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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. this seems a bit excessive. they might be capable of putting up that score, but i doubt the coach will allow it to happen.
  2. nederland is more than capable of beating both of these teams... of course i bet they wish they were finishing up with lcm and vidor.
  3. i was being sarcastic because of the "BMT Kelly in 22-4a" thread that's been floating around. there are a few people on there who firmly believe that not only would kelly make the playoffs, they would win the district.
  4. The goal for many players is just to suit up. If you're winning by 60, get everyone in the game. If you're losing by 60, get your starters out. If you're in a tight game, you want your best players on the field. You'll find that the players also want the best players out on the field. If you have a 2000 yard running back, his backup isn't gonna get offended if he's not touching the ball in tie game.
  5. they changed it so that you have to make 200 posts before you can smite.
  6. I was wondering the same thing. Coop, is there any way (or need) to clear out inactive accounts. Like if someone doesn't post for 6 months our something?
  7. I've actually come to the conclusion that i've made someone mad in the past, because anytime i'm not on for awhile i come back and i've dropped a point. it doesn't matter if i haven't made a post in a week, or if i haven't disagreed with anyone. i wouldn't worry too much about it. it's nice to get karma from people who respect your posts, but in the end it means nothing. some of my favorite posters on here have karma around -40.
  8. another thing i've noticed on here that these two teams have in common is their fans. PNG is a little more vocal, but for the most part, they're both pretty respectful towards everyone and down to earth. i haven't had a single problem with any indian or bruin fans.
  9. i think it depends on the situation. if the team is gathering at the middle of the field only because it is the middle of the field, that's ok. if they're gathering at the middle of the field, blatantly stamping and messing up the grass on the opponents' logo, that's going to be a problem.
  10. i rooted against them, but man they were good. colorado played hard, but they didn't stand a chance. even if they'd pulled out a win somewhere, they just would've had to face beckett again.
  11. i do believe i'd take WOS in a matchup vs. kelly.
  12. it seemed like when the last lateral hit the ground, the defense kinda froze like they thought the play was over. what a play!
  13. this is a tough game for me to call. the big four this year are dayton, png, lumberton, and nederland. dayton lost a close one to lumberton, but they're a different team now. nederland lost to png, but that game can always go either way. nederland hasn't played lumberton, and dayton hasn't played png, so you can't look at those results to help make a prediction. i want to say that dayton will pull this out, but this is their first real test since lumberton back at the beginning of district. it should be an interesting game, and the loser is going to be in a tough spot to make the playoffs. good luck to both teams.
  14. maybe with time, but i'm not sure. i think they would certainly be more of a threat to go a few rounds deep at least.
  15. i've been impressed with OFIELD of late, but this week they're gonna take a hurting. WOS 60 OFIELD 7
  16. I'm shocked that there have been so few goals. there have been three 1-0 results, and a 0-0 tie. nobody's out of it yet. i also do want to give your boy davy arnaud some love for a freekick goal from about 6 miles out. he started the ball WAY outside the post and curled it back in.
  17. i love the mavs! i don't like kobe. i kinda figure that as good as they are right now, it'd be hard to bring him in without losing several of the good young players that have made them so good.
  18. they were apparently a little overrated at the beginning of the year. also, PNG has exceeded expectations. add into that the fact that dayton is very good again this year, nederland is in usual form, and lumberton has come out of nowhere and taken the district by storm. at the beginning of the year, i still wouldn't have predicted them as a playoff team, but i thought they would be more competitive than they've been. as things have turned out, it seems like everyone is clustered at either the top or the bottom, and there is no real middle ground this year, which is where i kinda figured that LCM would end up.
  19. it's damn sure gonna end in a heartbreak for someone who's had a very solid season.
  20. I'm not going to try to call this one... i just hope the vidor and ozen teams that played PNG show up to play, rather the the vidor and ozen teams that have been struggling most of the year. if they play as hard against each as they did against the NDNs, this should be an entertaining game.
  21. EC by ten or so. kountze should give them a good competitive ballgame.
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