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Everything posted by PlayActionPass

  1. I think this is the first time I have ever heard of the Trainer being the AD.
  2. I don't think the Superintendent would have posted this message without Retirement paperwork in hand. The detailed reasons were too specific and the definitive nature of the Retirement was obvious. I'm just wondering why we have heard from LN.
  3. I think it is very strange that we have not heard from the man himself. I'm sure he doesn't want to answer the questions, especially if it is family health related, but I still would have expected a media release from him by now.
  4. Gamble was the first interim, Charles Tindol was the second interim and has been named Head Coach/AD.
  5. So is Flanigan out regardless? Is that what you are saying Soulja?
  6. So Larry has been contacted and he has not turned it down? When is the press conference?
  7. So had Larry Haynes been contacted? Did he turn it down? Everybody knows this is a tough situation, but COACHES as a whole are a confident bunch. A good coach will truly believe he can go to Hardin and win enough games to further his career. He will also truly believe he can handle the parents and the administration and sill be successful.
  8. Probably a one time, lump sum payout for the remainder of his contract.
  9. May not have state championship facilities, but they definitely have the TROPHIES and the cats to win them.
  10. Newton is similar to WOS. They will most often be very good and they will always be competitive because of the lack of movement in the town and the tradition of success. They don't need the facilities to be good because they don't need to attract players, they already have those.
  11. It is sad that some communities don't want to invest in athletic facilities. The people that vote against bond issues don't care about the future, they only care about then now. The better the facilities, the more participation, the better citizens that are produced.
  12. Money will always be a factor in success. In many communities, success leads to financial support from the school district. In other cases, the money and facilities are the precursor to success. Either way, quality of facilities and money dedicated to athletics are very helpful to sustained success. However, places like WOS still win on a consistent basis with sub par facilities and very little financial support.
  13. KEYS TO LONG TERM-SUSTAINED SUCCESS - Repeated deep playoff runs and state championships 1. Good Coaching, that stays for an extended period of time and/or continues the same philosophy by hiring from within the program. 2. Disciplined players with a strong work ethic 3. A winning tradition that the players feel a responsibility to uphold 4. Unselfish players 5. Very good athletes 6. Supportive parents that allow the coaches to coach and defers to them as to how to discipline their kids 7. A vocal, knowledgeable fan base and community that supports the program financially and with attendance at games 8. An Administration that supports the program
  14. I can guarantee you one thing for sure, if Tavian Mayfield would have been playing QB for Nederland then the problems that Nederland had this season would NOT have been there. The need to play an ineligible player would not have existed. Nederland would not have missed the playoffs. Nederland would have had a much better chance to win MCM. These reasons, in my opinion, are enough to justify why he should have continued to wear the Black and Gold, Old English N.
  15. We may not KNOW, but we are a pretty educated bunch who watch a lot of football. We know what great teams look like and we know what our teams are missing. Just looking for educated opinions and to get some of us really thinking about our programs and what we do well and what we don't do well.
  16. I think you make a very good point. It is easy to recruit in the metropolitan area. Parents tend to gravitate to the schools where there kids can receive the best coaching or have the greatest opportunity for success. In rural areas there are natural rivalries (i.e. MCM) and this does not lend itself to the combining of talent to win Championships. For example, nobody would ever even consider moving from PNG to Nederland for football purposes. Regardless of how many times in a row the Indians lost MCM. But imagine if the best talent from these two schools was combined into one program, with the best coaches from both staffs, with all the financial resources from the two districts combined, what would you have?
  17. No sir, not looking for any one school or any one problem. Not looking for anybody to bash teenagers or specific coaches. Just wondering why we in the SETX area, the Golden Triangle, can't produce more champions. And what we think the causes are, this is not a fishing expedition.
  18. Well, maybe. I mean what is wrong with saying, at _____________ High School we have the quality coaches, and the discipline and the work ethic we just don't have the athletes to consistently win at the level we would like to. That is called self reflection or more importantly being honest about your program and what you really are.
  19. I think this is great stuff. Exactly what I was looking for when I started this thread. However, I am a little surprised and disappointed that I haven't heard from a few folks on what they are missing that WOS has.
  20. I'm not saying that 3 State Championships in a row is the standard. What I'm really trying to discover is what is the reason for long term, continued success that leads to the possibility of State Championships and repeated deep runs in the playoffs. This thread is about the intangibles, those Mystic qualities that so many are trying to find. Is it about the discipline, the work ethic, the attention to detail? What is the WOS formula? What is the Mustang secret? And why can't anyone else figure it out and do the same thing?
  21. Very well said and thank you for your honesty. I know match ups and luck play a part, but I was trying to put my finger on the intangibles that a Championship team has that others may not possess. There are a number of teams/schools in our area that have the athletes to make deep runs year in and year out, but seem to fall short. I was hoping to figure out what WOS has that those others don't.
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