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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. it's been a few years since i played, but i distinctly remembering hardin being pretty bad. also, we had to change in their gym (i ran naked across the top bleachers in order to be seen by anyone who may be walking by). I haven't been there since 2001, so if it's nicer now, don't get mad at me hardin fans...
  2. if they win out, they are guaranteed a playoff berth.
  3. I have trouble with the whole "barry bonds" issue. I don't like him, but i respect him. I like watching him play, but he gets on my nerves. I have no problem with his having the homerun record, but i still secretly take pleasure in the fact that the ball is going into the HOF with an asterick on it. His knees are too bad for him to play in the field, yet he throws a fit when San Fran (in the NL and obviously without a designated hitter) doesn't renew his contract. He's going to want rediculous money, and then only play 85-90 games. At times, he refuses to speak to the media (which i like about him), but when he does, he often comes off looking like an arrogant jackass. He's been overshadowed by steroids rumors and a "bad attitude", but the man can hit! He holds the homerun record, and he's played the last several seasons in one of the toughest parks to hit homeruns in. Can you imagine if he'd been playing in Arlington, Houston, New York, or Boston? How many of his fly ball outs would've reached the seats in a hitter friendly park? It's just tough for me to form an opinion. He's the player that fans love to hate, but how many sellouts is he responsible for every year? He has been through hell and back with the media, but how much of that has he brought on himself? I do know this... he may not be good for the tradition of the game, but he's done wonders for it's popularity. In an era known for it's steroid use, he's been the game's best and brightest steroid using star*. *the only proof i have to back that up is the massive size of his head, and all the rumors. you gotta admit though, his head does kind of look like an orange on a toothpick.
  4. I don't know why anyone would promise that dayton or nederland would win. it's going to be a game that could go either way. if i were a betting man, i wouldn't want to put money on this game one way or the other.
  5. geez... i hope the rest of the series is a little more competitive.
  6. it'd be nice if soccer got big enough in the states for new york to have a few different teams to choose from, and create darby matches all over the US. of course, if it got that big, the teams would all have die-hard fans, and relegated teams would still have big fan bases like the smaller teams in england.
  7. umm... what you said ;D. i agree with you on pretty much all points.
  8. i'm going to go with probably... i'd give ya'll 50/50 odds against nederland. if ya'll beat them, ya'll are in easily, if ya'll don't, things will be interesting.
  9. I don't really have too much of a problem with it... he is part of history in boston, and the fans and players there still love him. the majority of his teammates in baltimore have been traded or changed teams before, and know what it's like to leave a city you love. i doubt that many of his friends and teammates were upset with him for taking a chance to be honored by the red sox...
  10. i think either the red bulls or chivas surprise some people and take it.
  11. That would be fantastic! The only reason i've ever considered moving out of texas was because it's too dang hot!
  12. HJ and Silsbee ;D. there is absolutely no logic to this, and geographically it'd be impossible, but can you imagine the uproar over on the basketball forum?
  13. [Hidden Content] I guess playing Scurry was the wrong decision
  14. meh! i got so disgusted with it this year that i just kinda quit paying attention. i will say that ya'll at the top kicked the crap out me. well played, sir.
  15. It will either be PNG outright, or PNG and dayton share it. If dayton doesn't beat PNG, nobody will. If dayton does manage to beat PNG, then i believe they will be 3-0 the last three weeks and tie PNG at 6-1.
  16. As an HJ fan, i'm going to be the first to say that it doesn't matter. Silsbee by at least 35, at silsbee, at HJ, in the HEB parking lot, it doesn't matter. HJ can't compete with silsbee in football this year.
  17. Boston College @ Virginia Tech South Florda @ UCONN West Virginia @ Rutgers Ohio State @ Penn State South Carolina @ Tennessee Florida @ Georgia USC @ Oregon California @ Arizona State Kansas @ Texas A&M Houston @ UTEP
  18. Who knows? They're both superhot right now... i give a slight edge to the sox, as colorado has just been sitting and waiting for several days, while the red sox are going to be on a huge high going into the series.
  19. What exactly are you doing on here? We're talking about whether or not it would've been a good idea for PNG to try to score again to solidify their playoff chances in the off-chance that they end up with two losses. Nobody is talking bad about anyone, we're merely discussing something. You come on here and start spewing your ignorance, talking about class and respect while doing your best to insult all of us involved in the discussion. We're on here because we're fans. We're fans because we grew up playing the sport, or are supporting our school. So what are you doing, besides proving that you have nothing noteworthy to say? What have you done that makes you such an expert? It's obvious that you know nothing of class or respect.
  20. speaking of respect and class, why don't you leave the insults out of your posts. (although i will thank you for pointing out that there are several more of you has beens, wanna bes, and never haves out there on this site. i'll keep an eye out for ya'll)
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