are in the negative, although i try to pull them back into the positive.
  14. to all of you l-town fans that have been smiting me for my previous post on here, those points are not how i feel... i've been very impressed with ya'll this year. i was merely saying that i think there are a lot of people who still feel that way... i'm inclined to root against ya'll, but i do respect ya'll. ya'll have come a long way this year. good luck keeping your momentum.
  15. I'm ok with a little celebration, as long as it's not showing up the other team... i remember we lost 15 yards in a tight game when one of our linebackers sacked the quarterback, forced a fumble, picked it up and ran it back about 70 yards for a TD. He was so excited (it broke a tie midway through the 4th in the game that would clinch a playoff berth) that he raised the ball in the air as he crossed the goal line. They threw a flag, and i thought it was ridiculous (especially when i was kicking a 35 yard extra point). I made it, but it could've been a pivotal play had i missed, all because he was excited. What he did didn't show up anybody. I think as long as it's not a drawnout, organized celebration, kids should be allowed to show a little excitement when they score. I agree that's it's nice to just toss the ball back to the ref, but what if it IS the guy's first time into the endzone
  16. I'm thinking this would result in the formation of approximately 14,000 new threads between 11 p.m. friday and 2 a.m. saturday
  17. ehh, boston got theirs a few years ago... besides the rockies are going to win anyway.
  18. I'm going lumberton. They're undefeated, and and probably a win against png or nederland away from essentially clinching a playoff birth (although they might not even need a win against either). I'm not impressed overall with the schedule they've played so far, but i have been impressed with how they've stepped up for the few big games they have had, and also with how well the coaches seem to have them prepared every week. They've gone from a team that couldn't beat decent teams to a team that can beat anyone, and they've done it in one year. Last year, they started off well, and turned out to be pretenders. This year, they've already proven they're contenders with wins over traditional powers central and dayton. although i think their two biggest tests are still to come with png and nederland, they don't need to win those to prove to me that they've made the biggest turnaround.
  19. I'm leaning towards png. i would be surprised if lumberton won, but not shocked.
  20. if tuna is the "chicken of the sea", then jacks are the skunks
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