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    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Honest Abe in fox news anchor arrested   
    That you refer to the American people as" the mass" says it all.
  2. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Baba Ganoush in Dr Ben Carson   
    Your mind is made up. Dr. Carson had a story and told it well before 2009. He has been a hero for many people long before your wacky info website has told you that he is considered a hero. He is not an instant hero. He has a lifetime of work to prove he his a hero to many. You put the man down without any knowledge of what he has done. If you have facts, pound the facts. If you have nothing, like you and many others, pound your fist!
  3. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Baba Ganoush in Dr Ben Carson   
    Did the name callers on here listen to what he said? Not just hear it, but listen? He was talking about the system. He was not putting people down. He was talking about human nature. If you continue to hand people things for "free" without requiring action to improve, human nature will take over and you will want more for continuing to do nothing. If he is an Uncle Tom, whoopi is too. Her rant reinforced his comment on fixing the system. But she is loud and uses hand movement, so she is speaking gospel? Come on. The man is pretty remarkable. But he is conservative. That translates to Uncle Tom from PAMFan10 and BG. He forgets where he came from? I doubt that. His success is based on where he came from and not wanting to go back to that. If he wore a Lions jersey and stabbed people, that would mean he keeps it real, PAMFan? Quit reading headlines and look for a story.
  4. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to thetragichippy in fox news anchor arrested   
    Congrats on your degree's. I have a buddy that is a NP and that is really the future. Hopefully Texas will pass the law that you do not need a Doctor to sign off to run your own business.
    Now, to my point....
    Degree's give you knowledge, show commitment but do not make you more intelligent or automatically better at your job. I have no degree and have been managing large businesses since I was 24, and I am currently 48. I have trained college grads only to see them fail because a Business Degree only gives you the tools.....you have to know what to do with them to make them work.
    While I don't agree with everything Perry has done or stands for, He has ran Texas pretty good.
    Oh Yea......What do all these people have in common? Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Dave Thomas(founder of Wendy's), Davis Green(Founder of Hobby Lobby), Henry Ford, Michael Dell, Simon Cowell......
    No College Degree........and there are MANY more.....
  5. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from jv_coach in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    What you tolerate means absolutely nothing to me...you embrace homosexuality and call anyone that sees it as wrong a bigot...how tolerant.

    You don't tolerate...LOL.
  6. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from mat in Dozens of same-sex couples marry after federal judge strikes down Oregon ban   
    Simply witnessing to someone is not forcing your beliefs on them.
    As Christians we are commanded to tell the Gospel to others...but never to try to force it on someone.
  7. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from jv_coach in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    It's actually easier to do nothing and belittle those that try minister to others...even if the method isn't always perfect or the message is tough to receive.
  8. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from jv_coach in Dozens of same-sex couples marry after federal judge strikes down Oregon ban   
    Simply witnessing to someone is not forcing your beliefs on them.
    As Christians we are commanded to tell the Gospel to others...but never to try to force it on someone.
  9. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from jv_coach in "YMCA" Banned From Talent Show...   
    That is nuts...I will, however, go along with anything that makes sure that song is never played again.   :D
  10. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 77 in fox news anchor arrested   
    That's it...no more Fox news for me!
  11. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Englebert in fox news anchor arrested   
    The lefties really need a decent news outlet so they can stop being so jealous of Fox's success...kinda feel sorry for you guys.
  12. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to stevenash in Obamacare   
    What is taking place with the VA right now is a very good indicator of what will happen with Obamacare.  An ineffective and inefficient government ( with accountability to nobody) trying to run a business that it cant handle.
  13. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from bullets13 in Dozens of same-sex couples marry after federal judge strikes down Oregon ban   
    Enough of that...back on topic!   :D
  14. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from bullets13 in Dozens of same-sex couples marry after federal judge strikes down Oregon ban   
    I actually don't think the fed gov should have any business in defining marriage...if anything it should be left to the states.
    I would have no problem with the states being out of it as well and letting local churches/institutions marry (and be free not to marry) whom they choose.
    Even though I may not agree with the lifestyle, I would not want to legally restrict anyone from living it.
    I have family members that are gay and while I don't agree with it (they know it) I still love them the same (they know this also).
  15. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to tvc184 in gun free zones!   
    So the state can regulate what vehicles are driving on their roads so that they can pay for those roads. Roads are expensive and everyone gets to pay his fair share. It has nothing to do with deterring crime which is your claim for gun registration. 
    What is expensive of me owning a gun that the government has to pay for? To my knowledge the government gives me nothing to enhance my gun ownership but they do enhance the way I travel in my car but providing roadways. 
    The gun vs. vehicle argument is a smoke screen. 
  16. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to PNGFan in BISD to pay Plez Atkins, former Ozen coach   
    And my dad taught me at an early age not to judge a man by the color of his skin, but judge the character of the man. I have always lived by them words.
  17. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to smitty in obama Lies And Media Slap-Down...   
    Exposing the obama administration's lies on Benghazi.  Plus, the slap down of the lap-dog media!  Powerful stuff!!
  18. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from bullets13 in gun free zones!   
    And only available in the 10 ounce can rather than the big 20 ounce!
  19. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to bullets13 in gun free zones!   
    I just keep wasp spray by the bed. the chain email i read said it was definitely effective against attackers... ;) but i hear they're banning the spray that travels 20 ft. Too dangerous. Obama is pushing through legislation that will limit us to only purchasing wasp spray that will shoot out ten feet.
  20. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Englebert in putin   
    If you are basing your statement on Larry Sabato's article, which has been used widely by the MSM, that is not what he said. He said "the higher the education level, the more likely the voter will vote democrat."  Other studies have also shown that "the lower the education level, the more likely the voter will vote democrat." High school dropouts overwhelmingly vote democrat over republican. I have yet to see a study that tried to combine the two spectrums to get an average education level based on political party affiliation.
    People with higher education levels voting democrat doesn't surprise me one bit. The longer you stay in school, the more you are inundated with liberal professors. 
    I have also read studies that state that voters with higher incomes vote republican over democrat.
    From this article: http://www.debt.org/faqs/americans-in-debt/economic-demographics-republicans/
    "Financially, Republicans fare better than either Democrats or Independents, and tend to identify themselves as such. Republican candidates gain a significantly higher percentage of votes from individuals with incomes over $50,000 per year, and the advantage increases along with the income level, to a height of 63 percent of individuals earning $200,000 or more a year supporting Republicans. This level is the direct inverse of individuals earning less than $15,000 a year, who support Democrats at 63 percent and Republicans at only 36 percent."
  21. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from thetragichippy in gun free zones!   
    Being politically correct, Joe did suggest using a double barrel...much less lethal than the dreaded "assault" semi-automatic.   :rolleyes:
  22. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to AledoBearcatsCO2014 in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    I think it's funny that you are praised as a hero for being gay(Michael Sam) and constantly bashed for being a Christian(Tebow).
  23. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Ty Cobb in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    I agree, it is sad...we are to celebrate that a player with an openly sinful lifestyle is drafted.
    Wonder why they aren't finding who the most prolific adulterer is and hold them up in such high esteem? 
  24. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Ty Cobb in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    I agree about the media pushing this..most sportcasters are no different than most other journalists/commentators and are part of the liberal media, for example Keith Olberman and Bob Costas. 
    ESPN was wrong to show this kiss...kids have no reason to be exposed and it was irresponsible on their part...but no accident.
  25. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from thetragichippy in gun free zones!   
    Statistics can be brutal to a bogus argument.
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